Commit 7d57a8b1 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Merge critical Windows fix from Zope/tags/Zope-2-8-0-b2, rev 30651.

Mark Hammond's original checkin comment:

As at pywin32-204, we must ensure pywintypes is the first win32 module
imported in our process, otherwise we can end up with 2 pywintypesxx.dll
instances in our process resulting in:
TypeError: The object is not a PySECURITY_ATTRIBUTES object
parent d8ebfef9
......@@ -48,12 +48,17 @@ import asyncore
import atexit
import Lifetime
# As at pywin32-204, we must ensure pywintypes is the first win32 module
# imported in our process, otherwise we can end up with 2 pywintypesxx.dll
# instances in our process resulting in:
# TypeError: The object is not a PySECURITY_ATTRIBUTES object
import pywintypes
# SetConsoleCtrlHandler not in early pywin32 versions - will
# catch the import error.
from win32api import SetConsoleCtrlHandler
import win32con
import win32event
import pywintypes
import ntsecuritycon
import logging
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