Commit 70d4c95c authored by Brian Lloyd's avatar Brian Lloyd

port missing bits that didnt get merged to the head

parent 8ce1799d
import os
import sys
from re import compile
from socket import gethostbyaddr
# top-level key handlers
......@@ -16,6 +18,12 @@ def _setenv(name, value):
os.environ[name] = `value`
def debug_mode(value):
value and _setenv('Z_DEBUG_MODE', '1')
import Globals
Globals.DevelopmentMode = not not value
return value
def locale(value):
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, value)
......@@ -95,6 +103,20 @@ def large_file_threshold(value):
import ZServer
def publisher_profile_file(value):
value is not None and _setenv('PROFILE_PUBLISHER', value)
from ZPublisher.Publish import install_profiling
return value
def http_realm(value):
value is not None and _setenv('Z_REALM', value)
return value
def max_listen_sockets(value):
import ZServer
def cgi_maxlen(value):
import cgi
cgi.maxlen = value
......@@ -154,6 +176,16 @@ def root_handler(config):
# set up trusted proxies
if config.trusted_proxies:
import ZPublisher.HTTPRequest
# DM 2004-11-24: added host name mapping (such that examples in
# conf file really have a chance to work
mapped = []
for name in config.trusted_proxies: mapped.extend(_name2Ips(name))
ZPublisher.HTTPRequest.trusted_proxies = tuple(mapped)
def handleConfig(config, multihandler):
handlers = {}
for name, value in globals().items():
......@@ -161,3 +193,13 @@ def handleConfig(config, multihandler):
handlers[name] = value
return multihandler(handlers)
# DM 2004-11-24: added
def _name2Ips(host, isIp_=compile(r'(\d+\.){3}').match):
'''map a name *host* to the sequence of its ip addresses;
use *host* itself (as sequence) if it already is an ip address.
Thus, if only a specific interface on a host is trusted,
identify it by its ip (and not the host name).
if isIp_(host): return [host]
return gethostbyaddr(host)[2]
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