1. 26 Jun, 2001 1 commit
    • Chris McDonough's avatar
      The doc_href method is used in two cases: · 323d2889
      Chris McDonough authored
        "a link", http://an.aboslute.url
        "a link":an absolute or relative URL
      Fixes checked in earlier in the day to allow for only absolute URLs in the former broke regexes to do relative URLs in the latter.  This is now fixed.
      FWIW, why we allow the first spelling is beyond me.  It has a tendency to be misinterpreted if it's not used with an absolute URL, which is why it's limited to matching absolute URLs currently.
  2. 25 Jun, 2001 5 commits
    • Chris McDonough's avatar
    • Chris McDonough's avatar
    • Chris McDonough's avatar
    • Chris McDonough's avatar
      A number of small changes and enhancements to the detection of symbols and gestures: · b29008c9
      Chris McDonough authored
       - All regexes attempt to now detect \r as well as \n as a newline character.
       - Fixed improper regex for emphasis which caused emphasized text to be rendered as strong.
       - Fixed href method to not return false positives for "comma", link:types.  In many cases, inappropriate things were being detected as comma-link-type hrefs.  Now only things with (http|https|ftp|mailto|file|about) as a leader are used as comma-link-types.
       - Changed ordered list types to not treat small words with following punctuation at the beginning of a paragraph (e.g. "Yes.") as an ordered list gesture.  Instead, only single characters (or any-length digits) followed by punctuation will be treated as an ordered list gesture.
      - Removed unused regular expression from doc_header signature.
      - Changed doc_literal, doc_emphasis, and doc_strong methods to
        work across newlines.  This means that people can start to type
        for example, a literal 'on one line and it should be ok to
        ... cross to the next'.  The danger here is that it will match
        too much (especially in the case of literals), but this is
        ameliorated by the fact that (at least for literals) the
        ending "'" is required to be followed by some kind of whitespace.
        Emphasis and strong don't have this limitation, but their symbology
        (*) is much less frequently used in normal writing.
    • Fred Drake's avatar
      · f44a849a
      Fred Drake authored
      do_startTag():  Only add in the length of the tag name once to determine
          alignment column for attributes.
  3. 23 Jun, 2001 2 commits
    • Chris McDonough's avatar
      DocumentClass was changed to support alternate locates a while back. One of the · ff2fe9ad
      Chris McDonough authored
       ways in which this was done was to use string.punctuation with locale support t
      urned on, stuffing the results into regular expressions.
      Unfortunately, the insertion of the punctuation into regular expressions was com
      pletely literal.  This meant that, depending on locale, a regex could take on a
      completely different semantic due to the fact that it could include "]", "?", et
      c.  At times, this could cause a segmentation fault if a nonsensical generated r
      egex was especially juicy.
      I took out the code which localized punctuation, although the code which localiz
      es letters is still there.
    • Chris McDonough's avatar
      DocumentClass was changed to support alternate locates a while back. One of... · eb9f1477
      Chris McDonough authored
      DocumentClass was changed to support alternate locates a while back.  One of the ways in which this was done was to use string.punctuation with locale support turned on, stuffing the results into regular expressions.
      Unfortunately, the insertion of the punctuation into regular expressions was completely literal.  This meant that, depending on locale, a regex could take on a completely different semantic due to the fact that it could include "]", "?", etc.  At times, this could cause a segmentation fault if a nonsensical generated regex was especially juicy.
      I took out the code which localized punctuation, although the code which localizes letters is still there.
  4. 22 Jun, 2001 5 commits
  5. 21 Jun, 2001 22 commits
  6. 20 Jun, 2001 1 commit
  7. 19 Jun, 2001 4 commits