Commit 1ed49659 authored by Christian Theune's avatar Christian Theune

- Various interface cleanups. ZODB.Connection.Connection is now completely

   documented in an interface.

 - The IDataManager, IDataManagerOrignal and IResourceManager cludge was
   cleaned up to be only IDataManager now which reflects the current 
parent fa352cdd
......@@ -252,6 +252,12 @@ class BaseStorage(UndoLogCompatible):
def tpc_finish(self, transaction, f=None):
# It's important that the storage calls the function we pass
# while it still has its lock. We don't want another thread
# to be able to read any updated data until we've had a chance
# to send an invalidation message to all of the other
# connections!
if transaction is not self._transaction:
......@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ class DB(object):
def get_info(c):
# `result`, `time` and `version` are lexically inherited.
o = c._opened
d = c._debug_info
d = c.getDebugInfo()
if d:
if len(d) == 1:
d = d[0]
......@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ class TmpStore:
serial = h[:8]
return, serial
def sortKey(self):
return self._storage.sortKey()
# TODO: clarify difference between self._storage & self._db._storage
def modifiedInVersion(self, oid):
......@@ -19,11 +19,118 @@ $Id$
from zope.interface import Interface, Attribute
class IConnection(Interface):
"""ZODB connection.
"""Connection to ZODB for loading and storing objects.
TODO: This interface is incomplete.
The Connection object serves as a data manager. The root() method
on a Connection returns the root object for the database. This
object and all objects reachable from it are associated with the
Connection that loaded them. When a transaction commits, it uses
the Connection to store modified objects.
Typical use of ZODB is for each thread to have its own
Connection and that no thread should have more than one Connection
to the same database. A thread is associated with a Connection by
loading objects from that Connection. Objects loaded by one
thread should not be used by another thread.
A Connection can be associated with a single version when it is
created. By default, a Connection is not associated with a
version; it uses non-version data.
Each Connection provides an isolated, consistent view of the
database, by managing independent copies of objects in the
database. At transaction boundaries, these copies are updated to
reflect the current state of the database.
You should not instantiate this class directly; instead call the
open() method of a DB instance.
In many applications, root() is the only method of the Connection
that you will need to use.
A Connection instance is not thread-safe. It is designed to
support a thread model where each thread has its own transaction.
If an application has more than one thread that uses the
connection or the transaction the connection is registered with,
the application should provide locking.
The Connection manages movement of objects in and out of object
TODO: We should document an intended API for using a Connection via
multiple threads.
TODO: We should explain that the Connection has a cache and that
multiple calls to get() will return a reference to the same
object, provided that one of the earlier objects is still
referenced. Object identity is preserved within a connection, but
not across connections.
TODO: Mention the database pool.
A database connection always presents a consistent view of the
objects in the database, although it may not always present the
most current revision of any particular object. Modifications
made by concurrent transactions are not visible until the next
transaction boundary (abort or commit).
Two options affect consistency. By default, the mvcc and synch
options are enabled by default.
If you pass mvcc=True to, the Connection will never read
non-current revisions of an object. Instead it will raise a
ReadConflictError to indicate that the current revision is
unavailable because it was written after the current transaction
The logic for handling modifications assumes that the thread that
opened a Connection (called is the thread that will use
the Connection. If this is not true, you should pass synch=False
to When the synch option is disabled, some transaction
boundaries will be missed by the Connection; in particular, if a
transaction does not involve any modifications to objects loaded
from the Connection and synch is disabled, the Connection will
miss the transaction boundary. Two examples of this behavior are
db.undo() and read-only transactions.
Groups of methods:
User Methods:
root, get, add, close, db, sync, isReadOnly, cacheGC, cacheFullSweep,
cacheMinimize, getVersion, modifiedInVersion
Experimental Methods:
Database Invalidation Methods:
Other Methods: exchange, getDebugInfo, setDebugInfo,
def __init__(version='', cache_size=400,
cache_deactivate_after=None, mvcc=True, txn_mgr=None,
"""Create a new Connection.
A Connection instance should by instantiated by the DB
instance that it is connected to.
version: the "version" that all changes will be made in, defaults
to no version.
cache_size: the target size of the in-memory object cache, measured
in objects.
mvcc: boolean indicating whether MVCC is enabled
txn_mgr: transaction manager to use. None means used the default
transaction manager.
synch: boolean indicating whether Connection should register for
afterCompletion() calls.
def add(ob):
"""Add a new object 'obj' to the database and assign it an oid.
......@@ -39,8 +146,108 @@ class IConnection(Interface):
The object is added when the transaction commits. The object
must implement the IPersistent interface and must not
already be associated with a Connection.
obj: a Persistent object
Raises TypeError if obj is not a persistent object.
Raises InvalidObjectReference if obj is already associated with another
Raises ConnectionStateError if the connection is closed.
def get(oid):
"""Return the persistent object with oid 'oid'.
If the object was not in the cache and the object's class is
ghostable, then a ghost will be returned. If the object is
already in the cache, a reference to the cached object will be
Applications seldom need to call this method, because objects
are loaded transparently during attribute lookup.
oid: an object id
Raises KeyError if oid does not exist.
It is possible that an
object does not exist as of the current transaction, but
existed in the past. It may even exist again in the
future, if the transaction that removed it is undone.
Raises ConnectionStateError if the connection is closed.
def cacheMinimize():
"""Deactivate all unmodified objects in the cache.
Call _p_deactivate() on each cached object, attempting to turn
it into a ghost. It is possible for individual objects to
remain active.
def cacheGC():
"""Reduce cache size to target size.
Call _p_deactivate() on cached objects until the cache size
falls under the target size.
def onCloseCallback(f):
"""Register a callable, f, to be called by close().
f will be called with no arguments before the Connection is closed.
f: method that will be called on `close`
def close():
"""Close the Connection.
When the Connection is closed, all callbacks registered by
onCloseCallback() are invoked and the cache is garbage collected.
A closed Connection should not be used by client code. It can't load
or store objects. Objects in the cache are not freed, because
Connections are re-used and the cache is expected to be useful to the
next client.
def db():
"""Returns a handle to the database this connection belongs to."""
def isReadOnly():
"""Returns True if the storage for this connection is read only."""
def invalidate(tid, oids):
"""Notify the Connection that transaction 'tid' invalidated oids.
When the next transaction boundary is reached, objects will be
invalidated. If any of the invalidated objects are accessed by the
current transaction, the revision written before Connection.tid will be
The DB calls this method, even when the Connection is closed.
tid: the storage-level id of the transaction that committed
oids: oids is a set of oids, represented as a dict with oids as keys.
def root():
"""Return the database root object.
The root is a persistent.mapping.PersistentMapping.
def getVersion():
"""Returns the version this connection is attached to."""
# Multi-database support.
connections = Attribute("""\
......@@ -114,3 +321,32 @@ class IDatabase(Interface):
def sync(self):
"""Manually update the view on the database.
This includes aborting the current transaction, getting a fresh and
consistent view of the data (synchronizing with the storage if possible)
and call cacheGC() for this connection.
This method was especially useful in ZODB 3.2 to better support
read-only connections that were affected by a couple of problems.
# Debug information
def getDebugInfo():
"""Returns a tuple with different items for debugging the connection.
Debug information can be added to a connection by using setDebugInfo.
def setDebugInfo(*items):
"""Add the given items to the debug information of this connection."""
def getTransferCounts(clear=False):
"""Returns the number of objects loaded and stored.
If clear is True, reset the counters.
......@@ -257,18 +257,35 @@ class IPersistentDataManager(Interface):
def setstate(object):
"""Load the state for the given object.
The object should be in the ghost state.
The object's state will be set and the object will end up
in the saved state.
The object should be in the ghost state. The object's state will be
set and the object will end up in the saved state.
The object must provide the IPersistent interface.
def oldstate(obj, tid):
"""Return copy of 'obj' that was written by transaction 'tid'.
The returned object does not have the typical metadata (_p_jar, _p_oid,
_p_serial) set. I'm not sure how references to other peristent objects
are handled.
obj: a persistent object from this Connection.
tid: id of a transaction that wrote an earlier revision.
Raises KeyError if tid does not exist or if tid deleted a revision of
def register(object):
"""Register an IPersistent with the current transaction.
This method must be called when the object transitions to
the changed state.
A subclass could override this method to customize the default
policy of one transaction manager for each thread.
def mtime(object):
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