Commit 62b12b51 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

3.3.1 final.

Alas, after letting Cygwin update TeX components, it
was impossible to regenerate the PSF or HTML docs --
utterly incomprehsible msgs, like "I'm stymied", and
then it quit.

Backing off to some 2.0.0 version allowed getting the
PDF generated, but it still can't create the HTML form.

I don't have time to try to sort this out; the HTML
will have to be done later (if ever).
parent eb22bce6
What's new in ZODB3 3.3.1?
Release date: DD-MMM-2005
Release date: 14-Apr-2005
Please note that ZODB 3.3.1 final is expected to be the last release in
the 3.3.1 line. Zope 2.8 and Zope3 development have moved on to the
ZODB 3.4 line.
\title{ZODB/ZEO Programming Guide}
\author{A.M.\ Kuchling}
No preview for this file type
......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ class MyDistribution(Distribution):
doclines = __doc__.split("\n")
maintainer="Zope Corporation",
url = "",
......@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ ZEO is now part of ZODB; ZODB's home on the web is
# The next line must use double quotes, so recognizes it.
version = "2.3.1c1"
version = "2.3.1"
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
# The next line must use double quotes, so recognizes it.
__version__ = "3.3.1c1"
__version__ = "3.3.1"
import sys
import __builtin__
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