Commit c46eae11 authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver

Repair breakage induced by backport: sync interfaces with the trunk.

parent 55f36ad7
......@@ -10,224 +10,13 @@
""" Session APIs
o See Also
- "Transient Object API":../../Transience/Help/
from zope.interface import Interface
class IBrowserIdManager(Interface):
""" Zope Browser Id Manager interface.
A Zope Browser Id Manager is responsible for assigning ids to site
visitors, and for servicing requests from Session Data Managers
related to the browser id.
def hasBrowserId():
""" Return true if there is a browser id for the current request.
o Permission required: Access contents information
o Does *not* raise an error if the request contains a broken
browser id.
def getBrowserId(create=1):
""" Return a browser id for the current request.
o If create is false, return None if there is no browser id associated
with the current request.
o If create is true, return a newly-created browser id if
there is no browser id associated with the current request.
o This method is useful in conjunction with 'getBrowserIdName' if you
wish to embed the browser-id-name/browser-id combination as a hidden
value in a POST-based form.
o The browser id is opaque, has no business meaning, and its length,
type, and composition are subject to change.
o Permission required: Access contents information
o Raises BrowserIdManagerErr if an ill-formed browser id
is found in REQUEST.
def getBrowserIdName():
Returns a string with the name of the cookie/form variable which is
used by the current browser id manager as the name to look up when
attempting to obtain the browser id value. For example, '_ZopeId'.
Permission required: Access contents information
def isBrowserIdNew():
Returns true if browser id is 'new'. A browser id is 'new'
when it is first created and the client has therefore not sent it
back to the server in any request.
Permission required: Access contents information
Raises: BrowserIdManagerErr. If there is no current browser id.
def isBrowserIdFromCookie():
""" Return true if browser id comes from a cookie.
o Permission required: Access contents information
o Raise BrowserIdManagerErr if there is no current browser id.
def isBrowserIdFromForm():
""" Return true if browser id comes from a form variable.
o Variable may come from either the query string or a post.
o Permission required: Access contents information
o Raise BrowserIdManagerErr if there is no current browser id.
def isBrowserIdFromUrl():
""" Return true if browser id comes from a cookie.
o Permission required: Access contents information
o Raise BrowserIdManagerErr if there is no current browser id.
def flushBrowserIdCookie():
""" Deletes the browser id cookie from the client browser.
o Permission required: Access contents information
o Raise BrowserIdManagerErr if the 'cookies' namespace isn't
a browser id namespace.
def setBrowserIdCookieByForce(bid):
""" Sets the browser id cookie to browser id 'bid' by force.
o Useful when you need to 'chain' browser id cookies across domains
for the same user (perhaps temporarily using query strings).
o Permission required: Access contents information
o Raise BrowserIdManagerErr if the 'cookies' namespace isn't
a browser id namespace.
def getHiddenFormField():
""" Return a string usable as a hidden form field for the browser id.
o String is of the form::
<input type="hidden" name="_ZopeId" value="H7HJGYUFGFyHKH*" />
o name and the value represent the current browser id
name and current browser id.
def encodeUrl(url, style='querystring'):
""" Encode a given URL with the current browser id.
o Two forms of URL-encoding are supported: 'querystring' and 'inline'.
o 'querystring' is the default.
o If the 'querystring' form is used, the browser id name/value pair
are postfixed onto the URL as a query string.
o If the 'inline' form is used, the browser id name/value pair
are prefixed onto the URL as the first two path segment elements.
o For example:
- The call encodeUrl('', style='querystring')
might return ''.
- The call encodeUrl(', style='inline')
might return ''.
o Permission required: Access contents information
o Raise BrowserIdManagerErr if there is no current browser id.
# BBB location for APIs now defined in Products.Sessions.interfaces
from Products.Sessions.interfaces import IBrowserIdManager
BrowserIdManagerInterface = IBrowserIdManager # BBB
class ISessionDataManager(Interface):
""" Zope Session Data Manager interface.
A Zope Session Data Manager is responsible for maintaining Session
Data Objects, and for servicing requests from application code
related to Session Data Objects. It also communicates with a Browser
Id Manager to provide information about browser ids.
def getBrowserIdManager():
""" Return the nearest acquirable browser id manager.
o Raise SessionDataManagerErr if no browser id manager can be found.
o Permission required: Access session data
def getSessionData(create=1):
""" Return a Session Data Object for the current browser id.
o If there is no current browser id, and create is true,
return a new Session Data Object.
o If there is no current browser id and create is false, returns None.
o Permission required: Access session data
def hasSessionData():
""" Does a Session Data Object exist for the current browser id?
o Do not create a Session Data Object if one does not exist.
o Permission required: Access session data
def getSessionDataByKey(key):
""" Return a Session Data Object associated with 'key'.
o If there is no Session Data Object associated with 'key',
return None.
o Permission required: Access arbitrary user session data
SessionDataManagerInterface = ISessionDataManager # BBB
class SessionDataManagerErr(ValueError):
""" Error raised during some session data manager operations
o See ISesseionDataManager.
o This exception may be caught in PythonScripts. A successful
import of the exception for PythonScript use would need to be::
from Products.Sessions import SessionDataManagerErr
class BrowserIdManagerErr(ValueError):
""" Error raised during some browser id manager operations
o See IBrowserIdManager methods.
o This exception may be caught in PythonScripts. A successful
import of the exception for PythonScript use would need to be::
from Products.Sessions.interfaces import ISessionDataManager
SessionDataManagerInterface = ISessionDataManager
from Products.Sessions import BrowserIdManagerErr
from Products.Sessions.interfaces import SessionDataManagerErr
from Products.Sessions.interfaces import BrowserIdManagerErr
# Copyright (c) 2002 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
""" Session APIs
o See Also
- "Transient Object API":../../Transience/Help/
from zope.interface import Interface
class IBrowserIdManager(Interface):
""" Zope Browser Id Manager interface.
A Zope Browser Id Manager is responsible for assigning ids to site
visitors, and for servicing requests from Session Data Managers
related to the browser id.
def hasBrowserId():
""" Return true if there is a browser id for the current request.
o Permission required: Access contents information
o Does *not* raise an error if the request contains a broken
browser id.
def getBrowserId(create=1):
""" Return a browser id for the current request.
o If create is false, return None if there is no browser id associated
with the current request.
o If create is true, return a newly-created browser id if
there is no browser id associated with the current request.
o This method is useful in conjunction with 'getBrowserIdName' if you
wish to embed the browser-id-name/browser-id combination as a hidden
value in a POST-based form.
o The browser id is opaque, has no business meaning, and its length,
type, and composition are subject to change.
o Permission required: Access contents information
o Raises BrowserIdManagerErr if an ill-formed browser id
is found in REQUEST.
def getBrowserIdName():
Returns a string with the name of the cookie/form variable which is
used by the current browser id manager as the name to look up when
attempting to obtain the browser id value. For example, '_ZopeId'.
Permission required: Access contents information
def isBrowserIdNew():
Returns true if browser id is 'new'. A browser id is 'new'
when it is first created and the client has therefore not sent it
back to the server in any request.
Permission required: Access contents information
Raises: BrowserIdManagerErr. If there is no current browser id.
def isBrowserIdFromCookie():
""" Return true if browser id comes from a cookie.
o Permission required: Access contents information
o Raise BrowserIdManagerErr if there is no current browser id.
def isBrowserIdFromForm():
""" Return true if browser id comes from a form variable.
o Variable may come from either the query string or a post.
o Permission required: Access contents information
o Raise BrowserIdManagerErr if there is no current browser id.
def isBrowserIdFromUrl():
""" Return true if browser id comes from a cookie.
o Permission required: Access contents information
o Raise BrowserIdManagerErr if there is no current browser id.
def flushBrowserIdCookie():
""" Deletes the browser id cookie from the client browser.
o Permission required: Access contents information
o Raise BrowserIdManagerErr if the 'cookies' namespace isn't
a browser id namespace.
def setBrowserIdCookieByForce(bid):
""" Sets the browser id cookie to browser id 'bid' by force.
o Useful when you need to 'chain' browser id cookies across domains
for the same user (perhaps temporarily using query strings).
o Permission required: Access contents information
o Raise BrowserIdManagerErr if the 'cookies' namespace isn't
a browser id namespace.
def getHiddenFormField():
""" Return a string usable as a hidden form field for the browser id.
o String is of the form::
<input type="hidden" name="_ZopeId" value="H7HJGYUFGFyHKH*" />
o name and the value represent the current browser id
name and current browser id.
def encodeUrl(url, style='querystring'):
""" Encode a given URL with the current browser id.
o Two forms of URL-encoding are supported: 'querystring' and 'inline'.
o 'querystring' is the default.
o If the 'querystring' form is used, the browser id name/value pair
are postfixed onto the URL as a query string.
o If the 'inline' form is used, the browser id name/value pair
are prefixed onto the URL as the first two path segment elements.
o For example:
- The call encodeUrl('', style='querystring')
might return ''.
- The call encodeUrl(', style='inline')
might return ''.
o Permission required: Access contents information
o Raise BrowserIdManagerErr if there is no current browser id.
BrowserIdManagerInterface = IBrowserIdManager # BBB
class ISessionDataManager(Interface):
""" Zope Session Data Manager interface.
A Zope Session Data Manager is responsible for maintaining Session
Data Objects, and for servicing requests from application code
related to Session Data Objects. It also communicates with a Browser
Id Manager to provide information about browser ids.
def getBrowserIdManager():
""" Return the nearest acquirable browser id manager.
o Raise SessionDataManagerErr if no browser id manager can be found.
o Permission required: Access session data
def getSessionData(create=1):
""" Return a Session Data Object for the current browser id.
o If there is no current browser id, and create is true,
return a new Session Data Object.
o If there is no current browser id and create is false, returns None.
o Permission required: Access session data
def hasSessionData():
""" Does a Session Data Object exist for the current browser id?
o Do not create a Session Data Object if one does not exist.
o Permission required: Access session data
def getSessionDataByKey(key):
""" Return a Session Data Object associated with 'key'.
o If there is no Session Data Object associated with 'key',
return None.
o Permission required: Access arbitrary user session data
SessionDataManagerInterface = ISessionDataManager # BBB
class SessionDataManagerErr(ValueError):
""" Error raised during some session data manager operations
o See ISesseionDataManager.
o This exception may be caught in PythonScripts. A successful
import of the exception for PythonScript use would need to be::
from Products.Sessions import SessionDataManagerErr
class BrowserIdManagerErr(ValueError):
""" Error raised during some browser id manager operations
o See IBrowserIdManager methods.
o This exception may be caught in PythonScripts. A successful
import of the exception for PythonScript use would need to be::
from Products.Sessions import BrowserIdManagerErr
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