I found out what a previously discussed failure is about and sketched out

a plan how to deal with it.
parent 6d479d31
......@@ -125,11 +125,15 @@ class HTMLTests(zope.component.testing.PlacelessSetup, unittest.TestCase):
self.assert_expected(self.folder.t, 'Loop1.html')
def checkFancyLoop(self):
# XXX iterator/first/bla is supposed to work for some reason,
# even though iterator.first is a method that needs to be
# called (and that won't happen when it appears inside a path
# expr). I wonder how this worked in Zope 2.9. Need to
# investigate.
# XXX This checks among others for a feature of the
# PathIterator which lets you do something like this in a path
# expr: iterator/last/bla. This would check whether the
# current item in the iteration was the last one with a
# particular 'bla' attribute value. I wonder whether anyone
# actually needs this? I vote for ripping it out. We can
# provide BBB for a certain deprecation period by enabling a
# specialized ITraversable adapter for ZopeIterator that works
# similar to the old PathIterator.
self.assert_expected(self.folder.t, 'Loop2.html')
def checkGlobalsShadowLocals(self):
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