1. 02 Feb, 2010 2 commits
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      Added fsIndex save method and fsIndex load class method for saving and · 1bb14faf
      Jim Fulton authored
      loading index data.  This leverages the new fsBucket toString and
      fromString methods and provides much faster FileStorage index saving and loading
      and smaller index files.  On my machine, saves are 5 times faster and
      loads are 20 times faster (after a save, when data are in disk
      cache).  Indexes are roughly 30% smaller.
      The index format has changed.  Old indexes can be read just fine, but
      new indexes won't be readable by older versions of ZODB.
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      Added toString and fromString methods to fsBuckets as a faster · ef3e0f10
      Jim Fulton authored
      alternative to __getstate__ and __setstate__.
      Also made it possible to add extra bucket methods.
  2. 01 Feb, 2010 3 commits
  3. 31 Jan, 2010 2 commits
  4. 29 Jan, 2010 2 commits
  5. 28 Jan, 2010 2 commits
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      Refactored the zrpc implementation to: · 245a8580
      Jim Fulton authored
      - Most server methods now return data to clients more quickly by writing to
        client sockets immediately, rather than waiting for the asyncore
        select loop to get around to it.
      - More clearly define client and server responsibilities. Machinery
        needed for just clients or just servers has been moved to the
        corresponding connection subclasses.
      - Degeneralized "flags" argument to many methods. There's just one
        async flag.
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      commas should be followed by spaces. · 693d13fd
      Jim Fulton authored
  6. 27 Jan, 2010 1 commit
  7. 08 Jan, 2010 3 commits
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      Tweaked the undo api. Now undo multiple transactions with · deb6272a
      Jim Fulton authored
      undoMultiple. This gives applications that want to support older
      versions of ZODB a method to test for.
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      Bug fixed: · cf938cee
      Jim Fulton authored
      - The undo implementation was incorrect in ways that could cause
        subtle missbehaviors.
      API changes:
      - The API for undoing multiple transactions has changed.  To undo
        multiple transactions in a single transaction, pass pass a list of
        transaction identifiers to a database's undo method. Calling a
        database's undo method multiple times in the same transaction now
        raises an exception.
      - The storage API (IStorage) has been tightened. Now, storages should
        raise a StorageTransactionError when invalid transactions are passed
        to tpc_begin, tpc_vote, or tpc_finish.
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      Merged the hannosch-ibroken branch which provides an interface for · 4e826256
      Jim Fulton authored
      broken objects.
  8. 23 Dec, 2009 3 commits
  9. 22 Dec, 2009 2 commits
  10. 20 Dec, 2009 1 commit
  11. 18 Dec, 2009 7 commits
  12. 16 Dec, 2009 1 commit
  13. 15 Dec, 2009 1 commit
  14. 14 Dec, 2009 5 commits
  15. 01 Dec, 2009 5 commits
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      Merged the chrisw-error_logging branch: · 3f51363f
      Jim Fulton authored
      Bug fixed:
      - Internal ZEO errors were logged at the INFO level, rather
        than at the error level.
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      Bug fixed: · 90630c4f
      Jim Fulton authored
      - zope.testing was an unnecessary non-testing dependency.
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      Merged from 3.9 branch: · ab60aca5
      Jim Fulton authored
      Bug Fixed:
      History support was broken when using stprages that work with ZODB
        3.8 and 3.9
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      Reverted 105914, 105920, and the part of 105889 that changes imports · ca856b72
      Jim Fulton authored
      of md5 support to avoid a deprecation warning.  I would love to
      reapply 105888 (from the 3.9 branch) when there is an adequate test.
      This can be achived through a pretty straightforward conversion of the
      existing manual repozo test to an automated test.
    • Jim Fulton's avatar
      Merged from 3.9 branch: · 49566ab4
      Jim Fulton authored
      Bugs Fixed:
        2 BTree bugs, introduced by a bug fix in 3.9.0c2, sometimes caused
        deletion of keys to be improperly handled, resulting in data being
        available via iteraation but not item access.