Commit b70b086b authored by 's avatar

- refactored ``browser:view`` and ``browser:page`` directives

parent 42fb0308
......@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ Bugs Fixed
Features Added
- Five: Refactored ``browser:view`` and ``browser:page`` directives.
This makes their implementation more similar to that in ``zope.browserpage``
and adds allowed_interface support for the ``browser:view`` directive.
- Optimized the `OFS.Traversable.getPhysicalPath` method to avoid excessive
amounts of method calls.
......@@ -33,9 +33,12 @@ from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IDefaultBrowserLayer
from import Permission
import zope.browserpage.metaconfigure
from zope.browserpage.metaconfigure import providesCallable
from zope.browserpage.metaconfigure import _handle_menu
from zope.browserpage.metaconfigure import _handle_allowed_attributes
from zope.browserpage.metaconfigure import _handle_allowed_interface
from zope.browserpage.metaconfigure import _handle_for
from zope.browserpage.metaconfigure import _handle_menu
from zope.browserpage.metaconfigure import _handle_permission
from zope.browserpage.metaconfigure import providesCallable
from zope.browserpage.metadirectives import IViewDirective
from AccessControl.class_init import InitializeClass
......@@ -52,6 +55,37 @@ from Products.Five.browser.resource import DirectoryResourceFactory
from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile
from Products.Five.metaclass import makeClass
def _configure_z2security(_context, new_class, required):
discriminator=('five:protectClass', new_class),
args=(new_class, required.pop(''))
for attr, permission in required.iteritems():
discriminator=('five:protectName', new_class, attr),
args=(new_class, attr, permission)
# Make everything else private
private_attrs = [name for name in dir(new_class)
if (not name.startswith('_')) and
(name not in required) and
ismethod(getattr(new_class, name))]
for attr in private_attrs:
discriminator=('five:protectName', new_class, attr),
args=(new_class, attr, CheckerPrivateId, False)
# Protect the class
discriminator=('five:initialize:class', new_class),
# page
def page(_context, name, permission, for_=Interface,
layer=IDefaultBrowserLayer, template=None, class_=None,
......@@ -59,6 +93,9 @@ def page(_context, name, permission, for_=Interface,
attribute='__call__', menu=None, title=None,
_handle_menu(_context, menu, title, [for_], name, permission, layer)
required = {}
permission = _handle_permission(_context, permission)
if not (class_ or template):
raise ConfigurationError("Must specify a class or template")
......@@ -77,6 +114,7 @@ def page(_context, name, permission, for_=Interface,
if not os.path.isfile(template):
raise ConfigurationError("No such file", template)
# TODO: new __name__ attribute must be tested
if class_:
if attribute != '__call__':
if not hasattr(class_, attribute):
......@@ -122,14 +160,18 @@ def page(_context, name, permission, for_=Interface,
# template
new_class = makeClassForTemplate(template, name=name)
if allowed_attributes is None:
allowed_attributes = []
if allowed_interface is not None:
for interface in allowed_interface:
for n in ('', attribute):
required[n] = permission
_handle_allowed_interface(_context, allowed_interface, permission,
_handle_allowed_attributes(_context, allowed_attributes, permission,
_handle_for(_context, for_)
_configure_z2security(_context, new_class, required)
discriminator = ('view', (for_, layer), name, IBrowserRequest),
callable = handler,
......@@ -137,39 +179,6 @@ def page(_context, name, permission, for_=Interface,
new_class, (for_, layer), Interface, name,,
# Security
discriminator = ('five:protectClass', new_class),
callable = protectClass,
args = (new_class, permission)
if allowed_attributes:
for attr in allowed_attributes:
discriminator = ('five:protectName', new_class, attr),
callable = protectName,
args = (new_class, attr, permission)
# Make everything else private
allowed = [attribute] + (allowed_attributes or [])
private_attrs = [name for name in dir(new_class)
if (not name.startswith('_')) and
(name not in allowed) and
ismethod(getattr(new_class, name))]
for attr in private_attrs:
discriminator = ('five:protectName', new_class, attr),
callable = protectName,
args = (new_class, attr, CheckerPrivateId)
# Protect the class
discriminator = ('five:initialize:class', new_class),
callable = InitializeClass,
args = (new_class,)
class pages(zope.browserpage.metaconfigure.pages):
......@@ -274,8 +283,17 @@ class view(zope.browserpage.metaconfigure.view):
cdict['__name__'] = name
newclass = makeClass(cname, bases, cdict)
for n in ('',):
required[n] = permission
_handle_allowed_interface(_context, allowed_interface, permission,
_handle_allowed_attributes(_context, allowed_attributes, permission,
_handle_for(_context, for_)
_configure_z2security(_context, newclass, required)
if self.provides is not None:
discriminator = None,
......@@ -291,41 +309,6 @@ class view(zope.browserpage.metaconfigure.view):,
# Security
discriminator = ('five:protectClass', newclass),
callable = protectClass,
args = (newclass, permission)
if allowed_attributes:
for attr in allowed_attributes:
discriminator = ('five:protectName', newclass, attr),
callable = protectName,
args = (newclass, attr, permission)
# Make everything else private
allowed = allowed_attributes or []
private_attrs = [name for name in dir(newclass)
if (not name.startswith('_')) and
(name not in allowed) and
ismethod(getattr(newclass, name))]
for attr in private_attrs:
discriminator = ('five:protectName', newclass, attr),
callable = protectName,
args = (newclass, attr, CheckerPrivateId, False)
# Protect the class
discriminator = ('five:initialize:class', newclass),
callable = InitializeClass,
args = (newclass,)
_factory_map = {'image':{'prefix':'ImageResource',
......@@ -448,6 +431,14 @@ def resourceDirectory(_context, name, directory, layer=IDefaultBrowserLayer,
class ViewMixinForAttributes(BrowserView,
# XXX: this alternative implementation would support permission checks for
# the attribute instead of the view
# def browserDefault(self, request):
# return self, (self.__page_attribute__,)
# def publishTraverse(self, request, name):
# return getattr(self, name)
# For some reason, the 'simple' baseclass doesn't implement this
# mandatory method (see
def browserDefault(self, request):
......@@ -205,11 +205,11 @@ high-level security tests). Let's manually look up a protected view:
>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> view = getMultiAdapter((self.folder.testoid, request), name=u'eagle.txt')
It's protecting the object with the permission, and not the attribute,
so we get ('',) instead of ('eagle',):
With the current browserDefault implementation permissions are checked for the
object, and not for the attribute, but it is more robust to protect both:
>>> view.__ac_permissions__
(('View management screens', ('',)),)
(('View management screens', ('', 'eagle')),)
The view's __roles__ attribute can be evaluated correctly:
......@@ -224,6 +224,21 @@ Just Works.)
>>> aq_acquire(view, '__roles__')
>>> aq_acquire(view, 'eagle__roles__')
Other attributes are private:
>>> from AccessControl import ACCESS_PRIVATE
>>> aq_acquire(view, 'mouse__roles__') is ACCESS_PRIVATE
In zope.browserpage this is just protected with the specified permission. Not
sure if this has to be private in Zope 2:
>>> aq_acquire(view, 'publishTraverse__roles__') is ACCESS_PRIVATE
Check to see if view's context properly acquires its true
......@@ -78,6 +78,12 @@ def test_allowed_interface():
... xmlns:browser="">
... <browser:page
... for="*"
... name="testpage"
... permission="zope2.ViewManagementScreens"
... class="AccessControl.tests.testZCML.Dummy1"
... allowed_interface="AccessControl.tests.testZCML.IDummy" />
... <browser:view
... for="*"
... name="testview"
... permission="zope2.ViewManagementScreens"
... class="AccessControl.tests.testZCML.Dummy1"
......@@ -106,7 +112,7 @@ def test_allowed_interface():
>>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
>>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest
>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> view = getMultiAdapter((dummy1, request), name="testview")
>>> view = getMultiAdapter((dummy1, request), name="testpage")
As 'foo' is defined in IDummy, it should have the 'Manager' role.
......@@ -124,6 +130,16 @@ def test_allowed_interface():
>>> getRoles(view, 'superMethod', view.superMethod, ('Def',))
Same tests work using the view directive:
>>> view = getMultiAdapter((dummy1, request), name="testview")
>>> getRoles(view, 'foo',, ('Def',))
>>> getRoles(view, 'wot', view.wot, ('Def',)) is ACCESS_PRIVATE
>>> getRoles(view, 'superMethod', view.superMethod, ('Def',))
>>> tearDown()
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