Commit d45bf98e authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Added a test for proper __of__ handling.

parent c2e64d2d
......@@ -279,5 +279,56 @@ share the same class:
Extension Classes define a special method __of__. Extension classes
that define __of__ attributes are treated as read descriptors and the
__of__ method is also used as a __get__ methods.
Let's look at an example.
>>> from ExtensionClass import Base
>>> class Named(Base):
... def __init__(self, name):
... = name
... def __repr__(self):
... return
>>> class WithOf(Named):
... def __of__(self, parent):
... print '__of__', self, parent
... return self
>>> n = Named('n')
>>> n.w = WithOf('w')
>>> w = n.w
__of__ w n
We see that __of__ was called when we did the getattr. Now let's try a
persistent version:
>>> C = connection.root()['C']
>>> class PersistentWithOf(C, WithOf):
... pass
>>> n.w = PersistentWithOf('pw')
>>> w = n.w
__of__ pw n
(We reloaded C from the connection we were going to use.)
Now we'll save our class in the database and reload it:
>>> connection.root()['PW'] = PersistentWithOf
>>> tm.commit()
>>> connection2.sync()
>>> PW = connection2.root()['PW']
And the class loaded from the database will have the same behavior:
>>> n.w = PW('pw2')
>>> w = n.w
__of__ pw2 n
XXX test abort of import
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