Commit 3c053b27 authored by 's avatar

- removed obsolete upgradeException calls (there are no string exceptions in Python 2.6)

- no need to re-raise Redirect in raise_standardErrorMessage (ZPublisherExceptionHook is responsible for that)
parent 7ed69d8a
No related merge requests found
......@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ from ExtensionClass import Base
from Persistence import Persistent
from webdav.Resource import Resource
from zExceptions import Redirect
from zExceptions import upgradeException
from zExceptions.ExceptionFormatter import format_exception
from zope.interface import implements
......@@ -197,25 +196,15 @@ class Item(Base,
elif type(tb) is type('') and not error_tb:
error_tb = tb
# warn if error_type is a string
error_name = 'Unknown'
if isinstance(error_type, basestring):
# String Exceptions are deprecated on Python 2.5 and
# plain won't work at all on Python 2.6. So try to upgrade it
# to a real exception.
error_name = error_type
error_type, error_value = upgradeException(error_type, error_value)
if hasattr(error_type, '__name__'):
error_name = error_type.__name__
if hasattr(self, '_v_eek'):
# Stop if there is recursion.
raise error_type, error_value, tb
self._v_eek = 1
if error_name.lower() in ('redirect',):
raise error_type, error_value, tb
if hasattr(error_type, '__name__'):
error_name = error_type.__name__
error_name = 'Unknown'
if not error_message:
......@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ from Acquisition import aq_parent
from Acquisition.interfaces import IAcquirer
from App.config import getConfiguration
from time import asctime
from zExceptions import upgradeException
from zExceptions import Redirect
from zExceptions import Unauthorized
from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
......@@ -181,8 +180,6 @@ class ZPublisherExceptionHook:
def __call__(self, published, REQUEST, t, v, traceback):
t, v = upgradeException(t, v)
if t is SystemExit or issubclass(t, Redirect):
raise t, v, traceback
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