- 09 Apr, 2001 7 commits
Evan Simpson authored
Guido van Rossum authored
buffer boundaries in the middle of the cdata stretch. Fixed this, and added a clear_cdata_mode() callback after a successful </endtag>. (I hope this doesn't break other things. This parser is getting horribly ad-hoc. :-( )
Guido van Rossum authored
Evan Simpson authored
Evan Simpson authored
Evan Simpson authored
- 07 Apr, 2001 12 commits
Guido van Rossum authored
All test should succeed now (both TAL/test/run.py and TAL/runtest.py).
Guido van Rossum authored
longer generated. Also fix the test for <img src tal:attributes="src nothing">.
Guido van Rossum authored
XMLNS attributes) in rendered output, with an option to keep the old behavior. HTMLTALParser.py, TALParser.py: Mark TAL, METAL and TAL/METAL-related XMLNS attributes in the attribute list; the old macroHack marking is subsumed in this. The marking is a third value in the list item describing the attribute, saying "tal", "metal" or "xmlns". All TAL and METAL attributes are marked; only XMLNS attributes whose namespace URI value is the special marker for TAL or METAL are marked. TALInterpreter.py: - Get rid of the non-functional 'html' keyword argument. - Add new 'showtal' keyword argument to constructor; this defaults to -1, which means that the value should default to 0 if TAL expansion is requested (through the 'tal' keyword argument) and 1 if TAL expansion is not requested. - In do_startEndTag(), don't special-case empty HTML tags; this is already taken care of by TALGenerator. - Implement the showtal behavior: when this flag is false, don't output TAL, METAL and XMLNS attributes (that are marked as such by the parser). - Fix a bug: <img src="foo" tal:attributes="src nothing"> should render as <img>, not as <img src>. TALDefs.py: Bumped TAL_VERSION to "1.0.1" driver.py: New command line option -t to show tal in output README.txt: Update TO DO list.
Jim Fulton authored
At: http://classic.zope.org:8080/Collector/Collector/2141/sview Submitter: John Eikenberry Email: jae@kavi.com Description: We have a large query implemented via a SQL Method. We've been messing with it to get the most speed out of it, and noticed a large hit in the __init__() method on the Results class. We found that with this simple tweak (see included patch) we got around a 180% speed up. Not a ton, but pretty good for changing 3 lines of code.
Jim Fulton authored
(There's really not a good reason for asynchat to be in Python's standard lib.)
Jim Fulton authored
Jim Fulton authored
CVS (1.9).
Jim Fulton authored
Jim Fulton authored
as I hate line-continuation characters.
Jim Fulton authored
Fred Drake authored
Remove done item from TO DO list (CDATA content support).
Jeremy Hylton authored
to a directory other than the ZEO package directory.
- 06 Apr, 2001 18 commits
Fred Drake authored
<script> and <style> elements since those are the ones I found in HTML 4.01.
Fred Drake authored
Added a test case to make sure <script> and <style> elements are handled correctly.
Guido van Rossum authored
Guido van Rossum authored
set or cleared by specifying any true or false value. (XXX I wonder if this should be recognized at compile time rather than at interpretation time; oh well, this works.)
Guido van Rossum authored
Fred Drake authored
more strict about matchnig only what's legal. The expression ends up being a bit more complex, and needs additional checks to be done on what follows. HTMLParser.check_for_whole_start_tag(): Helper method that uses locatestarttagend, performs the required additional checks, and determines whether we've actually found the end of the start tag, are at a buffer boundary, or have encountered an syntactical error. HTMLParser.parse_starttag(): Use check_for_whole_start_tag() to see if we really have the start tag. HTMLParseError.__init__(): Simplify assertion. This should close ZPT(18).
Fred Drake authored
Revise a test that requires "<tag attr=>" to be accepted -- it is not! Add a check to ensure it raises an HTMLParseError.
Fred Drake authored
Revise a test that requires "<tag attr=>" to be accepted -- it is not!
Barry Warsaw authored
exceptions. New tests which poke at transactionalUndo() checkSimpleTransactionalUndo checkTwoObjectUndo checkTwoObjectUndoAgain checkNotUndoable checkUndoInVersion On the Full storage only, of course.
Barry Warsaw authored
i.e. it undoes by writing new records. This means undone transactions can be redone. It also has lots of other benefits.
Evan Simpson authored
Shane Hathaway authored
- Made ZPT invoke DTML the normal way.
Shane Hathaway authored
Chris McDonough authored
Guido van Rossum authored
Guido van Rossum authored
Also fix the error for a duplicate fill-slot (which was erroneously reported as a duplicate slot *definition*). Question arises, should we also complain about duplicate define-slot, or is it okay to use define-slot with the same name more than once? This would be similar to "#define X(a) (a+a)" in C; it does point out that define-slot isn't a great name...
Guido van Rossum authored
- 05 Apr, 2001 3 commits
Jim Fulton authored
care of installing them when necessary (not for Python 2.0) Now import asyncore and asynchat as top-level modules, rather than from the medusa package. This makes it easier to use our custum version for Python 1.5 and to use the standard versions for Python 2.x. Note that the Python 2.1b1 and 2.1b2 releases had a broken asynchat that causes these changes to break Zope. The Python cvs and earler and later versions are OK.
Jim Fulton authored
care of installing them when necessary (not for Python 2.0)
Barry Warsaw authored
checkCreateNoFile(), checkCreateWithFilename(), checkCreateWithFileobj(): Make sure these tests close the file object before they attempt to unlink the underlying file.y checkCloseNoUnlink(), checkDel(): New tests in the CreateCommitLogTest class. CloseCommitLogTest: removed this class; its tests are folded into CreateCommitLogTest.