Commit 2b1af8d8 authored by 's avatar

Added HTTP 1.1/WebDAV status codes

parent c120f40f
...@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ ...@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
############################################################################## ##############################################################################
'''CGI Response Output formatter '''CGI Response Output formatter
$Id:,v 1.46 1999/01/13 15:15:20 brian Exp $''' $Id:,v 1.47 1999/02/05 21:12:47 brian Exp $'''
__version__='$Revision: 1.46 $'[11:-2] __version__='$Revision: 1.47 $'[11:-2]
import string, types, sys, regex import string, types, sys, regex
from string import find, rfind, lower, upper, strip, split, join, translate from string import find, rfind, lower, upper, strip, split, join, translate
...@@ -94,88 +94,68 @@ from types import StringType, InstanceType ...@@ -94,88 +94,68 @@ from types import StringType, InstanceType
nl2sp=string.maketrans('\n',' ') nl2sp=string.maketrans('\n',' ')
status_reasons={ status_reasons={
200: 'OK', 100: 'Continue',
201: 'Created', 101: 'Switching Protocols',
202: 'Accepted', 102: 'Processing',
204: 'No Content', 200: 'OK',
300: 'Multiple Choices', 201: 'Created',
301: 'Moved Permanently', 202: 'Accepted',
302: 'Moved Temporarily', 203: 'Non-Authoritative Information',
304: 'Not Modified', 204: 'No Content',
400: 'Bad Request', 205: 'Reset Content',
401: 'Unauthorized', 206: 'Partial Content',
403: 'Forbidden', 207: 'Multi-Status',
404: 'Not Found', 300: 'Multiple Choices',
500: 'Internal Error', 301: 'Moved Permanently',
501: 'Not Implemented', 302: 'Moved Temporarily',
502: 'Bad Gateway', 303: 'See Other',
503: 'Service Unavailable', 304: 'Not Modified',
} 305: 'Use Proxy',
307: 'Temporary Redirect',
status_codes={ 400: 'Bad Request',
'ok': 200, 401: 'Unauthorized',
'created':201, 402: 'Payment Required',
'accepted':202, 403: 'Forbidden',
'nocontent':204, 404: 'Not Found',
'multiplechoices':300, 405: 'Method Not Allowed',
'redirect':300, 406: 'Not Acceptable',
'movedpermanently':301, 407: 'Proxy Authentication Required',
'movedtemporarily':302, 408: 'Request Time-out',
'notmodified':304, 409: 'Conflict',
'badrequest':400, 410: 'Gone',
'unauthorized':401, 411: 'Length Required',
'forbidden':403, 412: 'Precondition Failed',
'notfound':404, 413: 'Request Entity Too Large',
'internalerror':500, 414: 'Request-URI Too Large',
'notimplemented':501, 415: 'Unsupported Media Type',
'badgateway':502, 416: 'Requested range not satisfiable',
'serviceunavailable':503, 417: 'Expectation Failed',
'no content':204, 422: 'Unprocessable Entity',
'multiple choices':300, 423: 'Locked',
'moved permanently':301, 424: 'Failed Dependency',
'moved temporarily':302, 500: 'Internal Server Error',
'not modified':304, 501: 'Not Implemented',
'bad request':400, 502: 'Bad Gateway',
'not found':404, 503: 'Service Unavailable',
'internal error':500, 504: 'Gateway Time-out',
'not implemented':501, 505: 'HTTP Version not supported',
'bad gateway':502, 507: 'Insufficient Storage',
'service unavailable':503, }
200: 200,
201: 201, status_codes={}
202: 202, # Add mappings for builtin exceptions and
204: 204, # provide text -> error code lookups.
301: 301, for key, val in status_reasons.items():
302: 302, status_codes[lower(join(split(val, ' '), ''))]=key
304: 304, status_codes[lower(val)]=key
400: 400, status_codes[key]=key
401: 401, en=filter(lambda n: n[-5:]=='Error', dir(__builtins__))
403: 403, for name in map(lower, en):
404: 404, status_codes[name]=500
500: 500, status_codes['nameerror']=503
501: 501, status_codes['keyerror']=503
502: 502, status_codes['redirect']=300
503: 503,
# Map standard python exceptions to status codes:
end_of_header_search=regex.compile('</head>',regex.casefold).search end_of_header_search=regex.compile('</head>',regex.casefold).search
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