Commit d47cff76 authored by Michel Pelletier's avatar Michel Pelletier

fergotto check one in...

parent deace362
from Zope.Interfaces.Interface import Interface
class RoleManager:
Description of the RoleManager interface
def ac_inherited_permissions(self, all=0):
Get all permissions not defined in ourself that are inherited.
Returns a sequence of tuples with a name as the first item an
an empty tuple as the second.
def permission_settings(self):
Return user-role permission settings.
def permissionsOfRole(self, role):
Return the permissions that this Role maps to.
def rolesOfPermission(self, permission):
Returns roles that have 'permission'.
def acquiredRolesAreUsedBy(self, permission):
I have no idea.
def has_local_roles(self):
Returns the number of local roles for 'self', otherwiser
returns a false value.
def get_local_roles(self):
Returns a sequence of local roles for 'self'.
def get_valid_userids(self):
who knows.
def get_local_roles_for_userid(self, userid):
who knows.
def valid_roles(self):
Returns a list of valid roles.
def validate_roles(self, roles):
Returns a true value if all given roles are valid.
def userdefined_roles(self):
Returns a list of user defined roles.
RoleManagerInterface=Interface(RoleManager) # create the interface object
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