Commit 9ed1cbf2 authored by Alfredo Sumaran's avatar Alfredo Sumaran

Show filename after setting a cropped image

parent 358545b8
......@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ class GitLabCrop
# Set defaults
@previewImage = $('.avatar-image .avatar')
@form = @fileInput.parents('form')
@filename = '.js-avatar-filename'
@previewImage = $('.avatar-image .avatar')
@modalCrop = '.modal-profile-crop'
@exportWidth = 200
@exportHeight = 200
......@@ -20,13 +20,20 @@ class GitLabCrop
@uploadImageBtn = $('.js-upload-user-avatar')
} = opts
# Ensure @modalCrop is a jQuery Object
@modalCrop = $(@modalCrop)
# Ensure needed elements are jquery objects
@filename = if _.isString(@filename) then @$(@filename) else @filename
# Modal usually is outside the wrapper element
@modalCrop = if _.isString(@modalCrop) then $(@modalCrop) else @modalCrop
@modalCropImg = $('.modal-profile-crop-image')
@cropActionsBtn = @modalCrop.find('[data-method]')
$: (selector) ->
$(selector, @form)
bindEvents: ->
self = @
@fileInput.on 'change', (e) ->
......@@ -114,6 +121,8 @@ class GitLabCrop
setPreview: ->
@previewImage.attr('src', @dataURL)
filename = @fileInput.val().replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '')
setBlob: ->
@dataURL = @modalCropImg.cropper('getCroppedCanvas',
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