Commit c179e2ef authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver

Formatting cleanup; move bugfixes to their own section.

parent 4e16b89b
......@@ -29,45 +29,22 @@ Zope Changes
of a patched one. Both trusted and untrusted code are still
protected against unwanted file inclusion.
- Removed ZGadflyDA (was deprecated since Zope 2.9). The code is
- Removed ZGadflyDA (deprecated since Zope 2.9). The code is
still available from
- Removed OFS.content_types (was deprecated since Zope 2.9)
- Removed OFS.content_types (deprecated since Zope 2.9)
- Undeprecated 'zLOG', which will remain a backward-compatibility
shim for the Python logging module.
- Indexes: Removed unused parameters from '_apply_index' methods.
- Fixed Collector #2190: Calls to aren't rerouted to
Zope 2's security policy.
NOTE: If you already have a Zope 2.10 instance running, you
will either have to recreate it or add the following lines to
the end of the etc/site.zcml file::
component="" />
- Fixed Collector #2223: Evaluation of booleans in TALES and the
'default' variable.
- Removed deprecated support for product initialization based on
'__ac_permissions__' and 'meta_types' attributes.
- Collector #2213: Can't edit "old" ZopePageTemplate instances.
- Collector #2235: A number of ZCatalog methods were doing boolean
evaluation of objects that implemented __len__ instead of checking
them against None. Replaced a number of "if not obj" with
"if obj is None".
- reStructuredText/ZReST: setting raw_enabled to 0 for security
- Collector #2113: 'zopectl test' masked Ctrl-C.
- OFS Image: Image and File updated to use isinstance(data, str)
and raises TypeError upon encountering unicode objects.
......@@ -97,18 +74,19 @@ Zope Changes
and country names. Form variables of both debug and locale will shadow
these two attributes and their use is therefor discouraged.
- MailHost: now uses zope.sendmail for delivering the mail. With this change
MailHost integrates with the Zope transaction system (avoids sending dupe
emails in case of conflict errors). In addition MailHost now provides
support for asynchronous mail delivery. The 'Use queue' configuration
option will create a mail queue on the filesystem (under
'Queue directory') and start a queue thread that checks the queue every
three seconds. This decouples the sending of mail from its delivery.
In addition MailHosts now supports encrypted connections through TLS/SSL.
- MailHost: now uses zope.sendmail for delivering the mail. With this
change MailHost integrates with the Zope transaction system (avoids
sending dupe emails in case of conflict errors). In addition MailHost
now provides support for asynchronous mail delivery. The 'Use queue'
configuration option will create a mail queue on the filesystem (under
'Queue directory') and start a queue thread that checks the queue
every three seconds. This decouples the sending of mail from its
delivery. In addition MailHosts now supports encrypted connections
through TLS/SSL.
- integrated ZODB 3.8 (featuring BLOB support)
- integrated latest Zope components (aka Zope 3.4)
- integrated latest Zope3 components (aka Zope 3.4)
- Support for using zopectl on Windows has been added. All commands are
supported and there are two Windows specific ones: install and remove,
......@@ -156,7 +134,7 @@ Zope Changes
- Zope 3-based exception views can now be registered in ZCML for
various exceptions that can be raised by Zope. Registering an
exception view can be done like this:
exception view can be done like this::
......@@ -166,10 +144,13 @@ Zope Changes
Relevant exceptions that can have views are:
o zope.interface.common.interfaces.IException
o zope.publisher.interfaces.INotFound
Note that the name has to be 'index.html' for the exception
view to work. (patch by Sidnei da Silva from Enfold,
......@@ -179,3 +160,26 @@ Zope Changes
for more time zones and up to date daylight saving time
Bugs Fixed
- Collector #2113: 'zopectl test' masked Ctrl-C.
- Collector #2190: Calls to
weren't rerouted to Zope 2's security policy.
NOTE: If you already have a Zope 2.10 instance running, you
will either have to recreate it or add the following lines to
the end of the etc/site.zcml file::
component="" />
- Collector #2223: Evaluation of booleans in TALES and the
'default' variable.
- Collector #2213: Can't edit "old" ZopePageTemplate instances.
- Collector #2235: A number of ZCatalog methods were doing boolean
evaluation of objects that implemented __len__ instead of checking
them against None. Replaced a number of "if not obj" with
"if obj is None".
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