Commit aba092e3 authored by Michel Pelletier's avatar Michel Pelletier

Added word counting. index_object methods now return the number of

words indexed for that call.
parent ed1e5cf7
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
"""Simple column indices"""
__version__='$Revision: 1.4 $'[11:-2]
__version__='$Revision: 1.5 $'[11:-2]
from Globals import Persistent
import BTree
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class UnIndex(Persistent):
k = MV
if k is None or k == MV:
return 0
set = index.get(k)
if set is None:
......@@ -177,6 +177,8 @@ class UnIndex(Persistent):
self._index = index
self._unindex = unindex
return 1
def unindex_object(self, i):
""" Unindex the object with integer id 'i' """
......@@ -85,124 +85,9 @@
"""Text Index
Notes on a new text index design
The current inverted index algoirthm works well enough for our needs.
Speed of the algorithm does not seem to be a problem, however, data
management *is* a significant problem. In particular:
- Process size grows unacceptably *during mass indexing*.
- Data load and store seems to take too long. For example,
clearing an inverted index and committing takes a significant
amount of time.
- The current trie data structure contributes significantly to the
number of objects in the system.
- Removal/update of documents is especially problematic. We have
to either:
- Unindex old version of an object before updating it. This is
a real hassle for apps like sws.
- Tool through entire index looking for object references. This
is *totally* impractical.
Some observations of competition:
- Xerox system can index "5-million word document in 256k". What
does this mean?
- Does the system save word positions as we do?
- What is the index indexing?
- What was the vocabulary of the system?
Let\'s see. Assume a 10,000 word vocabulary. Then we use
25-bytes per entry. Hm.....
- Verity has some sense of indexing in phases and packing index.
Verity keeps the index in multiple chunks and a search may
operate on multiple chunks. This means that we can add data
without updating large records.
This may be especially handy for mass updates, like we do in
cv3. In a sense we do this in cv3 and sws. We index a large
batch of documents to a temporary index and then merge changes
If "temporary" index was integral to system, then maybe merger
could be done as a background task....
Tree issues
Tree structures benefit small updates, because an update to an
entry does not cause update of entire tree, however, each node in
tree introduces overhead.
Trie structure currently introduces an excessive number of nodes.
Typically, a node per two or three words. Trie has potential to
reduce storage because key storage is shared between words.
Maybe an alternative to a Trie is some sort of nested BTree. Or
maybe a Trie with some kind of binary-search-based indexing.
Suppose that:
- database objects were at leaves of tree
- vocabulary was finite
- we don\'t remove a leaf when it becomes empty
- After some point, tree objects no longer change
If this is case, then it doesn\'t make sense to optimize tree for
Additional notes
Stemming reduces the number of words substantially.
Proposal -- new TextIndex
TextIndex -- word -> textSearchResult
Implemented with:
InvertedIndex -- word -> idSet
ResultIndex -- id -> docData
word -- is a token, typically a word, but could be a name or a
textSearchResult -- id -> (score, positions)
id -- integer, say 4-byte.
positions -- sequence of integers.
score -- numeric measure of relevence, f(numberOfWords, positions)
numberOfWords -- number of words in source document.
idSet -- set of ids
docData -- numberOfWords, word->positions
Note that ids and positions are ints. We will build C
extensions for efficiently storing and pickling structures
with lots of ints. This should significantly improve space
overhead and storage/retrieveal times, as well as storeage
__version__='$Revision: 1.5 $'[11:-2]
__version__='$Revision: 1.6 $'[11:-2]
from Globals import Persistent
import BTree, IIBTree, IOBTree
......@@ -232,8 +117,6 @@ class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
of getattr or getitem to get an attribute.
# For b/w compatability, have to allow __init__ calls with zero args
if not id==ignore_ex==call_methods==None:
......@@ -282,8 +165,7 @@ class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
def index_object(self, i, obj, tupleType=type(()),
dictType=type({}), callable=callable):
"""Recompute index data for data with ids >= start.
if 'obj' is passed in, it is indexed instead of _data[i]"""
""" Please document """
id =
......@@ -294,7 +176,7 @@ class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
k = str(k)
return 0
d = {}
old = d.has_key
......@@ -302,7 +184,6 @@ class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
src = Splitter(k, self._syn)
# tuple the splitter object and store in the unindex
self._unindex[i] = tuple(src)
for s in src:
if s[0] == '\"': last=self.subindex(s[1:-1], d, old, last)
......@@ -315,8 +196,6 @@ class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
unindex = self._unindex
get = index.get
# self._unindex[i] = tuple(d.keys())
unindex[i] = []
for word,score in d.items():
......@@ -326,6 +205,7 @@ class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
if type(r) is tupleType:
r = {r[0]:r[1]}
r[i] = score
index[word] = r
......@@ -335,6 +215,7 @@ class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
for k, v in r.items(): b[k] = v
r = b
r[i] = score
index[word] = r
......@@ -344,10 +225,12 @@ class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
unindex[i] = tuple(unindex[i])
l = len(unindex[i])
self._index = index
self._unindex = unindex
return l
def unindex_object(self, i, tt=type(()) ):
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