Commit 6f33860d authored by Michel Pelletier's avatar Michel Pelletier


parent cfd505d9
......@@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ import Products
from Acquisition import Implicit
from Persistence import Persistent
from Catalog import Catalog, orify
import pdb, traceback
from SearchIndex import UnIndex, UnTextIndex
import IOBTree
......@@ -196,7 +195,6 @@ class ZCatalog(Folder, FindSupport, Persistent, Implicit):
return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST,
def manage_catalogObject(self, REQUEST, urls=None, blah=None):
""" index all Zope objects that 'urls' point to """
......@@ -323,7 +321,6 @@ class ZCatalog(Folder, FindSupport, Persistent, Implicit):
return self.manage_catalogIndexes(self, REQUEST,
def catalog_object(self, obj, uid):
""" wrapper around catalog """
if not hasattr(self, '_v_total'):
......@@ -411,9 +408,7 @@ class ZCatalog(Folder, FindSupport, Persistent, Implicit):
# this stuff is so the find machinery works
## this stuff is so the find machinery works
meta_types=() # Sub-object types that are specific to this object
......@@ -445,9 +440,7 @@ class ZCatalog(Folder, FindSupport, Persistent, Implicit):
return roles
# stolen from ZPublisher and modified slightly
## stolen from ZPublisher and modified slightly
def resolve_url(self, path, REQUEST):
""" The use of this function is depricated """
......@@ -473,9 +466,6 @@ class ZCatalog(Folder, FindSupport, Persistent, Implicit):
# waaa - traversal may return a "default object"
# like an index_html document, though you really
# wanted to get a Folder back :(
## print path
## print `object`
## print (str(req.PARENTS))
if hasattr(object, 'id'):
if callable(
......@@ -484,7 +474,6 @@ class ZCatalog(Folder, FindSupport, Persistent, Implicit):
elif hasattr(object, '__name__'):
else: name=''
if name != os.path.split(path)[-1]:
result = req.PARENTS[0]
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