Commit 13464e0a authored by Lennart Regebro's avatar Lennart Regebro

bin/zopectl test now uses os.execv, instead os os.system, so that options with...

bin/zopectl test now uses os.execv, instead os os.system, so that options with characters that needs shell quoting doesn't break the command.  
parent 9e10a73c
......@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ Zope Changes
Bugs fixed
- bin/zopectl test now uses os.execv, instead os os.system,
so that options with characters that needs shell quoting
doesn't break the command.
- Collector #1599: made sqltest work with unicode strings (thanks
to Peter Sabaini for the patch).
......@@ -254,10 +254,10 @@ class ZopeCmd(ZDCmd):
args.insert(0, '-v')
args.insert(0, script)
args.insert(0, self.options.python)
cmdline = ' '.join([self.options.python] + args)
print 'Running tests via: %s' % cmdline
print 'Running tests via: %s' % ' '.join(args)
os.execv(self.options.python, args)
def help_test(self):
print "test [args]+ -- run unit / functional tests."
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