Commit 09bb46b6 authored by Amos Latteier's avatar Amos Latteier

Removed unused help registration code.

parent 91bb88b2
......@@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ class ProductContext:
def registerClass(self, instance_class=None, meta_type='',
permission=None, constructors=(),
icon=None, permissions=None, legacy=(),
"""Register a constructor
......@@ -205,7 +204,6 @@ class ProductContext:
'action': ('manage_addProduct/%s/%s' % (pid, name)),
'product': pid,
'permission': permission,
'help': constructor_help
......@@ -269,24 +267,6 @@ class ProductContext:
self.__prod.__of__(self.__app.Control_Panel.Products).Help._setObject(id, topic)
def registerHelpViews(self, klass):
Associates a class's views with help topics.
This relies on the manage_options structure of
the class.
Note: right now this just sets the permissions on
the help topics.
# this needs to be better thought out.
for option in klass.manage_options:
if option.has_key('help'):
prod_id, topic_id = option['help']
prod=getattr(self.__app.Control_Panel.Products, prod_id)
topic=getattr(pdoc.Help, topic_id)
perms=topic.permissions + [permission]
def registerHelp(self, directory='help', clear=1):
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