Commit dd145f10 authored by Chris Withers's avatar Chris Withers

Fix incorrect docstring.

parent 2432cfa9
......@@ -420,10 +420,11 @@ static struct PyMethodDef MM_methods[] = {
{"_pop", (PyCFunction) MM_pop, 0,
"_pop() -- Remove and return the last data source added"},
{"getitem", (PyCFunction) MM_get, METH_VARARGS,
"getitem(key[,call]) -- Get a value\n\n"
"Normally, callable objects that can be called without arguments are\n"
"called during retrieval. This can be suppressed by providing a\n"
"second argument that is false.\n"
"getitem(key[,call]) -- Get a value from the MultiDict\n\n"
"If call is true, callable objects that can be called without arguments are\n"
"called during retrieval.\n"
"If call is false, the object will be returns without any attempt to call it.\n"
"If not specified, call is false by default.\n"
{"has_key", (PyCFunction) MM_has_key, METH_VARARGS,
"has_key(key) -- Test whether the mapping has the given key"
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