Commit c283ff8e authored by Andreas Jung's avatar Andreas Jung

update to docutils 0.3.9

parent ac405197
# Author: Ivan Vilata i Balaguer
# Contact:
# Revision: $Revision: 3276 $
# Date: $Date: 2005-04-30 13:34:52 +0200 (Sat, 30 Apr 2005) $
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
# New language mappings are welcome. Before doing a new translation, please
# read <>. Two files must be
# translated for each language: one in docutils/languages, the other in
# docutils/parsers/rst/languages.
Catalan-language mappings for language-dependent features of Docutils.
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
labels = {
# fixed: language-dependent
'author': u'Autor',
'authors': u'Autors',
'organization': u'Organitzaci\u00F3',
'address': u'Adre\u00E7a',
'contact': u'Contacte',
'version': u'Versi\u00F3',
'revision': u'Revisi\u00F3',
'status': u'Estat',
'date': u'Data',
'copyright': u'Copyright',
'dedication': u'Dedicat\u00F2ria',
'abstract': u'Resum',
'attention': u'Atenci\u00F3!',
'caution': u'Compte!',
'danger': u'PERILL!',
'error': u'Error',
'hint': u'Suggeriment',
'important': u'Important',
'note': u'Nota',
'tip': u'Consell',
'warning': u'Av\u00EDs',
'contents': u'Contingut'}
"""Mapping of node class name to label text."""
bibliographic_fields = {
# language-dependent: fixed
u'autor': 'author',
u'autors': 'authors',
u'organitzaci\u00F3': 'organization',
u'adre\u00E7a': 'address',
u'contacte': 'contact',
u'versi\u00F3': 'version',
u'revisi\u00F3': 'revision',
u'estat': 'status',
u'data': 'date',
u'copyright': 'copyright',
u'dedicat\u00F2ria': 'dedication',
u'resum': 'abstract'}
"""Catalan (lowcased) to canonical name mapping for bibliographic fields."""
author_separators = [';', ',']
"""List of separator strings for the 'Authors' bibliographic field. Tried in
# Author: Martijn Pieters
# Contact:
# Revision: $Revision: 3058 $
# Date: $Date: 2005-03-18 21:09:22 +0100 (Fri, 18 Mar 2005) $
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
# New language mappings are welcome. Before doing a new translation, please
# read <>. Two files must be
# translated for each language: one in docutils/languages, the other in
# docutils/parsers/rst/languages.
Dutch-language mappings for language-dependent features of Docutils.
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
labels = {
# fixed: language-dependent
'author': 'Auteur',
'authors': 'Auteurs',
'organization': 'Organisatie',
'address': 'Adres',
'contact': 'Contact',
'version': 'Versie',
'revision': 'Revisie',
'status': 'Status',
'date': 'Datum',
'copyright': 'Copyright',
'dedication': 'Toewijding',
'abstract': 'Samenvatting',
'attention': 'Attentie!',
'caution': 'Let op!',
'danger': '!GEVAAR!',
'error': 'Fout',
'hint': 'Hint',
'important': 'Belangrijk',
'note': 'Opmerking',
'tip': 'Tip',
'warning': 'Waarschuwing',
'contents': 'Inhoud'}
"""Mapping of node class name to label text."""
bibliographic_fields = {
# language-dependent: fixed
'auteur': 'author',
'auteurs': 'authors',
'organisatie': 'organization',
'adres': 'address',
'contact': 'contact',
'versie': 'version',
'revisie': 'revision',
'status': 'status',
'datum': 'date',
'copyright': 'copyright',
'toewijding': 'dedication',
'samenvatting': 'abstract'}
"""Dutch (lowcased) to canonical name mapping for bibliographic fields."""
author_separators = [';', ',']
"""List of separator strings for the 'Authors' bibliographic field. Tried in
# Author: Ivan Vilata i Balaguer
# Contact:
# Revision: $Revision: 3276 $
# Date: $Date: 2005-04-30 13:34:52 +0200 (Sat, 30 Apr 2005) $
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
# New language mappings are welcome. Before doing a new translation, please
# read <>. Two files must be
# translated for each language: one in docutils/languages, the other in
# docutils/parsers/rst/languages.
Catalan-language mappings for language-dependent features of
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
directives = {
# language-dependent: fixed
u'atenci\u00F3': 'attention',
u'compte': 'caution',
u'perill': 'danger',
u'error': 'error',
u'suggeriment': 'hint',
u'important': 'important',
u'nota': 'note',
u'consell': 'tip',
u'av\u00EDs': 'warning',
u'advertiment': 'admonition',
u'nota-al-marge': 'sidebar',
u'nota-marge': 'sidebar',
u'tema': 'topic',
u'bloc-de-l\u00EDnies': 'line-block',
u'bloc-l\u00EDnies': 'line-block',
u'literal-analitzat': 'parsed-literal',
u'r\u00FAbrica': 'rubric',
u'ep\u00EDgraf': 'epigraph',
u'sumari': 'highlights',
u'cita-destacada': 'pull-quote',
u'compost': 'compound',
#'questions': 'questions',
u'taula': 'table',
u'taula-csv': 'csv-table',
u'taula-llista': 'list-table',
#'qa': 'questions',
#'faq': 'questions',
u'meta': 'meta',
#'imagemap': 'imagemap',
u'imatge': 'image',
u'figura': 'figure',
u'inclou': 'include',
u'incloure': 'include',
u'cru': 'raw',
u'reempla\u00E7a': 'replace',
u'reempla\u00E7ar': 'replace',
u'unicode': 'unicode',
u'classe': 'class',
u'rol': 'role',
u'contingut': 'contents',
u'numsec': 'sectnum',
u'numeraci\u00F3-de-seccions': 'sectnum',
u'numeraci\u00F3-seccions': 'sectnum',
u'cap\u00E7alera': 'header',
u'peu-de-p\u00E0gina': 'footer',
u'peu-p\u00E0gina': 'footer',
#'footnotes': 'footnotes',
#'citations': 'citations',
u'notes-amb-destinacions': 'target-notes',
u'notes-destinacions': 'target-notes',
u'directiva-de-prova-de-restructuredtext': 'restructuredtext-test-directive'}
"""Catalan name to registered (in directives/ directive name
roles = {
# language-dependent: fixed
u'abreviatura': 'abbreviation',
u'abreviaci\u00F3': 'abbreviation',
u'abrev': 'abbreviation',
u'ab': 'abbreviation',
u'acr\u00F2nim': 'acronym',
u'ac': 'acronym',
u'\u00EDndex': 'index',
u'i': 'index',
u'sub\u00EDndex': 'subscript',
u'sub': 'subscript',
u'super\u00EDndex': 'superscript',
u'sup': 'superscript',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-a-t\u00EDtol': 'title-reference',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-t\u00EDtol': 'title-reference',
u't\u00EDtol': 'title-reference',
u't': 'title-reference',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-a-pep': 'pep-reference',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-pep': 'pep-reference',
u'pep': 'pep-reference',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-a-rfc': 'rfc-reference',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-rfc': 'rfc-reference',
u'rfc': 'rfc-reference',
u'\u00E8mfasi': 'emphasis',
u'destacat': 'strong',
u'literal': 'literal',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-amb-nom': 'named-reference',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-nom': 'named-reference',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-an\u00F2nima': 'anonymous-reference',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-a-nota-al-peu': 'footnote-reference',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-nota-al-peu': 'footnote-reference',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-a-cita': 'citation-reference',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-cita': 'citation-reference',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-a-substituci\u00F3': 'substitution-reference',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-substituci\u00F3': 'substitution-reference',
u'destinaci\u00F3': 'target',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-a-uri': 'uri-reference',
u'refer\u00E8ncia-uri': 'uri-reference',
u'uri': 'uri-reference',
u'url': 'uri-reference',
u'cru': 'raw',}
"""Mapping of Catalan role names to canonical role names for interpreted text.
# Author: Martijn Pieters
# Contact:
# Revision: $Revision: 3184 $
# Date: $Date: 2005-04-07 21:36:11 +0200 (Thu, 07 Apr 2005) $
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
# New language mappings are welcome. Before doing a new translation, please
# read <>. Two files must be
# translated for each language: one in docutils/languages, the other in
# docutils/parsers/rst/languages.
Dutch-language mappings for language-dependent features of
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
directives = {
# language-dependent: fixed
'attentie': 'attention',
'let-op': 'caution',
'gevaar': 'danger',
'fout': 'error',
'hint': 'hint',
'belangrijk': 'important',
'opmerking': 'note',
'tip': 'tip',
'waarschuwing': 'warning',
'aanmaning': 'admonition',
'katern': 'sidebar',
'onderwerp': 'topic',
'lijn-blok': 'line-block',
'letterlijk-ontleed': 'parsed-literal',
'rubriek': 'rubric',
'opschrift': 'epigraph',
'hoogtepunten': 'highlights',
'pull-quote': 'pull-quote', # Dutch printers use the english term
'samenstelling': 'compound',
'verbinding': 'compound',
#'vragen': 'questions',
'tabel': 'table',
'csv-tabel': 'csv-table',
'lijst-tabel': 'list-table',
#'veelgestelde-vragen': 'questions',
'meta': 'meta',
#'imagemap': 'imagemap',
'beeld': 'image',
'figuur': 'figure',
'opnemen': 'include',
'onbewerkt': 'raw',
'vervang': 'replace',
'vervanging': 'replace',
'unicode': 'unicode',
'klasse': 'class',
'rol': 'role',
'inhoud': 'contents',
'sectnum': 'sectnum',
'sectie-nummering': 'sectnum',
'hoofdstuk-nummering': 'sectnum',
u'header (translation required)': 'header',
u'footer (translation required)': 'footer',
#'voetnoten': 'footnotes',
#'citaten': 'citations',
'verwijzing-voetnoten': 'target-notes',
'restructuredtext-test-instructie': 'restructuredtext-test-directive'}
"""Dutch name to registered (in directives/ directive name
roles = {
# language-dependent: fixed
'afkorting': 'abbreviation',
# 'ab': 'abbreviation',
'acroniem': 'acronym',
'ac': 'acronym',
'index': 'index',
'i': 'index',
'inferieur': 'subscript',
'inf': 'subscript',
'superieur': 'superscript',
'sup': 'superscript',
'titel-referentie': 'title-reference',
'titel': 'title-reference',
't': 'title-reference',
'pep-referentie': 'pep-reference',
'pep': 'pep-reference',
'rfc-referentie': 'rfc-reference',
'rfc': 'rfc-reference',
'nadruk': 'emphasis',
'extra': 'strong',
'extra-nadruk': 'strong',
'vet': 'strong',
'letterlijk': 'literal',
'benoemde-referentie': 'named-reference',
'anonieme-referentie': 'anonymous-reference',
'voetnoot-referentie': 'footnote-reference',
'citaat-referentie': 'citation-reference',
'substitie-reference': 'substitution-reference',
'verwijzing': 'target',
'uri-referentie': 'uri-reference',
'uri': 'uri-reference',
'url': 'uri-reference',
'onbewerkt': 'raw',}
"""Mapping of Dutch role names to canonical role names for interpreted text.
This diff is collapsed.
# Author: David Goodger
# Contact:
# Revision: $Revision: 3246 $
# Date: $Date: 2005-04-23 21:23:21 +0200 (Sat, 23 Apr 2005) $
# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
A do-nothing Writer.
from docutils import writers
class Writer(writers.Writer):
supported = ('null',)
"""Formats this writer supports."""
config_section = 'null writer'
config_section_dependencies = ('writers',)
def translate(self):
Markdown is supported
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