will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 90159e19 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

For the auto-pickle checksum, allow MD5 again since it was used by Cython 0.x...

For the auto-pickle checksum, allow MD5 again since it was used by Cython 0.x pickles. Otherwise switch to SHA-256 since that should be safe enough to stay available in Python's hashlib module for another while.

parent 33fea7bf
......@@ -2036,7 +2036,21 @@ if VALUE is not None:
all_members_names = sorted([ for e in all_members])
checksum = '0x%s' % hashlib.sha1(' '.join(all_members_names).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:7]
# Cython 0.x used MD5 for the checksum, which a few Python installations remove for security reasons.
# SHA-256 should be ok for years to come, but early Cython 3.0 alpha releases used SHA-1,
# which may not be.
checksum_algos = [hashlib.sha256, hashlib.sha1]
except AttributeError:
member_names_string = ' '.join(all_members_names).encode('utf-8')
checksums = [
'0x' + mkchecksum(member_names_string).hexdigest()[:7]
for mkchecksum in checksum_algos
unpickle_func_name = '__pyx_unpickle_%s' % node.punycode_class_name
# TODO(robertwb): Move the state into the third argument
......@@ -2045,9 +2059,9 @@ if VALUE is not None:
def %(unpickle_func_name)s(__pyx_type, long __pyx_checksum, __pyx_state):
cdef object __pyx_PickleError
cdef object __pyx_result
if __pyx_checksum != %(checksum)s:
if __pyx_checksum not in %(checksums)s:
from pickle import PickleError as __pyx_PickleError
raise __pyx_PickleError, "Incompatible checksums (%%s vs %(checksum)s = (%(members)s))" %% __pyx_checksum
raise __pyx_PickleError, "Incompatible checksums (%%s vs %(checksums)s = (%(members)s))" %% __pyx_checksum
__pyx_result = %(class_name)s.__new__(__pyx_type)
if __pyx_state is not None:
%(unpickle_func_name)s__set_state(<%(class_name)s> __pyx_result, __pyx_state)
......@@ -2059,7 +2073,7 @@ if VALUE is not None:
""" % {
'unpickle_func_name': unpickle_func_name,
'checksum': checksum,
'checksums': "(%s)" % ', '.join(checksums),
'members': ', '.join(all_members_names),
'class_name': node.class_name,
'assignments': '; '.join(
......@@ -2092,7 +2106,7 @@ if VALUE is not None:
%(unpickle_func_name)s__set_state(self, __pyx_state)
""" % {
'unpickle_func_name': unpickle_func_name,
'checksum': checksum,
'checksum': checksums[0],
'members': ', '.join('self.%s' % v for v in all_members_names) + (',' if len(all_members_names) == 1 else ''),
# Even better, we could check PyType_IS_GC.
'any_notnone_members' : ' or '.join(['self.%s is not None' % for e in all_members if e.type.is_pyobject] or ['False']),
......@@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ cdef class B:
def __reduce__(self):
return makeObj, (type(self), {'x': self.x, 'y': self.y})
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, B) and (<B>other).x == self.x and (<B>other).y == self.y
def makeObj(obj_type, kwds):
return obj_type(**kwds)
......@@ -304,3 +307,24 @@ if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5):
def my_method(self, x):
return x
# Pickled with Cython 0.29.28 (using MD5 for the checksum).
OLD_MD5_PICKLE = b'''\
from hashlib import md5
except ImportError:
def unpickle_old_0_29_28():
>>> import pickle
>>> b = pickle.loads(OLD_MD5_PICKLE)
>>> b == B(x=37, y=389) or b
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