1. 25 Mar, 1999 29 commits
  2. 24 Mar, 1999 10 commits
  3. 23 Mar, 1999 1 commit
    • Ken Manheimer's avatar
      - regress is a regression testing script, · a7b3397b
      Ken Manheimer authored
      - *.stx are (mostly arbitrary) reference structured text files, and
      - *.ref are previously processed output from the corresponding *.stx files.
      Here's the in-depth explanation:
      The directory has a bunch of .stx files (ones found on the zope.org
      site, plus an 'examples.stx' file, for accumulating a body of
      examples) plus corresponding .ref files, previously produced by a
      prior, established StructuredText version.  The script 'regress'
      applies the new ../StructuredText.py version to produce .new files,
      and then compares the .ref files and the .new files, complaining if
      any differences are found.
      The intended procedure is to make your changes in ../StructuredText.py,
      iron them out as best you can, and then try the regress script to
      identify any unexpected functionality changes/backwards-compatability
      losses.  (We also need to develop the body of reference text and examples.)