Commit abc59d7e authored by Han-Wen Nienhuys's avatar Han-Wen Nienhuys

newunionfs: a new unionfs implementation

This is based on the new nodefs API, and tests the new API for writing
a full-fledged r/w filesystem.
parent 8c0aa859
// Copyright 2019 the Go-FUSE Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package unionfs
import (
func filePathHash(path string) string {
dir, base := filepath.Split(path)
h := md5.New()
return fmt.Sprintf("%x-%s", h.Sum(nil)[:8], base)
type unionFSRoot struct {
roots []string
type unionFSNode struct {
const delDir = "DELETIONS"
func (r *unionFSRoot) rmMarker(name string) syscall.Errno {
err := syscall.Unlink(r.markerPath(name))
if err != nil {
return err.(syscall.Errno)
return 0
func (r *unionFSRoot) writeMarker(name string) syscall.Errno {
dir := filepath.Join(r.roots[0], delDir)
var st syscall.Stat_t
if err := syscall.Stat(dir, &st); err == syscall.ENOENT {
if err := syscall.Mkdir(dir, 0755); err != nil {
log.Printf("Mkdir %q: %v", dir, err)
return syscall.EIO
} else if err != nil {
return err.(syscall.Errno)
dest := r.markerPath(name)
err := ioutil.WriteFile(dest, []byte(name), 0644)
return nodefs.ToErrno(err)
func (r *unionFSRoot) markerPath(name string) string {
return filepath.Join(r.roots[0], delDir, filePathHash(name))
func (r *unionFSRoot) isDeleted(name string) bool {
var st syscall.Stat_t
err := syscall.Stat(r.markerPath(name), &st)
return err == nil
func (n *unionFSNode) root() *unionFSRoot {
return n.Root().Operations().(*unionFSRoot)
var _ = (nodefs.Setattrer)((*unionFSNode)(nil))
func (n *unionFSNode) Setattr(ctx context.Context, fh nodefs.FileHandle, in *fuse.SetAttrIn, out *fuse.AttrOut) syscall.Errno {
if errno := n.promote(); errno != 0 {
return errno
if fh != nil {
return fh.(nodefs.FileSetattrer).Setattr(ctx, in, out)
p := filepath.Join(n.root().roots[0], n.Path(nil))
fsa, ok := fh.(nodefs.FileSetattrer)
if ok && fsa != nil {
fsa.Setattr(ctx, in, out)
} else {
if m, ok := in.GetMode(); ok {
if err := syscall.Chmod(p, m); err != nil {
return nodefs.ToErrno(err)
uid, uok := in.GetUID()
gid, gok := in.GetGID()
if uok || gok {
suid := -1
sgid := -1
if uok {
suid = int(uid)
if gok {
sgid = int(gid)
if err := syscall.Chown(p, suid, sgid); err != nil {
return nodefs.ToErrno(err)
mtime, mok := in.GetMTime()
atime, aok := in.GetATime()
if mok || aok {
ap := &atime
mp := &mtime
if !aok {
ap = nil
if !mok {
mp = nil
var ts [2]syscall.Timespec
ts[0] = fuse.UtimeToTimespec(ap)
ts[1] = fuse.UtimeToTimespec(mp)
if err := syscall.UtimesNano(p, ts[:]); err != nil {
return nodefs.ToErrno(err)
if sz, ok := in.GetSize(); ok {
if err := syscall.Truncate(p, int64(sz)); err != nil {
return nodefs.ToErrno(err)
fga, ok := fh.(nodefs.FileGetattrer)
if ok && fga != nil {
fga.Getattr(ctx, out)
} else {
st := syscall.Stat_t{}
err := syscall.Lstat(p, &st)
if err != nil {
return nodefs.ToErrno(err)
return 0
var _ = (nodefs.Creater)((*unionFSNode)(nil))
func (n *unionFSNode) Create(ctx context.Context, name string, flags uint32, mode uint32, out *fuse.EntryOut) (*nodefs.Inode, nodefs.FileHandle, uint32, syscall.Errno) {
var st syscall.Stat_t
dirName, idx := n.getBranch(&st)
if idx > 0 {
if errno := n.promote(); errno != 0 {
return nil, nil, 0, errno
idx = 0
fullPath := filepath.Join(dirName, name)
r := n.root()
if errno := r.rmMarker(fullPath); errno != 0 && errno != syscall.ENOENT {
return nil, nil, 0, errno
abs := filepath.Join(n.root().roots[0], fullPath)
fd, err := syscall.Creat(abs, mode)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, 0, err.(syscall.Errno)
if err := syscall.Fstat(fd, &st); err != nil {
// now what?
return nil, nil, 0, err.(syscall.Errno)
ch := n.NewInode(ctx, &unionFSNode{}, nodefs.NodeAttr{Mode: st.Mode, Ino: st.Ino})
return ch, nodefs.NewLoopbackFile(fd), 0, 0
var _ = (nodefs.Opener)((*unionFSNode)(nil))
func (n *unionFSNode) Open(ctx context.Context, flags uint32) (nodefs.FileHandle, uint32, syscall.Errno) {
isWR := (flags&syscall.O_RDWR != 0) || (flags&syscall.O_WRONLY != 0)
var st syscall.Stat_t
nm, idx := n.getBranch(&st)
if isWR && idx > 0 {
if errno := n.promote(); errno != 0 {
return nil, 0, errno
idx = 0
fd, err := syscall.Open(filepath.Join(n.root().roots[idx], nm), int(flags), 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err.(syscall.Errno)
return nodefs.NewLoopbackFile(fd), 0, 0
var _ = (nodefs.Getattrer)((*unionFSNode)(nil))
func (n *unionFSNode) Getattr(ctx context.Context, fh nodefs.FileHandle, out *fuse.AttrOut) syscall.Errno {
var st syscall.Stat_t
_, idx := n.getBranch(&st)
if idx < 0 {
return syscall.ENOENT
return 0
var _ = (nodefs.Lookuper)((*unionFSNode)(nil))
func (n *unionFSNode) Lookup(ctx context.Context, name string, out *fuse.EntryOut) (*nodefs.Inode, syscall.Errno) {
var st syscall.Stat_t
p := filepath.Join(n.Path(nil), name)
idx := n.root().getBranch(p, &st)
if idx >= 0 {
// XXX use idx in Ino?
ch := n.NewInode(ctx, &unionFSNode{}, nodefs.NodeAttr{Mode: st.Mode, Ino: st.Ino})
out.Mode |= 0111
return ch, 0
return nil, syscall.ENOENT
var _ = (nodefs.Unlinker)((*unionFSNode)(nil))
func (n *unionFSNode) Unlink(ctx context.Context, name string) syscall.Errno {
return n.root().delPath(filepath.Join(n.Path(nil), name))
var _ = (nodefs.Rmdirer)((*unionFSNode)(nil))
func (n *unionFSNode) Rmdir(ctx context.Context, name string) syscall.Errno {
return n.root().delPath(filepath.Join(n.Path(nil), name))
// getBranch returns the root where we can find the given file. It
// will check the deletion markers in roots[0].
func (n *unionFSNode) getBranch(st *syscall.Stat_t) (string, int) {
name := n.Path(nil)
return name, n.root().getBranch(name, st)
func (r *unionFSRoot) getBranch(name string, st *syscall.Stat_t) int {
if r.isDeleted(name) {
return -1
if st == nil {
st = &syscall.Stat_t{}
for i, root := range r.roots {
p := filepath.Join(root, name)
err := syscall.Lstat(p, st)
if err == nil {
return i
return -1
func (n *unionFSRoot) delPath(p string) syscall.Errno {
var st syscall.Stat_t
r := n.root()
idx := r.getBranch(p, &st)
if idx < 0 {
return 0
if idx == 0 {
err := syscall.Unlink(filepath.Join(r.roots[idx], p))
if err != nil {
return nodefs.ToErrno(err)
idx = r.getBranch(p, &st)
if idx > 0 {
return r.writeMarker(p)
return 0
func (n *unionFSNode) promote() syscall.Errno {
p := &n.Inode
r := n.root()
type tup struct {
name string
idx int
st syscall.Stat_t
var parents []tup
for p != nil && p != &r.Inode {
asUN := p.Operations().(*unionFSNode)
var st syscall.Stat_t
name, idx := asUN.getBranch(&st)
if idx == 0 {
if idx < 0 {
log.Println("promote called on nonexistent file")
return syscall.EIO
parents = append(parents, tup{asUN, name, idx, st})
_, p = p.Parent()
for i := len(parents) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
t := parents[i]
path := t.Path(nil)
if t.IsDir() {
if err := syscall.Mkdir(filepath.Join(r.roots[0], path),; err != nil {
return err.(syscall.Errno)
} else if t.Mode()&syscall.S_IFREG != 0 {
if errno := r.promoteRegularFile(path, t.idx, &; errno != 0 {
return errno
} else {
log.Panicf("don't know how to handle mode %o", t.Mode())
var ts [2]syscall.Timespec
ts[0] =
ts[1] =
// ignore error.
syscall.UtimesNano(path, ts[:])
return 0
func (r *unionFSRoot) promoteRegularFile(p string, idx int, st *syscall.Stat_t) syscall.Errno {
dest, err := syscall.Creat(filepath.Join(r.roots[0], p), st.Mode)
if err != nil {
return err.(syscall.Errno)
src, err := syscall.Open(filepath.Join(r.roots[idx], p), syscall.O_RDONLY, 0)
if err != nil {
return err.(syscall.Errno)
var ret syscall.Errno
var buf [128 >> 10]byte
for {
n, err := syscall.Read(src, buf[:])
if n == 0 {
if err != nil {
ret = err.(syscall.Errno)
if _, err := syscall.Write(dest, buf[:n]); err != nil {
ret = err.(syscall.Errno)
if err := syscall.Close(dest); err != nil && ret == 0 {
ret = err.(syscall.Errno)
return ret
// Copyright 2019 the Go-FUSE Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package unionfs
import (
type testCase struct {
dir string
mnt string
server *fuse.Server
rw string
ro string
root *unionFSRoot
func (tc *testCase) Clean() {
if tc.server != nil {
tc.server = nil
func newTestCase(t *testing.T) *testCase {
dir := testutil.TempDir()
for _, d := range []string{"ro", "rw", "mnt", "ro/dir"} {
if err := os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(dir, d), 0755); err != nil {
t.Fatal("Mkdir", err)
opts := nodefs.Options{}
opts.Debug = testutil.VerboseTest()
tc := &testCase{
dir: dir,
mnt: dir + "/mnt",
rw: dir + "/rw",
ro: dir + "/ro",
tc.root = &unionFSRoot{
roots: []string{,},
server, err := nodefs.Mount(tc.mnt, tc.root, &opts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Mount", err)
tc.server = server
if err := ioutil.WriteFile("/dir/ro-file", []byte("bla"), 0644); err != nil {
return tc
func TestBasic(t *testing.T) {
tc := newTestCase(t)
defer tc.Clean()
if fi, err := os.Lstat(tc.mnt + "/dir/ro-file"); err != nil {
} else if fi.Size() != 3 {
t.Errorf("got size %d, want 3", fi.Size())
func TestDelete(t *testing.T) {
tc := newTestCase(t)
defer tc.Clean()
if err := os.Remove(tc.mnt + "/dir/ro-file"); err != nil {
if _, err := os.Lstat( + "/dir/ro-file"); err != nil {
c, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(, delDir, filePathHash("dir/ro-file")))
if err != nil {
if got, want := string(c), "dir/ro-file"; got != want {
t.Errorf("got %q want %q", got, want)
func TestDeleteMarker(t *testing.T) {
tc := newTestCase(t)
defer tc.Clean()
path := "dir/ro-file"
var st syscall.Stat_t
if err := syscall.Lstat(filepath.Join(tc.mnt, path), &st); err != syscall.ENOENT {
t.Fatalf("Lstat before: %v", err)
if errno := tc.root.rmMarker(path); errno != 0 {
t.Fatalf("rmMarker: %v", errno)
if err := syscall.Lstat(filepath.Join(tc.mnt, path), &st); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Lstat after: %v", err)
func TestCreate(t *testing.T) {
tc := newTestCase(t)
defer tc.Clean()
path := "dir/ro-file"
if err := syscall.Unlink(filepath.Join(tc.mnt, path)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unlink: %v", err)
want := []byte{42}
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(tc.mnt, path), want, 0644); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WriteFile: %v", err)
if got, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(tc.mnt, path)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WriteFile: %v", err)
} else if !bytes.Equal(got, want) {
t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", got, want)
func TestPromote(t *testing.T) {
tc := newTestCase(t)
defer tc.Clean()
path := "dir/ro-file"
mPath := filepath.Join(tc.mnt, path)
want := []byte{42}
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(mPath, want, 0644); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WriteFile: %v", err)
if got, err := ioutil.ReadFile(mPath); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ReadFile: %v", err)
} else if !bytes.Equal(got, want) {
t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", got, want)
func TestDeleteRevert(t *testing.T) {
tc := newTestCase(t)
defer tc.Clean()
path := "dir/ro-file"
mPath := filepath.Join(tc.mnt, path)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(mPath, []byte{42}, 0644); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WriteFile: %v", err)
var st syscall.Stat_t
if err := syscall.Lstat(mPath, &st); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Lstat before: %v", err)
} else if st.Size != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Stat: want size 1, got %#v", st)
if err := syscall.Unlink(mPath); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unlink: %v", err)
if err := syscall.Lstat(mPath, &st); err != syscall.ENOENT {
t.Fatalf("Lstat after: got %v, want ENOENT", err)
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