Commit b2ce85ff authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Fixed a bug in getting source that prevented tests from being used if

there were pyc files around. Sigh.

Added tests for restrictions on augmented assignment and for handling
generator expressions.
parent 16d562ee
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import unittest
from RestrictedPython import compile_restricted, PrintCollector
from RestrictedPython.Eval import RestrictionCapableEval
from RestrictedPython.tests import before_and_after, restricted_module, verify
from RestrictedPython.tests import restricted_module, verify
from RestrictedPython.RCompile import RModule, RFunction
......@@ -51,8 +51,13 @@ def find_source(fn, func):
return fn, msg
def get_source(func):
"""Less silly interface to find_source""" # Sheesh
return find_source(func.func_globals['__file__'], func.func_code)[1]
"""Less silly interface to find_source"""
file = func.func_globals['__file__']
if file.endswith('.pyc'):
file = file[:-1]
source = find_source(file, func.func_code)[1]
assert source.strip(), "Source should not be empty!"
return source
def create_rmodule():
global rmodule
......@@ -175,6 +180,14 @@ def apply_wrapper(func, *args, **kws):
return func(*args, **kws)
inplacevar_wrapper_called = {}
def inplacevar_wrapper(op, x, y):
inplacevar_wrapper_called[op] = x, y
# This is really lame. But it's just a test. :)
globs = {'x': x, 'y': y}
exec 'x'+op+'y' in globs
return globs['x']
class RestrictionTests(unittest.TestCase):
def execFunc(self, name, *args, **kw):
func = rmodule[name]
......@@ -191,6 +204,7 @@ class RestrictionTests(unittest.TestCase):
# work for everything.
'_getiter_': list,
'_apply_': apply_wrapper,
'_inplacevar_': inplacevar_wrapper,
return func(*args, **kw)
......@@ -243,6 +257,11 @@ class RestrictionTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(apply_wrapper_called, ["yes"])
self.assertEqual(res, "321")
def checkInplace(self):
res = self.execFunc('try_inplace')
self.assertEqual(inplacevar_wrapper_called['+='], (1, 3))
def checkDenied(self):
for k in rmodule.keys():
if k[:6] == 'denied':
......@@ -314,7 +333,7 @@ class RestrictionTests(unittest.TestCase):
def checkBeforeAndAfter(self):
from RestrictedPython.RCompile import RModule
from RestrictedPython.tests import before_and_after
from compiler import parse
defre = re.compile(r'def ([_A-Za-z0-9]+)_(after|before)\(')
......@@ -339,6 +358,34 @@ class RestrictionTests(unittest.TestCase):
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 4):
def checkBeforeAndAfter24(self):
from RestrictedPython.RCompile import RModule
from RestrictedPython.tests import before_and_after24
from compiler import parse
defre = re.compile(r'def ([_A-Za-z0-9]+)_(after|before)\(')
beforel = [name for name in before_and_after24.__dict__
if name.endswith("_before")]
for name in beforel:
before = getattr(before_and_after24, name)
before_src = get_source(before)
before_src = re.sub(defre, r'def \1(', before_src)
rm = RModule(before_src, '')
tree_before = rm._get_tree()
after = getattr(before_and_after24, name[:-6]+'after')
after_src = get_source(after)
after_src = re.sub(defre, r'def \1(', after_src)
tree_after = parse(after_src)
self.assertEqual(str(tree_before), str(tree_after))
def _compile_file(self, name):
path = os.path.join(_HERE, name)
f = open(path, "r")
......@@ -355,7 +402,7 @@ class RestrictionTests(unittest.TestCase):
def getiter(seq):
return list(seq)
globals = {"_getiter_": getiter}
globals = {"_getiter_": getiter, '_inplacevar_': inplacevar_wrapper}
exec co in globals, {}
# The comparison here depends on the exact code that is
# contained in
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