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# Copyright (c) 2002 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#                    Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet
from Products.ERP5.Document.Invoice import Invoice
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import cartesianProduct
from zLOG import LOG, DEBUG, INFO

#XXX TODO: review naming of new methods
#XXX WARNING: current API naming may change although model should be stable.

class PaySheetTransaction(Invoice):
  A paysheet will store data about the salary of an employee
  meta_type = 'ERP5 Pay Sheet Transaction'
  portal_type = 'Pay Sheet Transaction'
  add_permission = Permissions.AddPortalContent
  isPortalContent = 1
  isRADContent = 1

  # Declarative security
  security = ClassSecurityInfo()

  # Default Properties
  property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base
                    , PropertySheet.SimpleItem
                    , PropertySheet.CategoryCore
                    , PropertySheet.Task
                    , PropertySheet.Arrow
                    , PropertySheet.Delivery
                    , PropertySheet.PaySheet
                    , PropertySheet.Movement
                    , PropertySheet.Amount
                    , PropertySheet.XMLObject
                    , PropertySheet.TradeCondition
                    , PropertySheet.DefaultAnnotationLine

  # Declarative Interface
  __implements__ = ( )

  def getRatioQuantityFromReference(self, ratio_reference=None):
    return the ratio value correponding to the ratio_reference,
    None if ratio_reference not found
    # get ratio lines
    portal_type_list = ['Pay Sheet Model Ratio Line']
    object_ratio_list = self.contentValues(portal_type=portal_type_list)
    # look for ratio lines on the paysheet
    if object_ratio_list:
      for obj in object_ratio_list:
        if obj.getReference() == ratio_reference:
          return obj.getQuantity()
    # if not find in the paysheet, look on dependence tree
    sub_object_list = self.getInheritedObjectValueList(portal_type_list)
    object_ratio_list = sub_object_list
    for object in object_ratio_list:
      if object.getReference() == ratio_reference:
        return object.getQuantity()

    return None 

  def getRatioQuantityList(self, ratio_reference_list):
    Return a list of reference_ratio_list correponding values.
    reference_ratio_list is a list of references to the ratio lines
    we want to get.
    if not isinstance(ratio_reference_list, (list, tuple)):
      return [self.getRatioQuantityFromReference(ratio_reference_list)]
    return [self.getRatioQuantityFromReference(reference) \
        for reference in ratio_reference_list]

  def getAnnotationLineFromReference(self, reference=None):
    """Return the annotation line corresponding to the reference.
    Returns None if reference not found
    # look for annotation lines on the paysheet
    annotation_line_list = self.contentValues(portal_type=['Annotation Line'])
    if annotation_line_list:
      for annotation_line in annotation_line_list:
        if (annotation_line.getReference() or annotation_line.getId()) == reference :
          return annotation_line

    # if not find in the paysheet, look on dependence tree
    for annotation_line in self.getInheritedObjectValueList(['Annotation Line']):
      if (annotation_line.getReference() or annotation_line.getId()) == reference:
        return annotation_line

    return None 

  def getAnnotationLineListList(self, reference_list):
    """Return a list of annotation lines corresponding to the reference_list
    reference_list is a list of references to the Annotation Line we want 
    to get.
    if not isinstance(reference_list, (list, tuple)):
      return [self.getAnnotationLineFromReference(reference_list)]
    return [self.getAnnotationLineFromReference(reference) \
        for reference in reference_list]

  def getInheritedObjectValueList(self, portal_type_list, property_list=()):
    '''Return a list of all subobjects of the herited model (incuding the
      If property_list is provided, only subobjects with at least one of those
      properties will be taken into account
    model = self.getSpecialiseValue().getEffectiveModel(\
    model_reference_dict = model.getInheritanceReferenceDict(
    sub_object_list = []
    traverse = self.getPortalObject().unrestrictedTraverse
    for model_url, id_list in model_reference_dict.items():
      model = traverse(model_url)
      sub_object_list.extend([model._getOb(x) for x in id_list])
    return sub_object_list

  def applyTransformation(self):
    '''use a delivery builder to create all the paysheet lines using 
      movements return by updateAggregatedAmountList
    portal = self.getPortalObject()
    paysheet_model = self.getSpecialiseValue()
    movement_dict = paysheet_model.updateAggregatedAmountList(context=self)
    for movement in movement_dict['movement_to_delete_list']:
      parent = movement.getParentValue()
    business_process_list = paysheet_model.findSpecialiseValueList(\
        portal_type_list=['Business Process'])
    if len(business_process_list):
      # XXX currently, we consider that is to complicated to use more than one
      # Business Process, so we take the first (wich is the nearest from
      # the paysheet)
      business_process = business_process_list[0]
      movement_list_trade_phase_dic = {}
      for movement in movement_dict['movement_to_add_list']:
        trade_phase = movement.getTradePhase()
        if not movement_list_trade_phase_dic.has_key(trade_phase):
          movement_list_trade_phase_dic[trade_phase] = []

      for trade_phase in movement_list_trade_phase_dic.keys():
        builder_list = []
        business_path_list = business_process.getPathValueList(trade_phase=\
        if len(business_path_list) > 1:
          raise NotImplementedError, 'For now, payroll can not support more '\
              'than one business_path with same trade_phase. '\
              '%s have same trade_phase' % repr(business_path_list)
        if len(business_path_list) == 1:
          business_path = business_path_list[0]
          builder_list = [portal.restrictedTraverse(url) for url in\
          for builder in builder_list:
                      movement_list = movement_list_trade_phase_dic[trade_phase])