Commit 6ba02eba authored by 's avatar

merged fixes for MOVE, COPY Destination header handling

parent 2bf9a0b8
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
"""WebDAV support - resource objects."""
__version__='$Revision: 1.40 $'[11:-2]
__version__='$Revision: 1.41 $'[11:-2]
import sys, os, string, mimetypes, davcmds, ExtensionClass, Lockable
from common import absattr, aq_base, urlfix, rfc1123_date, tokenFinder, urlbase
......@@ -339,20 +339,29 @@ class Resource(ExtensionClass.Base, Lockable.LockableItem):
if not hasattr(aq_base(self), 'cb_isCopyable') or \
not self.cb_isCopyable():
raise 'Method Not Allowed', 'This object may not be copied.'
depth=REQUEST.get_header('Depth', 'infinity')
if not depth in ('0', 'infinity'):
raise 'Bad Request', 'Invalid Depth header.'
dest=REQUEST.get_header('Destination', '')
while dest and dest[-1]=='/':
if not dest:
raise 'Bad Request', 'Invalid Destination header.'
path, (bad1, bad2, pct) = REQUEST.physicalPathFromURL(dest)
if pct < 1 or bad2:
raise 'Bad Request', 'Invalid Destination header'
name = path.pop()
parent_path = string.join(path, '/')
oflag=string.upper(REQUEST.get_header('Overwrite', 'F'))
if not oflag in ('T', 'F'):
raise 'Bad Request', 'Invalid Overwrite header.'
path, name=os.path.split(dest)
try: parent=REQUEST.resolve_url(path)
try: parent=self.restrictedTraverse(path)
except ValueError:
raise 'Conflict', 'Attempt to copy to an unknown namespace.'
except 'Not Found':
......@@ -423,26 +432,27 @@ class Resource(ExtensionClass.Base, Lockable.LockableItem):
if not hasattr(aq_base(self), 'cb_isMoveable') or \
not self.cb_isMoveable():
raise 'Method Not Allowed', 'This object may not be moved.'
dest=REQUEST.get_header('Destination', '')
while dest and dest[-1]=='/':
if not dest:
path, (bad1, bad2, pct) = REQUEST.physicalPathFromURL(dest)
if pct < 1 or bad2:
raise 'Bad Request', 'No destination given'
flag=REQUEST.get_header('Overwrite', 'F')
body=REQUEST.get('BODY', '')
path, name=os.path.split(dest)
try: parent=REQUEST.resolve_url(path)
name = path.pop()
parent_path = string.join(path, '/')
try: parent = self.restrictedTraverse(path)
except ValueError:
raise 'Conflict', 'Attempt to move to an unknown namespace.'
except 'Not Found':
raise 'Conflict', 'The resource %s must exist.' % path
raise 'Conflict', 'The resource %s must exist.' % parent_path
t, v, tb=sys.exc_info()
raise t, v
if hasattr(parent, '__null_resource__'):
raise 'Conflict', 'The resource %s must exist.' % path
raise 'Conflict', 'The resource %s must exist.' % parent_path
existing=hasattr(aq_base(parent), name)
if existing and flag=='F':
raise 'Precondition Failed', 'Resource %s exists.' % dest
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