Commit d6db71a7 authored by Evan Simpson's avatar Evan Simpson

Fix issubclass() call that fails on string exceptions.

parent 3edf498b
......@@ -99,30 +99,31 @@ def zpublisher_exception_hook(
published, REQUEST, t, v, traceback,
# static
if ((type(t) is StringType and
lower(t) in ('unauthorized', 'redirect'))
or t is SystemExit):
if issubclass(t, ConflictError):
# now what
# First, we need to close the current connection. We'll
# do this by releasing the hold on it. There should be
# some sane protocol for this, but for now we'll use
# brute force:
global conflict_errors
conflict_errors = conflict_errors + 1
method_name = REQUEST.get('PATH_INFO', '')
err = ('ZODB conflict error at %s (%s conflicts since startup '
'at %s)')
LOG(err % (method_name, conflict_errors, startup_time), INFO, '')
LOG('Conflict traceback', BLATHER, '', error=sys.exc_info())
raise ZPublisher.Retry(t, v, traceback)
if t is ZPublisher.Retry: v.reraise()
if isinstance(t, StringType):
if t.lower() in ('unauthorized', 'redirect'):
if t is SystemExit:
if issubclass(t, ConflictError):
# First, we need to close the current connection. We'll
# do this by releasing the hold on it. There should be
# some sane protocol for this, but for now we'll use
# brute force:
global conflict_errors
conflict_errors = conflict_errors + 1
method_name = REQUEST.get('PATH_INFO', '')
err = ('ZODB conflict error at %s '
'(%s conflicts since startup at %s)')
LOG(err % (method_name, conflict_errors, startup_time),
INFO, '')
LOG('Conflict traceback', BLATHER, '', error=sys.exc_info())
raise ZPublisher.Retry(t, v, traceback)
if t is ZPublisher.Retry: v.reraise()
if (getattr(REQUEST.get('RESPONSE', None), '_error_format', '')
!='text/html'): raise
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