Commit a79042a1 authored by Chris Withers's avatar Chris Withers

de-convolute-ize zopectl run and make providing the correct sys.argv to the run script more robust.

parent bb3ba109
......@@ -256,18 +256,16 @@ class ZopeCmd(ZDCmd):
print "debug -- run the Zope debugger to inspect your database"
print " manually using a Python interactive shell"
def do_run(self, arg):
tup = arg.split(' ')
if not arg:
def do_run(self, args):
if not args:
print "usage: run <script> [args]"
# remove -c and add script as sys.argv[0]
script = tup[0]
cmd = 'import sys; sys.argv.pop(); sys.argv.append(\'%s\');' % script
if len(tup) > 1:
argv = tup[1:]
cmd += '[sys.argv.append(x) for x in %s];' % argv
cmd += 'import Zope2;; execfile(\'%s\')' % script
# replace sys.argv
script = args.split(' ')[0]
cmd = (
"import sys; sys.argv[:]=%r.split(' ');"
"import Zope2;; execfile(%r)"
) % (args,script)
cmdline = self.get_startup_cmd(self.options.python, cmd)
self._exitstatus = os.system(cmdline)
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