Commit 4a5449cc authored by Jens Vagelpohl's avatar Jens Vagelpohl

- LP #143533: Instead of showing "" as server name when no

  specific listening IP is configured for the HTTP server, do a
  socket lookup to show the current server's fully qualified name.
parent 2ae5fafe
......@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
Bugs Fixed
- LP #143533: Instead of showing "" as server name when no
specific listening IP is configured for the HTTP server, do a
socket lookup to show the current server's fully qualified name.
- LP #143722: Added missing permission to ObjectManager.manage_hasId,
which prevented renaming files and folders via FTP.
......@@ -447,6 +447,12 @@ class zhttp_server(http_server):
self.fast_listen = fast_listen
http_server.__init__(self, ip, port, resolver, logger_object)
if self.server_name == '':
# Workaround to set a more descriptive server_name
self.server_name = socket.getfqdn()
except socket.error:
self.log_info('%s server started at %s\n'
'\tHostname: %s\n\tPort: %d' % (
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