Commit ca1d6f71 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Began refining mapping interfaces to make them more useful for

parent 16e9bae3
......@@ -4,12 +4,72 @@ import Basic, Util
class Mapping(Basic.Base):
"anything supporting __getitem__"
def __getitem__(key):
"""Get the value for the given key
Raise a key error if the key if not in the collection.
class QueryMapping(Mapping):
def has_key(key):
"""Check whether the object has an item with the given key"""
def get(key, default):
"""Get the value for the given key
Return the default if the key is not in the collection.
class Sized(Basic.Base):
"anything supporting __len"
def __len__():
"""Return the number of items in the container"""
class MutableMapping(Basic.Mutable):
"Has __setitem__ and __delitem__"
def __setitem__(key, value):
"""Set the value for the given key"""
def __delitem__(key):
"""delete the value for the given key
Raise a key error if the key if not in the collection."""
class EnumerableMapping(Mapping):
def keys():
"""Return an Sequence containing the keys in the collection
The type of the IReadSequence is not specified. It could be a
list or a tuple or some other type.
class MinimalDictionary(QueryMapping, Sized, MutableMapping,
"""Provide minimal dictionary-like behavior
def values():
"""Return a IReadSequence containing the values in the collection
The type of the IReadSequence is not specified. It could be a
list or a tuple or some other type.
def items():
"""Return a IReadSequence containing the items in the collection
An item is a key-value tuple.
The type of the IReadSequence is not specified. It could be a
list or a tuple or some other type.
class Sequence(Mapping):
"Keys must be integers in a sequence starting at 0."
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