Commit 98a68812 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Add sanity check for closed but still locked connections.

parent cfe16277
......@@ -120,8 +120,6 @@ class ZEOStorage:
self.log_label = _addr_label(conn.addr)
def notifyDisconnected(self):
self.connection = None
# When this storage closes, we must ensure that it aborts
# any pending transaction.
if self.transaction is not None:
......@@ -131,6 +129,8 @@ class ZEOStorage:
self.connection = None
def __repr__(self):
tid = self.transaction and repr(
......@@ -1176,8 +1176,22 @@ class StorageServer:
if storage_id in self._commit_locks:
# The lock is held by another zeostore
assert self._commit_locks[storage_id] is not zeostore, (
storage_id, delay)
locked = self._commit_locks[storage_id]
assert locked is not zeostore, (storage_id, delay)
if locked.connection is None:
locked.log("Still locked after disconnected. Unlocking.",
if locked.transaction:
del self._commit_locks[storage_id]
# yuck: have to manipulate lock to appease with :(
return self.lock_storage(zeostore, delay)
if delay is None:
# New request, queue it
......@@ -395,6 +395,66 @@ If clients disconnect while waiting, they will be dequeued:
>>> logging.getLogger('ZEO').removeHandler(handler)
def lock_sanity_check():
On one occasion with 3.10.0a1 in production, we had a case where a
transaction lock wasn't released properly. One possibility, fron
scant log information, is that the server and ZEOStorage had different
ideas about whether the ZEOStorage was locked. The timeout thread
properly closed the ZEOStorage's connection, but the ZEOStorage didn't
release it's lock, presumably because it thought it wasn't locked. I'm
not sure why this happened. I've refactored the logic quite a bit to
try to deal with this, but the consequences of this failure are so
severe, I'm adding some sanity checking when queueing lock requests.
Helper to manage transactions:
>>> itid = 0
>>> def start_trans(zs):
... global itid
... itid += 1
... tid = str(itid)
... zs.tpc_begin(tid, '', '', {})
... zs.storea(ZODB.utils.p64(99), ZODB.utils.z64, 'x', tid)
... return tid
Set up server and logging:
>>> server = ZEO.tests.servertesting.StorageServer()
>>> handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
>>> handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(
... '%(name)s %(levelname)s\n%(message)s'))
>>> logging.getLogger('ZEO').addHandler(handler)
>>> logging.getLogger('ZEO').setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
Now, we'll start a transaction, get the lock and then mark the
ZEOStorage as closed and see if trying to get a lock cleans it up:
>>> zs1 = ZEO.tests.servertesting.client(server, '1')
>>> tid1 = start_trans(zs1)
>>> # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
ZEO.StorageServer DEBUG
(test-addr-1) ('1') lock: transactions waiting: 0
ZEO.StorageServer BLATHER
(test-addr-1) Preparing to commit transaction: 1 objects, 36 bytes
1 callAsync serialnos ...
>>> zs1.connection = None
>>> zs2 = ZEO.tests.servertesting.client(server, '2')
>>> tid2 = start_trans(zs2)
>>> # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
ZEO.StorageServer CRITICAL
(test-addr-1) Still locked after disconnected. Unlocking.
ZEO.StorageServer DEBUG
(test-addr-2) ('1') lock: transactions waiting: 0
ZEO.StorageServer BLATHER
(test-addr-2) Preparing to commit transaction: 1 objects, 36 bytes
2 callAsync serialnos ...
def test_suite():
return unittest.TestSuite((
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