1. 18 May, 2010 12 commits
  2. 17 May, 2010 3 commits
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      New Feature: · 308a53f9
      Jim Fulton authored
        The filestorage packer configuration option noe accepts calues of
        the form ``modname:expression``, allowing the use of packer
        factories with options.
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      New Feature: · 386750b2
      Jim Fulton authored
        The file-storage backup script, repoze, will now create a backup
        index file if an output file name is given via the --output/-o
      (Merged the tseaver-repozo_index branch.)
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      Added a small optimization to avoid unnecessary imports that were · 425e35a4
      Jim Fulton authored
      sucking up a lot of time, as shown in some profile output.
  3. 14 May, 2010 3 commits
  4. 13 May, 2010 10 commits
  5. 07 May, 2010 2 commits
  6. 06 May, 2010 1 commit
  7. 04 May, 2010 9 commits