Commit 30a9c0f6 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Fixed bug arising from a non backward change in SyntaxError

exceptions in Python 1.5.1.
parent baf8f255
......@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@
# attributions are listed in the accompanying credits file.
'''$Id:,v 1.53 1999/03/22 18:45:29 jim Exp $'''
__version__='$Revision: 1.53 $'[11:-2]
'''$Id:,v 1.54 1999/04/05 13:14:01 jim Exp $'''
__version__='$Revision: 1.54 $'[11:-2]
import regex, string, math, os
from string import strip, join, atoi, lower, split, find
......@@ -316,7 +316,6 @@ def name_param(params,tag='',expr=0, attr='name', default_unnamed=1):
try: expr=Eval(v, expr_globals)
except SyntaxError, v:
m,(huh,l,c,src) = v
raise ParseError, (
'<strong>Expression (Python) Syntax error</strong>:'
'\n<pre>\n%s\n</pre>\n' % v[0],
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