Commit 8357e5c1 authored by 's avatar

Added url quoting to tree view

parent 63e2f7a8
......@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
<!--#tree sort=id nowrap=1-->
<!--#if icon-->
<A HREF="<!--#var tree-item-url-->/manage_workspace" TARGET="manage_main">
<A HREF="<!--#var tree-item-url fmt=url-quote-->/manage_workspace" TARGET="manage_main">
<IMG SRC="<!--#var SCRIPT_NAME-->/<!--#var icon-->" BORDER="0"
ALT="Click to open this item"></A>
<A HREF="<!--#var tree-item-url-->/manage_workspace" TARGET="manage_main">
<A HREF="<!--#var tree-item-url fmt=url-quote-->/manage_workspace" TARGET="manage_main">
<!--#var id-->
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