Commit b15400b0 authored by Chris McDonough's avatar Chris McDonough

Add a test for attempting to persist blobfile objects.

parent 99b65e0d
......@@ -123,6 +123,17 @@ blob2 (a different object) should be evident:
'this is blob 3'
We shouldn't be able to persist a blob filehandle at commit time
(although the exception which is raised when an object cannot be
pickled appears to be particulary unhelpful for casual users at the
>>> root1['wontwork'] ='r')
>>> transaction.commit()
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, BlobFile found
Attempting to change a blob simultaneously from two different
connections should result in a write conflict error (this test is
broken currently because I need to figure out how to commit the
......@@ -140,8 +151,6 @@ changes made in each connection independently):
If we modify the same blob in two different connections
While we are testing this, we don't need the storage directory and databases
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