- 11 Jun, 2001 4 commits
Andreas Jung authored
Andreas Jung authored
Andreas Jung authored
This makes FreeBSD people happy because they will never complain again that their Zope system claims to be a Linux system.
Shane Hathaway authored
have to try to figure out how to call _makeFunction(). In Zope 2.3.x _makeFunction() had a parameter.
- 09 Jun, 2001 1 commit
Fred Drake authored
A (minor) change to the bytecode format: for "extended" attributes (handled by TALInterpreter.attrAction()), the instruction contains the integer previously retrieved from the actionIndex table; the bytecode generator now takes care of the lookup. This allows attrAction() to no longer need to lookup the table that it used to lookup the integers. Many handlers are now separated into TAL and non-TAL versions -- the TALInterpreter constructor determines which dispatch table to use when it initializes self.tal (which is not changed later). This allows each of the handlers to do only what is needed without having to decide based on the self.tal attribute. TALInterpreter.do_startTag() no longer contains a special case for an empty attribute list; that case is already optimized away by the bytecode generator. What remains would actually work in that case, but it simply doesn't occur. This removes one test of the attrList parameter.
- 08 Jun, 2001 19 commits
Fred Drake authored
Each bytecode now carries exactly one argument, but the arg is only an extra layer of tuple if the handler method needs more than one parameter. The handlers are also modified so that they require exactly one argument, which is a tuple only if they need more than one argument from the instruction. This simplifies the dispatch code in TALInterpreter.interpret() just slightly. Changed the version number of the bytecode again, since Guido tells me Evan calls this version 1.3.2.
Fred Drake authored
Micro-optimization to avoid function calls.
Fred Drake authored
Update the one instance of affected bytecode to reflect the pre-rendering of "normal" attributes.
Fred Drake authored
Two speedups in TALInterpreter.do_startTag(): The bytecode has changed to use a pre-rendered form for "normal" attributes; this allows some logic and string formatting to be skipped for these attributes. The self.col value is now maintained in local variables inside do_startTag(), reducing the number of instance attribute lookups and assignments substantially. Saving the new value is ensured by a try/finally block since the attrAction() method can raise an exception. Added a few ultra-micro speedups as well to avoid instance attribute lookups.
Fred Drake authored
Changing the bytecode slightly once again: For startTag and startEndTag instructions that cannot be optimized away, "normal" attributes are now represented by their rendered form, allowing TALInterpreter.do_startTag() to do less work when it can be done ahead of time.
Evan Simpson authored
Evan Simpson authored
Evan Simpson authored
Shane Hathaway authored
Evan Simpson authored
Fred Drake authored
Use string concatenation where that's simpler and faster than sprintf-style formatting.
Evan Simpson authored
Made meta-type in the management interface of ZClass instances into a link to the ZClass definition.
Shane Hathaway authored
revealed it. "print" with output to a stream and a trailing comma needs to end with a POP_TOP instruction.
Fred Drake authored
Update the expected bytecodes to reflect the merger of the beginScope and rawAttrs bytecodes.
Fred Drake authored
Merge the rawAttrs bytecode into the beginScope bytecode. These were only emitted as a pair, so there is no need to separate them. (This only gives a very minor performance boost, but it comes for free.)
Andreas Jung authored
Andreas Jung authored
Andreas Jung authored
Collector #2290: better handling of subject header in Mailhost.py
Andreas Jung authored
- 07 Jun, 2001 10 commits
Andreas Jung authored
Shane Hathaway authored
not behave as expected. Permissions granted to Anonymous didn't necessarily get granted to other roles, for one thing. This is an issue especially for the CMF. User.allowed() is practically the same thing with the parameters reversed, so I changed checkPermission() to call User.allowed() instead. We should be able to deprecate User.has_role() now. I also implemented a minor (micro?) optimization by calling the aq_base module function instead of using getattr().
Andreas Jung authored
while replacing an import * by a more selective import)
Shane Hathaway authored
so that ExtensionClass can find the correct <name>__roles__ attribute of the method's class. However it was discovered that this protocol has a flaw: if a DTMLMethod is bound to multiple names, there is no way for default__class_init__ to tell which name is the right one. This change adds code that detects the condition and makes the name explicit in all places where it occurs in the Zope core. There are likely products out there that have the same condition so they will need a small correction. For now this is a warning but it might be appropriate to later make the condition an error.
Fred Drake authored
Update all the expected bytecode to conform to the new format.
Fred Drake authored
different now! Use saved type objects when calling isinstance() instead of calling type() each time. getProgramMode(), getProgramVersion(): Update to the new byte-code format. quote(): Change the way cgi.escape() is referenced to avoid runtime lookups.
Fred Drake authored
Re-write generated instructions: (op, arg1, arg2, ...) becomes (op, (arg1, arg2, ...)) to reflect the change in the dispatch mechanism in TALInterpreter -- this avoids a tuple concatenation at dispatch time.
Fred Drake authored
techniques of reducing the number of lookups and avoiding method calls. More interestingly, the dispatch machinery has changed, especially TALInterpreter.iterpret(). Each instruction is now composed of a 2-tuple of the form (opcode, (arg1, arg2, ...)). This is important as it allows more efficient unpacking and construction of the argument list for the call to the handlers for individual bytecodes. The bytecode handlers are also located differently. Instead of using the opcode string to construct a method name, retrieve a bound method, and then calling it via apply(), a dictionary of handler functions is created as part of the class definition. Handlers are retrieved from this dictionary by opcode string (avoiding string concatenation and bound method creation in the inner dispatch loop). The handlers (now functions rather than methods) are then called using apply(), creating the arguments to the handler by tuple concatenation, which is faster than creating the bound method and then using the slower method-calling machinery. Temporary variables are avoided whenever possible. The test for "debug mode" in TALInterpreter.interpret() was moved out of the dispatch loop; it is used to select one of the two versions of the loop. Support has been added for two new bytecodes: rawtextColumn -- used when the TALGenerator can determine the resulting column number ahead of time (the text includes a newline) rawtextOffset -- used when the TALGenerator cannot determine the final column of the text (there is no newline). These new bytecodes allow the interpreter to avoid having to search for a newline for all rawtext instructions -- the compiler is able to determine which of these two cases is appropriate for each rawtext chunk -- the old 'rawtext' instruction is no longer generated. Re-phrased some conditions in if statements to allow more short-circuiting.
Fred Drake authored
Very aggressively cache anything that involves a global lookup. restrictedTraverse(): Only cache things once it's possible we might use them. Use the cached getattr() in one plase where the global was being looked up again. Cache hasattr() as well. Only construct the marker (M) once, not once for each call.
Fred Drake authored
The _push() and _pop() methods aren't really any different from the push() and pop() methods from the base MultiMap, so we can use them directly to avoid a lot of looks and method invocation overhead, and it's easier to tell from the code that they are just a renaming. Context.beginScope(), .endScope(): Move an attribute access out of the loop since the attribute isn't re-bound inside the loop. Context.evaluateText(): Re-phrase the condition in the if statement to allow the runtime to perform fewer global name lookups when possible, and avoid the tuple construction completely.
- 06 Jun, 2001 4 commits
Andreas Jung authored
Andreas Jung authored
non XML compliant documents to be sent to a webdav client
Andreas Jung authored
Andreas Jung authored
- 05 Jun, 2001 2 commits
Andreas Jung authored
Fred Drake authored
Do not test for sys.exc_info(); it was already present in Python 2.1. This simplifies code and improves performance (very slightly). In two places, object type was tested by calling type() on each of two values and comparing the results (4 dict lookups, 2 Python->C function calls). Replace each with an isinstance() call comparing to a saved type object (3 dict lookups, 1 Python->C function call, more future-proof).