• Philipp von Weitershausen's avatar
    Greatly sanify the way we marry Zope 3 ZPTs and Zope 2 traversal. · 4e361162
    Philipp von Weitershausen authored
    Basically, zope.app's path expressions use ITraversable adapters to
    traverse through the object graph. This is the only sane thing to do,
    really. However, we still want to take care of Zope2's OFS.Traversable
    which most promimently allowes the __bobo_traverse__ hook.  (The irony
    is that OFS.Traversable uses Zope 3-style *URL* traversal these days;
    yes, *URL* traversal, not *object graph* traversal).
    Still confused?
    Basically, if we encounter something that is OFS.Traversable'ish, use
    restrictedTraverse. Use Zope3-style object graph traversal in all other
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