Commit 3e57bf37 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton


parent d8b33db7
This diff is collapsed.
"""HTML formated DocumentTemplates
$Id:,v 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:41 jim Exp $"""
from DT_String import String, FileMixin
import DT_Doc, DT_String, regex
from regsub import gsub
class HTML(DT_String.String):
def tagre(self):
return regex.symcomp(
'<!--#' # beginning
'\(<end>/\|end\)?' # end tag marker
'\(<name>[a-z]+\)' # tag name
'[\0- ]*' # space after tag name
'\(<args>\([^>"]+\("[^"]*"\)?\)*\)' # arguments
'-->' # end
, regex.casefold)
def parseTag(self, tagre, command=None):
"""Parse a tag using an already matched re
Return: tag, args, command, coname
where: tag is the tag,
args is the tag\'s argument string,
command is a corresponding command info structure if the
tag is a start tag, or None otherwise, and
coname is the name of a continue tag (e.g. else)
or None otherwise
tag, end, name, args,, 'end', 'name', 'args')
if end:
if not command or name !=
raise ParseError, 'unexpected end tag'
return tag, args, None, None
if command and name in command.blockContinuations:
return tag, args, None, name
try: return tag, args, self.commands[name], None
except KeyError:
raise ParseError, ('Unexpected tag', tag)
def SubTemplate(self, name): return HTML('', __name__=name)
def varExtra(self,tagre): return 's'
def manage_edit(self,data,REQUEST=None):
'edit a template'
if REQUEST: return self.editConfirmation(self,REQUEST)
def quotedHTML(self,
(regex.compile('&'), '&amp;'),
(regex.compile("<"), '&lt;' ),
(regex.compile(">"), '&gt;' ),
(regex.compile('"'), '&quot;'))): #"
for re,name in character_entities:
return text
def __str__(self):
return self.quotedHTML()
def management_interface(self):
'''Hook to allow public execution of management interface with
everything else private.'''
return self
def manage_editForm(self, PARENT_URL, REQUEST):
'''Display doc template editing form''' #"
return self._manage_editForm(
def validate(self, key, value=None):
if os.environ.has_key(key): return 1
return 0
class HTMLDefault(HTML):
HTML document templates that edit themselves through copy.
This is to make a distinction from HTML objects that should edit
themselves in place.
def manage_edit(self,data,PARENTS,URL1,REQUEST):
'edit a template'
self._names, self._validator)
return self.editConfirmation(self,REQUEST)
class HTMLFile(FileMixin, HTML):
HTML Document templates read from files.
If the object is pickled, the file name, rather
than the file contents is pickled. When the object is
unpickled, then the file will be re-read to obtain the string.
Note that the file will not be read until the document
template is used the first time.
def manage_default(self, REQUEST=None):
'Revert to factory defaults'
if self.edited_source:
if REQUEST: return self.editConfirmation(self,REQUEST)
def manage_editForm(self, PARENT_URL, REQUEST):
'''Display doc template editing form''' #"
return self._manage_editForm(mapping=REQUEST,
def manage_edit(self,data,
'edit a template'
if SUBMIT==FactoryDefaultString: return self.manage_default(REQUEST)
if self.edited_source:
if REQUEST: return self.editConfirmation(self,REQUEST)
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:41 jim
# initial
__doc__='''Conditional insertion
Conditional insertion is performed using 'if' and 'else'
To include text when an object is true using the EPFS
format, use::
%(if name)[
%(if name)]
To include text when an object is true using the HTML
format, use::
<!--#if name-->
<!--#/if name-->
where 'name' is the name bound to the object.
To include text when an object is false using the EPFS
format, use::
%(else name)[
%(else name)]
To include text when an object is false using the HTML
format, use::
<!--#else name-->
<!--#/else name-->
Finally to include text when an object is true and to
include different text when the object is false using the
EPFS format, use::
%(if name)[
true text
%(if name)]
%(else name)[
false text
%(else name)]
and to include text when an object is true and to
include different text when the object is false using the
HTML format, use::
<!--#if name-->
true text
<!--#else name-->
false text
<!--#/if name-->
Note that if a variable is nor defined, it is considered to be false.
# Copyright
# Copyright 1996 Digital Creations, L.C., 910 Princess Anne
# Street, Suite 300, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 U.S.A. All
# rights reserved. Copyright in this software is owned by DCLC,
# unless otherwise indicated. Permission to use, copy and
# distribute this software is hereby granted, provided that the
# above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear. Note that
# any product, process or technology described in this software
# may be the subject of other Intellectual Property rights
# reserved by Digital Creations, L.C. and are not licensed
# hereunder.
# Trademarks
# Digital Creations & DCLC, are trademarks of Digital Creations, L.C..
# All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.
# No Warranty
# The software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
# either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the
# implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular
# purpose, or non-infringement. This software could include
# technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are
# periodically made to the software; these changes will be
# incorporated in new editions of the software. DCLC may make
# improvements and/or changes in this software at any time
# without notice.
# Limitation Of Liability
# In no event will DCLC be liable for direct, indirect, special,
# incidental, economic, cover, or consequential damages arising
# out of the use of or inability to use this software even if
# advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not
# allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or
# limitation of liability for incidental or consequential
# damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to
# you.
# If you have questions regarding this software,
# contact:
# Jim Fulton,
# (540) 371-6909
__rcs_id__='$Id:,v 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:42 jim Exp $'
__version__='$Revision: 1.1 $'[11:-2]
from DT_Util import *
class If:
def __init__(self, blocks):
tname, args, section = blocks[0]
args=parse_params(args, name='')
self.__name__ = name
self.sections=[(name, section)]
if blocks[-1][0]=='else':
tname, args, section = blocks[0]
args=parse_params(args, name='')
if args:
if ename != name:
raise ParseError, 'name in else does not match if'
for tname, args, section in blocks[1:]:
if tname=='else':
raise ParseError, 'more than one else tag for a single if tag'
self.sections.append((name, section))
def render(self,md):
for name, section in self.sections:
try: v=md[name]
except: v=None
if v: return section(None,md)
if self.elses: return self.elses(None, md)
return ''
class Else:
def __init__(self, blocks):
tname, args, section = blocks[0]
args=parse_params(args, name='')
self.__name__ = name
def render(self,md):
try: v=md[self.__name__]
except: v=None
if not v: return self.section(None,md)
return ''
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:42 jim
# initial
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
__doc__='''Machinery to support through-the-web editing
$Id:,v 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:43 jim Exp $'''
# Copyright
# Copyright 1996 Digital Creations, L.C., 910 Princess Anne
# Street, Suite 300, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 U.S.A. All
# rights reserved. Copyright in this software is owned by DCLC,
# unless otherwise indicated. Permission to use, copy and
# distribute this software is hereby granted, provided that the
# above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear. Note that
# any product, process or technology described in this software
# may be the subject of other Intellectual Property rights
# reserved by Digital Creations, L.C. and are not licensed
# hereunder.
# Trademarks
# Digital Creations & DCLC, are trademarks of Digital Creations, L.C..
# All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.
# No Warranty
# The software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
# either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the
# implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular
# purpose, or non-infringement. This software could include
# technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are
# periodically made to the software; these changes will be
# incorporated in new editions of the software. DCLC may make
# improvements and/or changes in this software at any time
# without notice.
# Limitation Of Liability
# In no event will DCLC be liable for direct, indirect, special,
# incidental, economic, cover, or consequential damages arising
# out of the use of or inability to use this software even if
# advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not
# allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or
# limitation of liability for incidental or consequential
# damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to
# you.
# If you have questions regarding this software,
# contact:
# Jim Fulton,
# (540) 371-6909
__version__='$Revision: 1.1 $'[11:-2]
from DT_HTML import HTML
FactoryDefaultString="Factory Default"
HTML.document_template_edit_header='<h2>Document Template Editor</h2>'
"""<FONT SIZE="-1">
<I><A HREF="">
&copy; 1997 Digital Creations, L.L.C.</A></I></FONT>""")
HTML._manage_editForm = HTML(
<TITLE>HTML Template Editor</TITLE>
<BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<!--#var document_template_edit_header-->
<em><!--#var PATH_INFO--></em><br>
<FORM name="editform" ACTION="<!--#var PARENT_URL-->/manage_edit" METHOD="POST">
<!--#var document_template_form_header-->
Document template source:
<TEXTAREA NAME="data:text" cols="<!--#var document_template_edit_width-->"
rows="20"><!--#var __str__--></TEXTAREA>
<INPUT NAME="dt_edit_name" TYPE="HIDDEN"
VALUE="<!--#var PATH_INFO-->">
<!--#if FactoryDefaultString-->
VALUE="<!--#var FactoryDefaultString-->">
<!--#/if FactoryDefaultString-->
<!--#if HTTP_REFERER-->
VALUE="<!--#var HTTP_REFERER-->">
<!--#else HTTP_REFERER-->
<!--#if PARENT_URL-->
VALUE="<!--#var PARENT_URL-->">
<!--#/if PARENT_URL-->
<!--#/if HTTP_REFERER-->
<!--#if vars-->
<p>The following variables may be used in this template:</p>
<table border>
<!--#in vars-->
<td><!--#var sequence-key--></td>
<td><!--#var __str__--></td>
<!--#/in vars-->
<!--#/if vars-->
<!--#var document_template_edit_footer-->
</HTML>""", #"
'HTTP_REFERER':'Referring URL',
'PARENT_URL':"This page's parent",
'vars':'list of DTML variables you can manipulate',
'descrip':'desciption of DTML variables you can manipulate',
"""<html><head><title>Change Successful</title></head><body>
<!--#if CANCEL_ACTION-->
<form action="<!--#var CANCEL_ACTION-->" method="POST">
<em><!--#var dt_edit_name--></em><br>has been changed.<br><br>
<input type=submit name="SUBMIT" value="OK">
<!--#else CANCEL_ACTION-->
<em><!--#var dt_edit_name--></em><br>has been changed.
<!--#/if CANCEL_ACTION-->""",#"
'PARENT_URL':"This page's parent",
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:43 jim
# initial
'''$Id:,v 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:43 jim Exp $'''
# Copyright
# Copyright 1996 Digital Creations, L.C., 910 Princess Anne
# Street, Suite 300, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 U.S.A. All
# rights reserved. Copyright in this software is owned by DCLC,
# unless otherwise indicated. Permission to use, copy and
# distribute this software is hereby granted, provided that the
# above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear. Note that
# any product, process or technology described in this software
# may be the subject of other Intellectual Property rights
# reserved by Digital Creations, L.C. and are not licensed
# hereunder.
# Trademarks
# Digital Creations & DCLC, are trademarks of Digital Creations, L.C..
# All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.
# No Warranty
# The software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
# either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the
# implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular
# purpose, or non-infringement. This software could include
# technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are
# periodically made to the software; these changes will be
# incorporated in new editions of the software. DCLC may make
# improvements and/or changes in this software at any time
# without notice.
# Limitation Of Liability
# In no event will DCLC be liable for direct, indirect, special,
# incidental, economic, cover, or consequential damages arising
# out of the use of or inability to use this software even if
# advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not
# allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or
# limitation of liability for incidental or consequential
# damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to
# you.
# If you have questions regarding this software,
# contact:
# Jim Fulton,
# (540) 371-6909
__version__='$Revision: 1.1 $'[11:-2]
import sys, regex, string, types, math, os
from string import rfind, strip, joinfields, atoi,lower,upper,capitalize
from types import *
from regsub import gsub, sub, split
from __builtin__ import *
ParseError='Document Template Parse Error'
def int_param(params,md,name,default=0):
try: v=params[name]
except: v=default
if v:
try: v=atoi(v)
if type(v)==types.StringType:
return v
class func_code:
def __init__(self,varnames=('self','REQUEST')):
def name_param(params):
if params.has_key(''):
if params.has_key('name'):
raise ParseError, 'Name given twice'
return params['']
elif params.has_key('name'): return params['name']
raise ParseError, 'No name given'
def parse_params(text,
'\([\0- ]*\([^\0- =\"]+\)\)'),
'\([\0- ]*\([^\0- =\"]+\)=\([^\0- =\"]+\)\)'),
'\([\0- ]*\([^\0- =\"]+\)="\([^"]*\)\"\)'),
"""Parse tag parameters
The format of tag parameters consists of 1 or more parameter
specifications separated by whitespace. Each specification
consists of an unnamed and unquoted value, a valueless name, or a
name-value pair. A name-value pair consists of a name and a
quoted or unquoted value separated by an '='.
The input parameter, text, gives the text to be parsed. The
keyword parameters give valid parameter names and default values.
If a specification is not a name-value pair and it is not the
first specification that is not a name-value pair and it is a
valid parameter name, then it is treated as a name-value pair with
a value as given in the keyword argument. Otherwise, if it is not
a name-value pair, it is treated as an unnamed value.
The data are parsed into a dictionary mapping names to values.
Unnamed values are mapped from the name '""'. Only one value may
be given for a name and there may be only one unnamed value. """
result=result or {}
if parmre.match(text) >= 0:
elif qparmre.match(text) >= 0:
elif unparmre.match(text) >= 0:
if result.has_key(''):
if parms.has_key(name): result[name]=parms[name]
else: raise InvalidParameter, name
return apply(parse_params,(text[l:],result),parms)
if not text or not strip(text): return result
raise InvalidParameter, text
if not parms.has_key(name): raise ParseError, name
if text: return apply(parse_params,(text,result),parms)
else: return result
try: from cDocumentTemplate import InstanceDict, TemplateDict, render_blocks
except: from pDocumentTemplate import InstanceDict, TemplateDict, render_blocks
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:43 jim
# initial
# $What$
__doc__='''Variable insertion parameters
When inserting variables, parameters may be specified to
control how the data will be formatted. In HTML source, the
'fmt' parameter is used to specify a C-style or custom format
to be used when inserting an object. In EPFS source, the 'fmt'
parameter is only used for custom formats, a C-style format is
specified after the closing parenthesis.
Custom formats
A custom format is used when outputing user-defined
objects. The value of a custom format is a method name to
be invoked on the object being inserted. The method should
return an object that, when converted to a string, yields
the desired text. For example, the HTML source::
<!--#var date fmt=DayOfWeek-->
Inserts the result of calling the method 'DayOfWeek' of the
object bound to the variable 'date', with no arguments.
In addition to object methods, serveral additional custom
formats are available:
html-quote -- Convert characters that have special meaning
in HTML to HTML character entities.
url-quote -- Convert characters that have special meaning
in URLS to HTML character entities using decimal values.
multi-line -- Convert newlines and carriage-return and
newline combinations to break tags.
whole-dollars -- Show a numeric value with a dollar symbol.
dollar-with-commas -- Show a numeric value with a dollar
symbol and commas showing thousands, millions, and so on.
dollars-and-cents -- Show a numeric value with a dollar
symbol and two decimal places.
dollar-and-cents-with-commas -- Show a numeric value with a
dollar symbol and two decimal places
and commas showing thousands, millions, and so on.
Note that when using the EPFS source format, both a
C-style and a custom format may be provided. In this case,
the C-Style format is applied to the result of calling
the custom formatting method.
Null values
In some applications, and especially in database applications,
data variables may alternate between "good" and "null" or
"missing" values. A format that is used for good values may be
inappropriate for null values. For this reason, the 'null'
parameter can be used to specify text to be used for null
values. Null values are defined as values that:
- Cannot be formatted with the specified format, and
- Are either the special Python value 'None' or yield an
empty string when converted to a string.
For example, when showing a monitary value retrieved from a
database that is either a number or a missing value, the
following variable insertion might be used::
<!--#var cost fmt="$%.2d" null=\'n/a\'-->
String manipulation
The parameters 'lower' and 'upper' may be provided to cause the
case of the inserted text to be changed.
The parameter 'capitalize' may be provided to cause the first
character of the inserted value to be converted to upper case.
The parameter 'spacify' may be provided to cause underscores in
the inserted value to be converted to spaces.
__rcs_id__='$Id:,v 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:44 jim Exp $'
# Copyright
# Copyright 1996 Digital Creations, L.C., 910 Princess Anne
# Street, Suite 300, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 U.S.A. All
# rights reserved. Copyright in this software is owned by DCLC,
# unless otherwise indicated. Permission to use, copy and
# distribute this software is hereby granted, provided that the
# above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear. Note that
# any product, process or technology described in this software
# may be the subject of other Intellectual Property rights
# reserved by Digital Creations, L.C. and are not licensed
# hereunder.
# Trademarks
# Digital Creations & DCLC, are trademarks of Digital Creations, L.C..
# All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.
# No Warranty
# The software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
# either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the
# implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular
# purpose, or non-infringement. This software could include
# technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are
# periodically made to the software; these changes will be
# incorporated in new editions of the software. DCLC may make
# improvements and/or changes in this software at any time
# without notice.
# Limitation Of Liability
# In no event will DCLC be liable for direct, indirect, special,
# incidental, economic, cover, or consequential damages arising
# out of the use of or inability to use this software even if
# advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not
# allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or
# limitation of liability for incidental or consequential
# damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to
# you.
# If you have questions regarding this software,
# contact:
# Jim Fulton,
# (540) 371-6909
__version__='$Revision: 1.1 $'[11:-2]
from DT_Util import *
class Var:
def __init__(self, args, fmt=''):
args = parse_params(args, name='', lower=1, upper=1,
capitalize=1, spacify=1, null='', fmt='s')
if args.has_key('name'):
if args.has_key(''):
raise ParseError, 'Two named given in var'
elif args.has_key(''):
raise ParseError, 'No name given in var'
self.__name__ = name
self.fmt = fmt
def render(self, md):
val = md[name]
__traceback_info__=name, val
# handle special formats defined using fmt= first
if self.args.has_key('fmt'):
# first try a parameterless method of val
val = getattr(val,self.args['fmt'])()
except AttributeError:
# failing that, try a special format
val = special_formats[self.args['fmt']](val)
except KeyError:
# last chance - a format string itself?
val = self.args['fmt'] % val
# next, look for upper, lower, etc
if self.args.has_key('upper'):
val = upper(val)
if self.args.has_key('lower'):
val = lower(val)
if self.args.has_key('capitalize'):
val = capitalize(val)
if self.args.has_key('spacify'):
val = gsub('_', ' ', val)
# after this, if it's null and a null= option was given, return that
if not val and self.args.has_key('null'):
return self.args['null']
# finally, pump it through the actual string format...
return ('%'+self.fmt) % val
def html_quote(v,
(regex.compile('&'), '&amp;'),
(regex.compile("<"), '&lt;' ),
(regex.compile(">"), '&gt;' ),
(regex.compile('"'), '&quot;'))): #"
for re,name in character_entities:
return text
def url_quote(v):
import urllib
return urllib.quote(str(v))
def multi_line(v, nl=regex.compile('\r?\n')):
return gsub(nl,'<br>\n',str(v))
def whole_dollars(v):
try: return "$%d" % v
except: return ''
def dollars_and_cents(v):
try: return "$%.2f" % v
except: return ''
def commatify(v,thou=regex.compile("\([0-9]\)\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\([,.]\|$\)\)")):
while >= 0:
return v
def whole_dollars_with_commas(v):
try: v= "$%d" % v
except: v=''
return commatify(v)
def dollars_and_cents_with_commas(v):
try: v= "$%.2f" % v
except: v= ''
return commatify(v)
'html-quote': html_quote,
'url-quote': url_quote,
'multi-line': multi_line,
'whole-dollars': whole_dollars,
'dollars-and-cents': dollars_and_cents,
'dollars-with-commas': whole_dollars_with_commas,
'dollars-and-cents-with-commas': dollars_and_cents_with_commas,
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:44 jim
# initial
This diff is collapsed.
from DocumentTemplate import HTML, HTMLFile, String, File
def d(**kw): return kw
class D:
def __init__(self, **kw):
for k, v in kw.items(): self.__dict__[k]=v
def __repr__(self): return "D(%s)" % `self.__dict__`
xxx=(D(name=1), D(name=2), D(name=3))
d(name='jim', age=39),
d(name='kak', age=29),
d(name='will', age=8),
d(name='andrew', age=5),
<!--#in data mapping-->
<!--#var name-->, <!--#var age-->
<!--#in xxx -->
<!--#var name-->
Sorry, no data
print '='*74
print HTML(html)(data=data, xxx=xxx)
print '='*74
print HTML(html)(xxx=xxx)
print '='*74
%(in data mapping)[
%(name)s, %(age)s
%(in xxx)[
Sorry, no data
print '='*74
print String(s)(data=data, xxx=xxx)
print '='*74
print String(s)(xxx=xxx)
print '='*74
# $What$
from DT_Util import *
import DT_Doc, DT_Var, DT_In, DT_If
__doc__=DT_Doc.__doc__ % {
'In': DT_In.__doc__,
'If': DT_If.__doc__,
'Var': DT_Var.__doc__,
'id': '$Id:,v 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:45 jim Exp $'
# Copyright
# Copyright 1996 Digital Creations, L.C., 910 Princess Anne
# Street, Suite 300, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 U.S.A. All
# rights reserved. Copyright in this software is owned by DCLC,
# unless otherwise indicated. Permission to use, copy and
# distribute this software is hereby granted, provided that the
# above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear. Note that
# any product, process or technology described in this software
# may be the subject of other Intellectual Property rights
# reserved by Digital Creations, L.C. and are not licensed
# hereunder.
# Trademarks
# Digital Creations & DCLC, are trademarks of Digital Creations, L.C..
# All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.
# No Warranty
# The software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
# either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the
# implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular
# purpose, or non-infringement. This software could include
# technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are
# periodically made to the software; these changes will be
# incorporated in new editions of the software. DCLC may make
# improvements and/or changes in this software at any time
# without notice.
# Limitation Of Liability
# In no event will DCLC be liable for direct, indirect, special,
# incidental, economic, cover, or consequential damages arising
# out of the use of or inability to use this software even if
# advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not
# allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or
# limitation of liability for incidental or consequential
# damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to
# you.
# If you have questions regarding this software,
# contact:
# Jim Fulton,
# (540) 371-6909
__version__='$Revision: 1.1 $'[11:-2]
ParseError='Document Template Parse Error'
from DT_String import String, File
from DT_HTML import HTML, HTMLFile
import DT_UI # Install HTML editing
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:45 jim
# initial
# Revision 1.13 1997/08/19 19:15:51 jim
# Escaped some quotes in strings to make python-mode happy.
# Moved Python implementation of things implemented in cDocumentTemplate
# to pDocumentTemplate.
# Revision 1.12 1997/08/06 14:06:16 jim
# Added id method.
# Revision 1.11 1997/08/05 21:44:59 jim
# Changed the way InstanceDicts call template attributes to avoid
# problem with instance attributes overriding kw arguments.
# Revision 1.10 1997/07/07 18:50:08 jim
# Many new features including:
# - Better tracebacks from In, Var, etc.,
# - shared globals so that you can have DT class-specific globals.
# - Now can say /if or endif, and in or endin.
# Revision 1.9 1997/04/30 15:20:28 jim
# Made editing window skinnier for now.
# Added a variable, document_template_edit_width to control editing
# width.
# Revision 1.8 1997/04/21 20:34:57 jim
# Removed code to quote %es, since we don't use Python's rendering
# machinery any more.
# Revision 1.7 1997/04/14 12:07:34 jim
# Changed user interface to get edit display name from
# PATH_INFO and to give precedence to HTTP_REFERER over PARENT_URL as a
# post-editing destination.
# Revision 1.6 1997/04/12 17:28:42 jim
# Prettified editing.
# Revision 1.5 1997/04/11 19:30:47 jim
# Took out Skip's print statements.
# Revision 1.4 1997/04/09 22:23:43 jim
# Major changes to use new rendering machinery.
# Validation is mainly disabled. It will be reenabled in a future
# revision.
# TemplateDict, InstanceDict and core rendering loop written in C.
# Revision 1.3 1997/04/08 02:07:36 jim
# Changed to use MultiMapping module, rather than cMultiMapping.
# Revision 1.2 1997/03/14 17:25:08 jim
# Fixed bug that prevented exception propigation from #if blocks.
# Added code to prevent uneeded saving of persistent DTs when the state
# changes during rendering.
# Revision 1.1 1997/03/08 14:50:14 jim
# I screwed up on hacking CVS and lost older revisions.
# Revision 1.19 1997/01/30 22:13:16 jim
# Fixed bug in __setstate__.
# Revision 1.18 1997/01/29 23:40:32 jim
# Integrated and debugged Skip's validation updates.
# Changed if and else to treat undefined objects as false.
# Changed editing logic for File classes so that edited objects are
# still file objects. This means you can subclass File (HTMLFile)
# classes without having to subclass String (HTML).
# Moved log section of comments to bottom of file.
# Revision 1.17 1996/12/02 14:41:23 jim
# Fixed bug in parsing if constructs.
# Revision 1.16 1996/10/24 17:17:43 jim
# Renamed edit and editForm to manage_edit and manage_editForm.
# (The name editForm is retained temporarily, until we make sure we
# don't use it anywhere, which we shouldn't be anyway.
# Added allow groups definitions for manage_edit and manage_editForm.
# Revision 1.15 1996/10/15 20:43:33 jim
# Fixed bug in edit confirmation that caused server to hang due to
# getting a post with no input fields.
# Revision 1.14 1996/10/02 18:43:42 jim
# Added several special formats.
# Revision 1.13 1996/09/18 21:37:03 jim
# Took out !@@$# print statement!
# Revision 1.12 1996/09/18 14:49:38 jim
# Added null option for var and allowed custom C format strings, such as
# $ %.2f.
# Revision 1.11 1996/09/17 21:45:25 jim
# Added user-defined formats.
# Fixed orphans to match definition.
# Made handling of batch parameters more robust so pages that specify
# parameters don't have to cast to int.
# Updated docs.
# Revision 1.10 1996/08/30 22:39:02 jfulton
# *** empty log message ***
# Revision 1.9 1996/08/30 17:12:13 jfulton
# *** empty log message ***
# Revision 1.8 1996/08/28 21:12:04 jfulton
# Many fixes
# and roman numerals.
# Revision 1.7 1996/08/20 23:24:50 jfulton
# Added default method.
# Made mapping arg in __call__ check for None.
# Updated tests.
# Revision 1.6 1996/08/16 19:10:59 jfulton
# Added batch sequence processing.
# Improved error propigation.
# Other things I've already forgotten.
# Revision 1.5 1996/08/07 20:04:18 jfulton
# Fixed bug in do_vars
# Revision 1.4 1996/08/06 19:31:57 jfulton
# Added new HTML syntax and updated docs.
# Revision 1.3 1996/08/05 11:31:00 jfulton
# Added HTML class that does HTML quoting.
# Added conditional insertion (if and else) and explicit iteration (in).
# Added testing and mutating methods.
# Fixed bug in __setstate__.
# Updated doc string.
# Revision 1.2 1996/07/30 21:01:08 jfulton
# Added logic to prevent instance dicts from divuldging names that start
# with _.
# Revision 1.1 1996/07/30 20:56:39 jfulton
# *** empty log message ***
cDocumentTemplate cDocumentTemplate.c -I../ExtensionClass
# install
# install
# install
# install
# install
# install
# install
# install
# install
# install
# install
# install
# install
# install Setup
# install
# install cDocumentTemplate.c
# install
#!/bin/env python
# Copyright
# Copyright 1996 Digital Creations, L.C., 910 Princess Anne
# Street, Suite 300, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 U.S.A. All
# rights reserved. Copyright in this software is owned by DCLC,
# unless otherwise indicated. Permission to use, copy and
# distribute this software is hereby granted, provided that the
# above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear. Note that
# any product, process or technology described in this software
# may be the subject of other Intellectual Property rights
# reserved by Digital Creations, L.C. and are not licensed
# hereunder.
# Trademarks
# Digital Creations & DCLC, are trademarks of Digital Creations, L.C..
# All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.
# No Warranty
# The software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
# either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the
# implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular
# purpose, or non-infringement. This software could include
# technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are
# periodically made to the software; these changes will be
# incorporated in new editions of the software. DCLC may make
# improvements and/or changes in this software at any time
# without notice.
# Limitation Of Liability
# In no event will DCLC be liable for direct, indirect, special,
# incidental, economic, cover, or consequential damages arising
# out of the use of or inability to use this software even if
# advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not
# allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or
# limitation of liability for incidental or consequential
# damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to
# you.
# If you have questions regarding this software, contact:
# Digital Creations, L.C.
# 910 Princess Ann Street
# Fredericksburge, Virginia 22401
# (540) 371-6909
__doc__='''Package wrapper for Document Template
This wrapper allows the (now many) document template modules to be
segregated in a separate package.
$Id:,v 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:46 jim Exp $'''
__version__='$Revision: 1.1 $'[11:-2]
import DocumentTemplate
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:46 jim
# initial
This diff is collapsed.
#!/bin/env python
# Copyright
# Copyright 1996 Digital Creations, L.C., 910 Princess Anne
# Street, Suite 300, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 U.S.A. All
# rights reserved. Copyright in this software is owned by DCLC,
# unless otherwise indicated. Permission to use, copy and
# distribute this software is hereby granted, provided that the
# above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear. Note that
# any product, process or technology described in this software
# may be the subject of other Intellectual Property rights
# reserved by Digital Creations, L.C. and are not licensed
# hereunder.
# Trademarks
# Digital Creations & DCLC, are trademarks of Digital Creations, L.C..
# All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.
# No Warranty
# The software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
# either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the
# implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular
# purpose, or non-infringement. This software could include
# technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are
# periodically made to the software; these changes will be
# incorporated in new editions of the software. DCLC may make
# improvements and/or changes in this software at any time
# without notice.
# Limitation Of Liability
# In no event will DCLC be liable for direct, indirect, special,
# incidental, economic, cover, or consequential damages arising
# out of the use of or inability to use this software even if
# advised of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not
# allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or
# limitation of liability for incidental or consequential
# damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to
# you.
# If you have questions regarding this software, contact:
# Digital Creations, L.C.
# 910 Princess Ann Street
# Fredericksburge, Virginia 22401
# (540) 371-6909
__doc__='''Python implementations of document template some features
$Id:,v 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:47 jim Exp $'''
__version__='$Revision: 1.1 $'[11:-2]
import regex, string
for name in ['BuiltinFunctionType', 'BuiltinMethodType', 'ClassType',
'FunctionType', 'LambdaType', 'MethodType']:
try: isFunctionType[getattr(types,name)]=1
except: pass
try: # Add function and method types from Extension Classes
import ExtensionClass
except: pass
class InstanceDict:
def __init__(self,o,namespace):
def has_key(self,key):
return hasattr(self.self,key)
def keys(self):
return self.self.__dict__.keys()
def __repr__(self): return 'InstanceDict(%s)' % str(self.self)
def __getitem__(self,key):
# sys.stderr.write("Inst %s\n" % str((key,self)))
if key[:1]=='_':
if key != '__str__':
raise KeyError, key # Don't divuldge private data
try: r=getattr(self.self,key)
except AttributeError: raise KeyError, key
if isFunctionType(type(r)):
try: isDocTemp=r.isDocTemp
except: isDocTemp=0
if isDocTemp:
# There's no point in passing self, since we're
# already in the name space
# We won't cache results of rendering
# sys.stderr.write("RI %s\n" % str((key,r)))
return r
class MultiMapping:
def __init__(self): self.dicts=[]
def __getitem__(self, key):
for d in self.dicts:
try: return d[key]
except KeyError, AttributeError: pass
raise KeyError, key
def push(self,d): self.dicts.insert(0,d)
def pop(self,n): del self.dicts[:n]
def keys(self):
kz = []
for d in self.dicts:
kz = kz + d.keys()
return kz
class TemplateDict:
def __init__(self):
try: self.keys=m.keys
except: pass
# if names is None: self._names = {}
# else: self._names = names
# self._validator = validator
# self._do_validation=names or validator
def setValidation(self,names,validator):
r=self._names, self._validator
if names is None: self._names = {}
else: self._names = names
self._validator = validator
self._do_validation=names or validator
return r
def __getitem__(self,key):
# sys.stderr.write("MD %s\n" % str((key,self)))
# do_validation=self._do_validation
# validate before calling?
# if do_validation: self.validate(key, v)
# if isFunctionType(type(v)):
try: isDocTemp=v.isDocTemp
except: isDocTemp=None
if isDocTemp: v=v(None,self)
try: v=v()
except (AttributeError,TypeError): pass
return v
_namepat = regex.compile('[^a-z0-9_]', regex.casefold)
def validate(self, key, value=None):
"Check key/value for access - raise KeyError if invalid access."
# names containing other than normal identifier chars are okay
# names in the programmer-provided list of names are okay
# key/value pairs the validator function approves are okay
if ( != -1 or
self._names.has_key(key) or
(type(self._validator) == FunctionType and
self._validator(key, value))): return
# everything else is verboten...
raise KeyError, key
def render_blocks(self, md):
rendered = []
for section in self.blocks:
if type(section) is not StringType:
if section: rendered.append(section)
rendered=string.join(rendered, '')
return rendered
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.1 1997/08/27 18:55:47 jim
# initial
# Revision 1.1 1997/08/13 13:24:58 jim
# *** empty log message ***
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