Commit 433f116c authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

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parent 808a5e66
cPickle, A C Pickle Implementation
cPickle is a C implementation of the Python module,, and is
fully compatible with pickle: all types picklable by pickle can be
pickled using cPickle [1], and pickles generated using pickle may be
unpickled using cPickle and vice versa.
The basic interface for cPickle is nearly the same as pickle's, the
only difference being that an optional value may be specified as the
final argument to Pickler(), dump, and dumps(), specifying that
binary mode should be used. For instance, to pickle an object, ob,
to file, f, which has been opened for binary writing::
p = cPickle.Pickler(f, 1)
cPickle.dump(ob, f, 1)
Using binary format produces smaller pickles and increases the speed of
pickling and unpickling. Note, however, old versions of pickle
cannot read binary pickles and files containing binary pickles
should be opened in binary mode.
For this release of cPickle, a small amount of customization is
possible for the Pickler and Unpickler. Specifically, the
persistent_id attribute of the Pickler and the persistent_load
attribute of the Unpickler may be set to user-defined functions by
setting attributes. For instance::
def peristent_id(object):
... return appropriate persistent id string ...
p = cPickle.Pickler(f)
p.persistent_id = persistent_id
def persistent_load(pers_id):
... return appropriate object, given a persistent id ...
u = cPickle.Unpickler(f)
u.persistent_load = persistent_load
Note that this mechanism works with the current pickle module too.
The cPickle module does not support customization through inheritance
as does.
Pickling Extension Types
When the pickler encounters an object it doesn't know how to pickle,
it checks to see if the object has a __reduce__ method. This should
return a tuple consisting of an callable object, a tuple of arguments, and
an optional object state value. If a state value is supplied, it will be
passed to the newly created object's __setstate__ method. If the object
has no __setstate__ method, it will be added to the object's __dict__
(note that the state value must be a dictionary in this case).
The contents of this tuple will be saved, and, on unpickling, the callable
object will be called with the arguments to create the instance.
The callable object must either be:
- a Class,
- registered in the set of safe constructors (see below),
- or have an attribute, __safe_for_unpickling__, with a true value.
Note that the __reduce__ method may also return a string value. In this
case, the value of the global variable with the name given by the string
value is used.
The module provides an interface for registering pickling
def pickle(ob_type, pickle_function, constructor = None):
'''Register the function, 'pickle_function' to be called
to pickle objects of type 'ob_type'.
The pickle function must behave in the same manner as the __reduce__
method described above. If the argument 'constructor' is specified,
then it will be registered as an object that is safe for unpickling
objects. also provides an interface for updating a registry of safe
constructors to be used when unpickling::
def constructor(object):
'Register the object as safe for unpicking objects'
The following example shows how one might add support for pickling
complex numbers::
import copy_reg
def pickle_complex(z):
return (complex, (z.real, z.imag))
copy_reg.pickle(type(complex(0,0)), pickle_complex, complex)
This release also includes the latest release of the cStringIO
module. The cStringIO module is a C implementation of the Python
StringIO module; it is used internally by cPickle. It may also
be used outside of cPickle as a much faster StringIO implementation.
A new version of is also provided. This version adds support
for writing and reading binary pickles.
The current release of cPickle is 0.2.1 [Down-load]. The
implementation is about three thousand lines in size, including
comments. This release requires Python version 1.4.
This version introduces a special binary mode format for floats.
Since this could not be implemented in the python version, it is
disabled by default in cPickle. To enable the new float format,
see the instructions in the Makefile.
Dynamic linking installation (Unix)
Simply run the included Makefile. It is assumed that python
can be run using the command 'python1.4'. If this is not the
case, edit the makefile so that it uses the appropriate command
or specify the command name on the command line as the value of
the PYTHON variable, i.e.::
make PYTHON=python
Static linking installation
To statically link the cPickle module into the Python
1. copy the files: 'cPickle.c', 'cStringIO.c' and 'cStringIO.h' to
the 'Modules' directory in the Python source tree,
2. add the following line to the 'Setup' file in the 'Modules'
cStringIO cStringIO.c
cPickle cPickle.c
3. rebuild python
Note that cPickle requires that both copy_reg and cStringIO be importable.
Makefile -- The Makefile for building cPickle
cPickle.stx -- This file in structured text format
cPickle.html -- This file in structured HTML format
cPickle.c -- The cPickle source
cStringIO.c -- The cStringIO source
cStringIO.h -- The cStringIO C-API definition -- The Python implementation of pickle with cPickle
Extensions -- An auxilary module used to keep Pickle registration
information used by cPickle
Release Notes
0.1 -- Initial (Alpha) Release
0.2 -- Second release incorporating many fixes and improvements over
initial release. This is the first Beta release.
0.2.1 -- Bug fix release and slight format enhancement
Bugs fixed:
- Objects placed in memo when pickling were not
actually retained, causing weird behavior when
additional objects were created with the same ids
(i.e. addresses).
- Objects saved via the '__reduce__' mechanism were not
placed in memo when pickling.
In addition, binary floating point format was added.
This uses code from the new struct module.
Unfortunately, this cannot be supported in the current
Python version. Support of this format is disabled by
default. To enable this feature, edit the make file
'CFLAGS' variable as described in the make file,
[1] An earlier version of the pickle module provided for saving extension type
instances that had __class__ attributes. Using cPickle, extension types can only be
be pickled using the mechanism described in the section "Pickling Extension Types"
.. [Down-load]
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