Commit a5a09083 authored by Hanno Schlichting's avatar Hanno Schlichting

Adjusted overflow logic in DateIndex and DateRangeIndex to work with latest...

Adjusted overflow logic in DateIndex and DateRangeIndex to work with latest ZODB 3.10.0b4. Instead of an OverflowError a TypeError is raised now.
parent ccc997e7
......@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
Bugs Fixed
- Adjusted overflow logic in DateIndex and DateRangeIndex to work with latest
ZODB 3.10.0b4.
- Made sure to exclude a number of meta ZCML handlers from ``zope.*`` packages
where Zope2 provides its own implementations.
......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ else:
MAX32 = 2**31
class LocalTimezone(tzinfo):
......@@ -263,9 +264,11 @@ class DateIndex(UnIndex, PropertyManager):
t_val = ( ( ( ( yr * 12 + mo ) * 31 + dy ) * 24 + hr ) * 60 + mn )
if isinstance(t_val, long):
# t_val must be IntType, not LongType
raise OverflowError, (
if t_val >= MAX32:
# t_val must be integer fitting in the 32bit range
raise OverflowError(
"%s is not within the range of indexable dates (index: %s)"
% (value,
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ from Products.PluginIndexes.common.util import parseIndexRequest
from Products.PluginIndexes.interfaces import IDateRangeIndex
_dtmldir = os.path.join( package_home( globals() ), 'dtml' )
MAX32 = 2**31
class DateRangeIndex(UnIndex):
......@@ -397,7 +398,8 @@ class DateRangeIndex(UnIndex):
elif isinstance(value, DateTime):
value = value.millis() / 1000 / 60 # flatten to minutes
result = int( value )
if isinstance(result, long): # this won't work (Python 2.3)
if result >= MAX32:
# t_val must be integer fitting in the 32bit range
raise OverflowError( '%s is not within the range of dates allowed'
'by a DateRangeIndex' % value)
return result
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