Commit 8eb2b8d3 authored by Amos Latteier's avatar Amos Latteier

Added a comment to document the zhttp_handler options. Thanks to Skip Montanaro for the suggestion.

parent 507562d5
......@@ -116,6 +116,15 @@ hs = zhttp_server(
# Handler for a published module. zhttp_handler takes 3 arguments:
# The name of the module to publish, and optionally the URI base which
# is basically the SCIRPT_NAME, and optionally a dictionary with CGI
# environment variables which override default settings. The URI base
# setting is useful when you want to publish more than one module with
# the same HTTP server. The CGI environment setting is useful when you
# want to proxy requests from another web server to ZServer, and would
# like the CGI environment to reflect the CGI environment of the other
# web server.
zh = zhttp_handler(MODULE,'')
......@@ -116,6 +116,15 @@ hs = zhttp_server(
# Handler for a published module. zhttp_handler takes 3 arguments:
# The name of the module to publish, and optionally the URI base which
# is basically the SCIRPT_NAME, and optionally a dictionary with CGI
# environment variables which override default settings. The URI base
# setting is useful when you want to publish more than one module with
# the same HTTP server. The CGI environment setting is useful when you
# want to proxy requests from another web server to ZServer, and would
# like the CGI environment to reflect the CGI environment of the other
# web server.
zh = zhttp_handler(MODULE,'')
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