Commit 0f6094d8 authored by Amos Latteier's avatar Amos Latteier

Added more doc strings and converted some comments to doc strings.

parent c41229bf
__doc__="""Copy interface"""
__version__='$Revision: 1.22 $'[11:-2]
__version__='$Revision: 1.23 $'[11:-2]
import sys, string, Globals, Moniker, tempfile
from marshal import loads, dumps
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from App.Dialogs import MessageDialog
CopyError='Copy Error'
class CopyContainer:
# Interface for containerish objects which allow cut/copy/paste
"""Interface for containerish objects which allow cut/copy/paste"""
def manage_cutObjects(self, ids, REQUEST=None):
"""Put a reference to the objects named in ids in the clip board"""
......@@ -176,12 +176,13 @@ class CopyContainer:
return ob
def cb_dataValid(self):
# Return true if clipboard data seems valid.
"Return true if clipboard data seems valid."
try: cp=_cb_decode(self.REQUEST['__cp'])
except: return 0
return 1
def cb_dataItems(self):
"List of objects in the clip board"
try: cp=_cb_decode(self.REQUEST['__cp'])
except: return []
......@@ -252,17 +253,17 @@ Globals.default__class_init__(CopyContainer)
class CopySource:
# Interface for objects which allow themselves to be copied.
"""Interface for objects which allow themselves to be copied."""
def _canCopy(self, op=0):
# Called to make sure this object is copyable. The op var
# is 0 for a copy, 1 for a move.
"""Called to make sure this object is copyable. The op var
is 0 for a copy, 1 for a move."""
return 1
def _notifyOfCopyTo(self, container, op=0):
# Overide this to be pickly about where you go! If you dont
# want to go there, raise an exception. The op variable is
# 0 for a copy, 1 for a move.
"""Overide this to be pickly about where you go! If you dont
want to go there, raise an exception. The op variable is
0 for a copy, 1 for a move."""
def _getCopy(self, container):
......@@ -284,13 +285,15 @@ class CopySource:
def cb_isCopyable(self):
if not (hasattr(self, '_canCopy') and self._canCopy(0)):
"""Is object copyable? Returns 0 or 1"""
if not (hasattr(self, '_canCopy') and self._canCopy(0)):
return 0
if hasattr(self, '_p_jar') and self._p_jar is None:
return 0
return 1
def cb_isMoveable(self):
"""Is object moveable? Returns 0 or 1"""
if not (hasattr(self, '_canCopy') and self._canCopy(1)):
return 0
if hasattr(self, '_p_jar') and self._p_jar is None:
......@@ -395,6 +398,9 @@ eNotSupported=fMessageDialog(
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.23 1998/11/26 21:11:35 amos
# Added more doc strings and converted some comments to doc strings.
# Revision 1.22 1998/10/07 15:21:13 jim
# Rearranged order of operations to make move and copy consistent.
# In particular, copy or moved object has new ID *before* it gets
"""Document object"""
__version__='$Revision: 1.67 $'[11:-2]
__version__='$Revision: 1.68 $'[11:-2]
from Globals import HTML, HTMLFile, MessageDialog
from string import join,split,strip,rfind,atoi,lower
......@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ from DocumentTemplate.DT_Util import cDocument
class Document(cDocument, HTML, Explicit,
RoleManager, Item_w__name__,
""" """
"""Document object. Basically a DocumentTemplate.HTML object
which operates as a Principia object."""
icon ='p_/doc'
......@@ -67,7 +68,8 @@ class Document(cDocument, HTML, Explicit,
def __call__(self, client=None, REQUEST={}, RESPONSE=None, **kw):
""" """
"""Render the document given a client object, REQUEST mapping,
Response, and key word arguments."""
if client is None:
......@@ -179,7 +181,7 @@ class Document(cDocument, HTML, Explicit,
def PUT(self, BODY, REQUEST):
replaces the contents of the document with the BODY of an HTTP PUT request.
replaces the contents of the document with the BODY of an HTTP PUT request.
......@@ -215,7 +217,9 @@ class Document(cDocument, HTML, Explicit,
message='Your changes have been saved',
action ='manage_main')
def PrincipiaSearchSource(self): return
def PrincipiaSearchSource(self):
"Support for searching - the document's contents are searched."
default_html="""<!--#var standard_html_header-->
<H2><!--#var title_or_id--> <!--#var document_title--></H2>
......@@ -243,7 +247,7 @@ def manage_addDocument(self, id, title='',file='', REQUEST=None, submit=None):
return ''
class DocumentHandler:
""" """
"""Mixin class for objects that can contain Documents."""
def documentIds(self):
"""Folder object
$Id:,v 1.53 1998/08/26 18:33:44 brian Exp $"""
Folders are the basic container objects and are analogous to directories.
__version__='$Revision: 1.53 $'[11:-2]
$Id:,v 1.54 1998/11/26 21:11:35 amos Exp $"""
__version__='$Revision: 1.54 $'[11:-2]
from Globals import HTMLFile
......@@ -97,6 +99,7 @@ class Folder(ObjectManager,RoleManager,DocumentHandler,
def tpValues(self):
"""Returns a list of the folder's sub-folders, used by tree tag."""
if hasattr(self.aq_base,'tree_ids'):
for id in self.aq_base.tree_ids:
......@@ -134,7 +137,8 @@ class Folder(ObjectManager,RoleManager,DocumentHandler,
# The Following methods are short-term measures to get Paul off my back;)
def manage_exportHack(self, id=None):
" "
"""Exports a folder and its contents to /var/export.bbe
This file can later be imported by using manage_importHack"""
if id is None: o=self
else: o=getattr(self.o)
......@@ -142,7 +146,7 @@ class Folder(ObjectManager,RoleManager,DocumentHandler,
return f
def manage_importHack(self, REQUEST=None):
" "
"Imports a previously exported object from /var/export.bbe"
......@@ -151,14 +155,16 @@ class Folder(ObjectManager,RoleManager,DocumentHandler,
return 'OK, I imported %s' % id
class PUTer:
""" """
"""Class to support the HTTP PUT protocol."""
def __init__(self, parent, key):
def PUT(self, REQUEST, BODY):
""" """
"""Adds a document, image or file to the folder when a PUT
request is received."""
except KeyError: type=''
......@@ -203,6 +209,9 @@ def subclass(c,super):
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.54 1998/11/26 21:11:35 amos
# Added more doc strings and converted some comments to doc strings.
# Revision 1.53 1998/08/26 18:33:44 brian
# Updated permissions in Folder folder for the copy/paste methods and added
# cvs log to
......@@ -6,13 +6,17 @@
and aquisition relationships via a simple interface.
__version__='$Revision: 1.6 $'[11:-2]
__version__='$Revision: 1.7 $'[11:-2]
import Globals
class Moniker:
""" """
"""An object moniker is an intelligent reference to a
persistent object. A moniker can be turned back into
a real object that retains its correct session context
and aquisition relationships via a simple interface."""
def __init__(self, ob=None):
if ob is None: return
......@@ -33,7 +37,7 @@ class Moniker:
return absattr(self.bind().meta_type)
def bind(self):
# Return the real object named by this moniker
"Return the real object named by this moniker"
if self.jar is None: jar=Globals.Bobobase._jar
else: jar=Globals.SessionBase[self.jar].jar
......@@ -45,9 +49,9 @@ class Moniker:
return ob
def exact(self, ob):
# Check against another moniker to see if it
# refers to the exact same object in the exact
# same acquisition context.
"""Check against another moniker to see if it
refers to the exact same object in the exact
same acquisition context."""
return self.jar==ob.jar and self.ids==ob.ids
......@@ -62,6 +66,9 @@ def absattr(attr):
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.7 1998/11/26 21:11:35 amos
# Added more doc strings and converted some comments to doc strings.
# Revision 1.6 1998/11/20 18:16:37 jim
# First crack at new layout and 1.5 support
......@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ Aqueduct database adapters, etc.
This module can also be used as a simple template for implementing new
item types.
$Id:,v 1.23 1998/11/23 22:57:05 jim Exp $'''
__version__='$Revision: 1.23 $'[11:-2]
$Id:,v 1.24 1998/11/26 21:11:35 amos Exp $'''
__version__='$Revision: 1.24 $'[11:-2]
import regex, sys, Globals, App.Management
from DateTime import DateTime
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ from types import InstanceType, StringType
class Item(CopySource, App.Management.Tabs):
"""A simple Principia object. Not Folderish."""
......@@ -54,30 +54,36 @@ class Item(CopySource, App.Management.Tabs):
# Utility that returns the title if it is not blank and the id
# otherwise.
def title_or_id(self):
Utility that returns the title if it is not blank and the id
return self.title or
# Utility that returns the title if it is not blank and the id
# otherwise. If the title is not blank, then the id is included
# in parens.
def title_and_id(self):
Utility that returns the title if it is not blank and the id
otherwise. If the title is not blank, then the id is included
in parens.
return t and ("%s (%s)" % (t, or
# Handy way to talk to ourselves in document templates.
def this(self):
"Handy way to talk to ourselves in document templates."
return self
# Interact with tree tag
def tpURL(self):
"My URL as used by tree tag"
if hasattr(url,'im_func'): url=url()
return url
def tpValues(self): return ()
def tpValues(self):
"My sub-objects as used by the tree tag"
return ()
_manage_editedDialog=Globals.HTMLFile('editedDialog', globals())
def manage_editedDialog(self, REQUEST, **args):
......@@ -137,16 +143,17 @@ class Item(CopySource, App.Management.Tabs):
raise 'Redirect', "%s/manage_main" % URL1
class Item_w__name__(Item):
"""Mixin class to support common name/id functions"""
# Utility that returns the title if it is not blank and the id
# otherwise.
def title_or_id(self):
"""Utility that returns the title if it is not blank and the id
return self.title or self.__name__
# Utility that returns the title if it is not blank and the id
# otherwise. If the title is not blank, then the id is included
# in parens.
def title_and_id(self):
"""Utility that returns the title if it is not blank and the id
otherwise. If the title is not blank, then the id is included
in parens."""
return t and ("%s (%s)" % (t,self.__name__)) or self.__name__
......@@ -191,6 +198,9 @@ def pretty_tb(t,v,tb):
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.24 1998/11/26 21:11:35 amos
# Added more doc strings and converted some comments to doc strings.
# Revision 1.23 1998/11/23 22:57:05 jim
# First crack at updating error handling to work with 1.5
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