get rid of redundant code, add deprecation warnings

parent ba4bfe6a
......@@ -12,40 +12,15 @@
An implementation of a generic TALES engine
BBB 2005/05/01 -- to be removed after 12 months
__version__='$Revision: 1.39 $'[11:-2]
from zope.tales.tests.simpleexpr import SimpleExpr
from zope.tales.tales import ExpressionEngine as Engine
from zope.tales.tales import _default as Default
import re, sys, ZTUtils
from weakref import ref
from MultiMapping import MultiMapping
from DocumentTemplate.DT_Util import ustr
from GlobalTranslationService import getGlobalTranslationService
from zExceptions import Unauthorized
StringType = type('')
NAME_RE = r"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"
_parse_expr = re.compile(r"(%s):" % NAME_RE).match
_valid_name = re.compile('%s$' % NAME_RE).match
class TALESError(Exception):
"""Error during TALES expression evaluation"""
class Undefined(TALESError):
'''Exception raised on traversal of an undefined path'''
class RegistrationError(Exception):
'''TALES Type Registration Error'''
class CompilerError(Exception):
'''TALES Compiler Error'''
class Default:
'''Retain Default'''
Default = Default()
class SafeMapping(MultiMapping):
'''Mapping with security declarations and limited method exposure.
......@@ -60,241 +35,5 @@ class SafeMapping(MultiMapping):
_push = MultiMapping.push
_pop = MultiMapping.pop
class Iterator(ZTUtils.Iterator):
def __init__(self, name, seq, context):
ZTUtils.Iterator.__init__(self, seq) = name
self._context_ref = ref(context)
def next(self):
context = self._context_ref()
if context is not None:
context.setLocal(, self.item)
return 1
return 0
class ErrorInfo:
"""Information about an exception passed to an on-error handler."""
__allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1
def __init__(self, err, position=(None, None)):
if isinstance(err, Exception):
self.type = err.__class__
self.value = err
self.type = err
self.value = None
self.lineno = position[0]
self.offset = position[1]
class Engine:
'''Expression Engine
An instance of this class keeps a mutable collection of expression
type handlers. It can compile expression strings by delegating to
these handlers. It can provide an expression Context, which is
capable of holding state and evaluating compiled expressions.
Iterator = Iterator
def __init__(self, Iterator=None):
self.types = {}
if Iterator is not None:
self.Iterator = Iterator
def registerType(self, name, handler):
if not _valid_name(name):
raise RegistrationError, 'Invalid Expression type "%s".' % name
types = self.types
if types.has_key(name):
raise RegistrationError, (
'Multiple registrations for Expression type "%s".' %
types[name] = handler
def getTypes(self):
return self.types
def compile(self, expression):
m = _parse_expr(expression)
if m:
type =
expr = expression[m.end():]
type = "standard"
expr = expression
handler = self.types[type]
except KeyError:
raise CompilerError, (
'Unrecognized expression type "%s".' % type)
return handler(type, expr, self)
def getContext(self, contexts=None, **kwcontexts):
if contexts is not None:
if kwcontexts:
kwcontexts = contexts
return Context(self, kwcontexts)
def getCompilerError(self):
return CompilerError
class Context:
'''Expression Context
An instance of this class holds context information that it can
use to evaluate compiled expressions.
_context_class = SafeMapping
position = (None, None)
source_file = None
def __init__(self, compiler, contexts):
self._compiler = compiler
self.contexts = contexts
contexts['nothing'] = None
contexts['default'] = Default
self.repeat_vars = rv = {}
# Wrap this, as it is visible to restricted code
contexts['repeat'] = rep = self._context_class(rv)
contexts['loop'] = rep # alias
self.global_vars = gv = contexts.copy()
self.local_vars = lv = {}
self.vars = self._context_class(gv, lv)
# Keep track of what needs to be popped as each scope ends.
self._scope_stack = []
def getCompiler(self):
return self._compiler
def beginScope(self):
def endScope(self):
scope = self._scope_stack.pop()
self.local_vars = lv = scope[0]
v = self.vars
# Pop repeat variables, if any
i = len(scope) - 1
while i:
name, value = scope[i]
if value is None:
del self.repeat_vars[name]
self.repeat_vars[name] = value
i = i - 1
def setLocal(self, name, value):
self.local_vars[name] = value
def setGlobal(self, name, value):
self.global_vars[name] = value
def setRepeat(self, name, expr):
expr = self.evaluate(expr)
if not expr:
return self._compiler.Iterator(name, (), self)
it = self._compiler.Iterator(name, expr, self)
old_value = self.repeat_vars.get(name)
self._scope_stack[-1].append((name, old_value))
self.repeat_vars[name] = it
return it
def evaluate(self, expression,
isinstance=isinstance, StringType=StringType):
if isinstance(expression, StringType):
expression = self._compiler.compile(expression)
__traceback_supplement__ = (
TALESTracebackSupplement, self, expression)
return expression(self)
evaluateValue = evaluate
evaluateBoolean = evaluate
def evaluateText(self, expr):
text = self.evaluate(expr)
if text is Default or text is None:
return text
return ustr(text)
def evaluateStructure(self, expr):
return self.evaluate(expr)
evaluateStructure = evaluate
def evaluateMacro(self, expr):
# XXX Should return None or a macro definition
return self.evaluate(expr)
evaluateMacro = evaluate
def createErrorInfo(self, err, position):
return ErrorInfo(err, position)
def getDefault(self):
return Default
def setSourceFile(self, source_file):
self.source_file = source_file
def setPosition(self, position):
self.position = position
def translate(self, domain, msgid, mapping=None,
context=None, target_language=None, default=None):
if context is None:
context = self.contexts.get('here')
return getGlobalTranslationService().translate(
domain, msgid, mapping=mapping,
def getValue(self, name, default=None):
return self.vars.get(name, default)
class TALESTracebackSupplement:
"""Implementation of ITracebackSupplement"""
def __init__(self, context, expression):
self.context = context
self.source_url = context.source_file
self.line = context.position[0]
self.column = context.position[1]
self.expression = repr(expression)
def getInfo(self, as_html=0):
import pprint
from cgi import escape
data = self.context.contexts.copy()
s = pprint.pformat(data)
except Unauthorized, e:
s = ' - %s: %s' % (getattr(e, '__class__', type(e)), e)
if as_html:
s = escape(s)
return s
if not as_html:
return ' - Names:\n %s' % s.replace('\n', '\n ')
return '<b>Names:</b><pre>%s</pre>' % (escape(s))
class SimpleExpr:
'''Simple example of an expression type handler'''
def __init__(self, name, expr, engine):
self._name = name
self._expr = expr
def __call__(self, econtext):
return self._name, self._expr
def __repr__(self):
return '<SimpleExpr %s %s>' % (self._name, `self._expr`)
import zope.deprecation
zope.deprecation.moved("zope.tales.tales", "2.12")
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