Commit bac6fce6 authored by Michel Pelletier's avatar Michel Pelletier

Lexicons can be unique or shared across text indexes, lexicon strings

are intern'ed, untextindex.__getitem__ modified to look up word in lexicon
parent b001647c
......@@ -312,8 +312,39 @@ import regsub
__doc__=""" Module breaks out Zope specific methods and behavior. In
addition, provides the Lexicon class which defines a word to integer
from Persistence import Persistent
from Acquisition import Implicit
import OIBTree
class Lexicon(Persistent, Implicit):
""" maps words to word ids """
def __init__(self):
self._lexicon = OIBTree()
self.counter = 0
def __getitem__(self, key):
""" overload mapping behavior """
return self._lexicon[key]
def set(self, word):
""" return the word id of 'word' """
if self._lexicon.has_key(word):
return self._lexicon[word]
self._lexicon[intern(word)] = self.counter
self.counter = self.counter + 1
return self.counter
AndNot = 'andnot'
And = 'and'
......@@ -85,9 +85,14 @@
"""Text Index
The UnTextIndex falls under the 'I didnt have a better name for it'
excuse. It is an 'Un' Text index because it stores a little bit of
undo information so that objects can be unindexed when the old value
is no longer known.
__version__='$Revision: 1.12 $'[11:-2]
__version__='$Revision: 1.13 $'[11:-2]
from Globals import Persistent
import BTree, IIBTree, IOBTree, OIBTree
......@@ -101,12 +106,14 @@ from Splitter import Splitter
from string import strip
import string, regex, regsub, pdb
from Lexicon import *
from ResultList import ResultList
class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
def __init__(self, id=None, ignore_ex=None, call_methods=None):
def __init__(self, id=None, ignore_ex=None,
call_methods=None, lexicon=None):
"""Create an index
The arguments are:
......@@ -120,58 +127,72 @@ class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
'call_methods' -- Tells the indexer to call methods instead
of getattr or getitem to get an attribute.
'lexicon' is the lexicon object to specify, if None, the
index will use a private lexicon.
There is a ZCatalog UML model that sheds some light on what is
going on here. '_index' is a BTree which maps word ids to
mapping from document id to score. Something like:
{'bob' : {1 : 5, 2 : 3, 42 : 9}}
{'uncle' : {1 : 1}}
The '_unindex' attribute is a mapping from document id to word
ids. This mapping allows the catalog to unindex an object:
{42 : ('bob', 'is', 'your', 'uncle')
This isn't exactly how things are represented in memory, many
optimizations happen along the way.
if not id==ignore_ex==call_methods==None:
if not lexicon:
def __len__(self):
return len(self._unindex)
def clear(self):
self._index = BTree()
self._index = IOBTree()
self._unindex = IOBTree()
def positions(self, docid, words, obj):
"""Return the positions in the document for the given document
id of the word, word."""
id =
if self._schema is None:
f = getattr
f = operator.__getitem__
id = self._schema[id]
def index_object(self, i, obj, threshold=None, tupleType=type(()),
dictType=type({}), strType=type(""), callable=callable):
""" Index an object:
if self.call_methods:
doc = str(f(obj, id)())
doc = str(f(obj, id))
'i' is the integer id of the document
r = []
for word in words:
r = r+Splitter(doc, self._syn).indexes(word)
return r
'obj' is the objects to be indexed
'threshold' is the number of words to process between
commiting subtransactions. If 'None' subtransactions are
not used.
def index_object(self, i, obj, threshold=None, tupleType=type(()),
dictType=type({}), strType=type(""), callable=callable):
""" Please document """
the next four arguments are default optimizations.
id =
## sniff the object for our 'id', the 'document source' of
## the index is this attribute. If it smells callable,
## call it.
k = getattr(obj, id)
if callable(k):
k = str(k())
......@@ -184,8 +205,11 @@ class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
old = d.has_key
last = None
## The Splitter should now be european compliant at least.
## Someone should test this.
src = Splitter(k, self._syn)
# tuple the splitter object and store in the unindex
## This returns a tuple of stemmed words. Stopwords have been
## stripped.
for s in src:
if s[0] == '\"': last=self.subindex(s[1:-1], d, old, last)
......@@ -196,29 +220,31 @@ class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
index = self._index
unindex = self._unindex
lexicon = self._lexicon
get = index.get
unindex[i] = []
times = 0
for word,score in d.items():
for word, score in d.items():
if threshold is not None:
if times > threshold:
# commit a subtransaction
# commit a subtransaction hack
# kick the cache
times = 0
r = get(word)
word_id = lexicon.set(word)
r = get(word_id)
if r is not None:
r = index[word]
r = index[word_id]
if type(r) is tupleType:
r = {r[0]:r[1]}
r[i] = score
index[word] = r
index[word_id] = r
elif type(r) is dictType:
if len(r) > 4:
......@@ -227,13 +253,13 @@ class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
r = b
r[i] = score
index[word] = r
index[word_id] = r
else: r[i] = score
index[word] = i, score
index[word_id] = i, score
times = times + 1
unindex[i] = tuple(unindex[i])
......@@ -242,6 +268,7 @@ class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
self._index = index
self._unindex = unindex
## return the number of words you indexed
return times
......@@ -260,37 +287,32 @@ class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
self._index = index
def _subindex(self, isrc, d, old, last):
src = Splitter(isrc, self._syn)
for s in src:
if s[0] == '\"': last=self.subindex(s[1:-1],d,old,last)
if old(s):
if s != last: d[s] = d[s]+1
else: d[s] = 1
return last
def __getitem__(self, word):
"""Return an InvertedIndex-style result "list"
src = tuple(Splitter(word, self._syn))
if not src: return ResultList({}, (word,), self)
if not src:
return ResultList({}, (word,), self)
if len(src) == 1:
if src[:1]=='"' and src[-1:]=='"': return self[src]
r = self._index.get(word,None)
if r is None: r = {}
if src[:1]=='"' and src[-1:]=='"':
return self[src]
r = self._index.get(self._lexicon[word], None)
if r is None:
r = {}
return ResultList(r, (word,), self)
r = None
for word in src:
rr = self[word]
if r is None: r = rr
else: r = r.near(rr)
if r is None:
r = rr
r = r.near(rr)
return r
......@@ -327,6 +349,7 @@ class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
key = strip(key)
if not key:
rr = IIBucket()
for i, score in query(key,self).items():
......@@ -344,3 +367,40 @@ class UnTextIndex(Persistent):
return r, (id,)
return IIBucket(), (id,)
def positions(self, docid, words, obj):
"""Return the positions in the document for the given document
id of the word, word."""
id =
if self._schema is None:
f = getattr
f = operator.__getitem__
id = self._schema[id]
if self.call_methods:
doc = str(f(obj, id)())
doc = str(f(obj, id))
r = []
for word in words:
r = r+Splitter(doc, self._syn).indexes(word)
return r
def _subindex(self, isrc, d, old, last):
src = Splitter(isrc, self._syn)
for s in src:
if s[0] == '\"': last=self.subindex(s[1:-1],d,old,last)
if old(s):
if s != last: d[s] = d[s]+1
else: d[s] = 1
return last
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