Commit 1da04cc6 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/benchstat: import from

I copied the code from various dependencies in go-moremath
into a single 'internal/stats' package. That package is at the top
level of the repo because I expect to pull much of benchcmp
into an importable package.

For golang/go#14304.

Change-Id: Ie114839b2901f5060c202feb3ffc768bf43ce5da
Run-TryBot: Russ Cox <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarQuentin Smith <>
parent 111d9661
# Benchstat
Benchstat computes and compares statistics about benchmarks.
benchstat [-delta-test name] [-geomean] [-html] old.txt [new.txt] [more.txt ...]
Each input file should contain the concatenated output of a number of runs
of ``go test -bench.'' For each different benchmark listed in an input file,
benchstat computes the mean, minimum, and maximum run time, after removing
outliers using the interquartile range rule.
If invoked on a single input file, benchstat prints the per-benchmark
statistics for that file.
If invoked on a pair of input files, benchstat adds to the output a column
showing the statistics from the second file and a column showing the percent
change in mean from the first to the second file. Next to the percent
change, benchstat shows the p-value and sample sizes from a test of the two
distributions of benchmark times. Small p-values indicate that the two
distributions are significantly different. If the test indicates that there
was no significant change between the two benchmarks (defined as p > 0.05),
benchstat displays a single ~ instead of the percent change.
The -delta-test option controls which significance test is applied: utest
(Mann-Whitney U-test), ttest (two-sample Welch t-test), or none. The default
is the U-test, sometimes also referred to as the Wilcoxon rank sum test.
If invoked on more than two input files, benchstat prints the per-benchmark
statistics for all the files, showing one column of statistics for each
file, with no column for percent change or statistical significance.
The -html option causes benchstat to print the results as an HTML table.
## Example
Suppose we collect benchmark results from running ``go test -bench=Encode''
five times before and after a particular change.
The file old.txt contains:
BenchmarkGobEncode 100 13552735 ns/op 56.63 MB/s
BenchmarkJSONEncode 50 32395067 ns/op 59.90 MB/s
BenchmarkGobEncode 100 13553943 ns/op 56.63 MB/s
BenchmarkJSONEncode 50 32334214 ns/op 60.01 MB/s
BenchmarkGobEncode 100 13606356 ns/op 56.41 MB/s
BenchmarkJSONEncode 50 31992891 ns/op 60.65 MB/s
BenchmarkGobEncode 100 13683198 ns/op 56.09 MB/s
BenchmarkJSONEncode 50 31735022 ns/op 61.15 MB/s
The file new.txt contains:
BenchmarkGobEncode 100 11773189 ns/op 65.19 MB/s
BenchmarkJSONEncode 50 32036529 ns/op 60.57 MB/s
BenchmarkGobEncode 100 11942588 ns/op 64.27 MB/s
BenchmarkJSONEncode 50 32156552 ns/op 60.34 MB/s
BenchmarkGobEncode 100 11786159 ns/op 65.12 MB/s
BenchmarkJSONEncode 50 31288355 ns/op 62.02 MB/s
BenchmarkGobEncode 100 11628583 ns/op 66.00 MB/s
BenchmarkJSONEncode 50 31559706 ns/op 61.49 MB/s
BenchmarkGobEncode 100 11815924 ns/op 64.96 MB/s
BenchmarkJSONEncode 50 31765634 ns/op 61.09 MB/s
The order of the lines in the file does not matter, except that the output
lists benchmarks in order of appearance.
If run with just one input file, benchstat summarizes that file:
$ benchstat old.txt
name time/op
GobEncode 13.6ms ± 1%
JSONEncode 32.1ms ± 1%
If run with two input files, benchstat summarizes and compares:
$ benchstat old.txt new.txt
name old time/op new time/op delta
GobEncode 13.6ms ± 1% 11.8ms ± 1% -13.31% (p=0.016 n=4+5)
JSONEncode 32.1ms ± 1% 31.8ms ± 1% ~ (p=0.286 n=4+5)
Note that the JSONEncode result is reported as statistically insignificant
instead of a -0.93% delta.
This diff is collapsed.
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
// Miscellaneous helper algorithms
import (
func maxint(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
func minint(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return a
return b
func sumint(xs []int) int {
sum := 0
for _, x := range xs {
sum += x
return sum
// bisect returns an x in [low, high] such that |f(x)| <= tolerance
// using the bisection method.
// f(low) and f(high) must have opposite signs.
// If f does not have a root in this interval (e.g., it is
// discontiguous), this returns the X of the apparent discontinuity
// and false.
func bisect(f func(float64) float64, low, high, tolerance float64) (float64, bool) {
flow, fhigh := f(low), f(high)
if -tolerance <= flow && flow <= tolerance {
return low, true
if -tolerance <= fhigh && fhigh <= tolerance {
return high, true
if mathSign(flow) == mathSign(fhigh) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("root of f is not bracketed by [low, high]; f(%g)=%g f(%g)=%g", low, flow, high, fhigh))
for {
mid := (high + low) / 2
fmid := f(mid)
if -tolerance <= fmid && fmid <= tolerance {
return mid, true
if mid == high || mid == low {
return mid, false
if mathSign(fmid) == mathSign(flow) {
low = mid
flow = fmid
} else {
high = mid
fhigh = fmid
// bisectBool implements the bisection method on a boolean function.
// It returns x1, x2 ∈ [low, high], x1 < x2 such that f(x1) != f(x2)
// and x2 - x1 <= xtol.
// If f(low) == f(high), it panics.
func bisectBool(f func(float64) bool, low, high, xtol float64) (x1, x2 float64) {
flow, fhigh := f(low), f(high)
if flow == fhigh {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("root of f is not bracketed by [low, high]; f(%g)=%v f(%g)=%v", low, flow, high, fhigh))
for {
if high-low <= xtol {
return low, high
mid := (high + low) / 2
if mid == high || mid == low {
return low, high
fmid := f(mid)
if fmid == flow {
low = mid
flow = fmid
} else {
high = mid
fhigh = fmid
// series returns the sum of the series f(0), f(1), ...
// This implementation is fast, but subject to round-off error.
func series(f func(float64) float64) float64 {
y, yp := 0.0, 1.0
for n := 0.0; y != yp; n++ {
yp = y
y += f(n)
return y
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import "math"
func lgamma(x float64) float64 {
y, _ := math.Lgamma(x)
return y
// mathBeta returns the value of the complete beta function B(a, b).
func mathBeta(a, b float64) float64 {
// B(x,y) = Γ(x)Γ(y) / Γ(x+y)
return math.Exp(lgamma(a) + lgamma(b) - lgamma(a+b))
// mathBetaInc returns the value of the regularized incomplete beta
// function Iₓ(a, b).
// This is not to be confused with the "incomplete beta function",
// which can be computed as BetaInc(x, a, b)*Beta(a, b).
// If x < 0 or x > 1, returns NaN.
func mathBetaInc(x, a, b float64) float64 {
// Based on Numerical Recipes in C, section 6.4. This uses the
// continued fraction definition of I:
// (xᵃ*(1-x)ᵇ)/(a*B(a,b)) * (1/(1+(d₁/(1+(d₂/(1+...))))))
// where B(a,b) is the beta function and
// d_{2m+1} = -(a+m)(a+b+m)x/((a+2m)(a+2m+1))
// d_{2m} = m(b-m)x/((a+2m-1)(a+2m))
if x < 0 || x > 1 {
return math.NaN()
bt := 0.0
if 0 < x && x < 1 {
// Compute the coefficient before the continued
// fraction.
bt = math.Exp(lgamma(a+b) - lgamma(a) - lgamma(b) +
a*math.Log(x) + b*math.Log(1-x))
if x < (a+1)/(a+b+2) {
// Compute continued fraction directly.
return bt * betacf(x, a, b) / a
} else {
// Compute continued fraction after symmetry transform.
return 1 - bt*betacf(1-x, b, a)/b
// betacf is the continued fraction component of the regularized
// incomplete beta function Iₓ(a, b).
func betacf(x, a, b float64) float64 {
const maxIterations = 200
const epsilon = 3e-14
raiseZero := func(z float64) float64 {
if math.Abs(z) < math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64 {
return math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64
return z
c := 1.0
d := 1 / raiseZero(1-(a+b)*x/(a+1))
h := d
for m := 1; m <= maxIterations; m++ {
mf := float64(m)
// Even step of the recurrence.
numer := mf * (b - mf) * x / ((a + 2*mf - 1) * (a + 2*mf))
d = 1 / raiseZero(1+numer*d)
c = raiseZero(1 + numer/c)
h *= d * c
// Odd step of the recurrence.
numer = -(a + mf) * (a + b + mf) * x / ((a + 2*mf) * (a + 2*mf + 1))
d = 1 / raiseZero(1+numer*d)
c = raiseZero(1 + numer/c)
hfac := d * c
h *= hfac
if math.Abs(hfac-1) < epsilon {
return h
panic("betainc: a or b too big; failed to converge")
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import (
func TestBetaInc(t *testing.T) {
// Example values from MATLAB betainc documentation.
testFunc(t, "I_0.5(%v, 3)",
func(a float64) float64 { return mathBetaInc(0.5, a, 3) },
0: 1.00000000000000,
1: 0.87500000000000,
2: 0.68750000000000,
3: 0.50000000000000,
4: 0.34375000000000,
5: 0.22656250000000,
6: 0.14453125000000,
7: 0.08984375000000,
8: 0.05468750000000,
9: 0.03271484375000,
10: 0.01928710937500,
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
// DeltaDist is the Dirac delta function, centered at T, with total
// area 1.
// The CDF of the Dirac delta function is the Heaviside step function,
// centered at T. Specifically, f(T) == 1.
type DeltaDist struct {
T float64
func (d DeltaDist) PDF(x float64) float64 {
if x == d.T {
return inf
return 0
func (d DeltaDist) pdfEach(xs []float64) []float64 {
res := make([]float64, len(xs))
for i, x := range xs {
if x == d.T {
res[i] = inf
return res
func (d DeltaDist) CDF(x float64) float64 {
if x >= d.T {
return 1
return 0
func (d DeltaDist) cdfEach(xs []float64) []float64 {
res := make([]float64, len(xs))
for i, x := range xs {
res[i] = d.CDF(x)
return res
func (d DeltaDist) InvCDF(y float64) float64 {
if y < 0 || y > 1 {
return nan
return d.T
func (d DeltaDist) Bounds() (float64, float64) {
return d.T - 1, d.T + 1
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import "math/rand"
// A DistCommon is a statistical distribution. DistCommon is a base
// interface provided by both continuous and discrete distributions.
type DistCommon interface {
// CDF returns the cumulative probability Pr[X <= x].
// For continuous distributions, the CDF is the integral of
// the PDF from -inf to x.
// For discrete distributions, the CDF is the sum of the PMF
// at all defined points from -inf to x, inclusive. Note that
// the CDF of a discrete distribution is defined for the whole
// real line (unlike the PMF) but has discontinuities where
// the PMF is non-zero.
// The CDF is a monotonically increasing function and has a
// domain of all real numbers. If the distribution has bounded
// support, it has a range of [0, 1]; otherwise it has a range
// of (0, 1). Finally, CDF(-inf)==0 and CDF(inf)==1.
CDF(x float64) float64
// Bounds returns reasonable bounds for this distribution's
// PDF/PMF and CDF. The total weight outside of these bounds
// should be approximately 0.
// For a discrete distribution, both bounds are integer
// multiples of Step().
// If this distribution has finite support, it returns exact
// bounds l, h such that CDF(l')=0 for all l' < l and
// CDF(h')=1 for all h' >= h.
Bounds() (float64, float64)
// A Dist is a continuous statistical distribution.
type Dist interface {
// PDF returns the value of the probability density function
// of this distribution at x.
PDF(x float64) float64
// A DiscreteDist is a discrete statistical distribution.
// Most discrete distributions are defined only at integral values of
// the random variable. However, some are defined at other intervals,
// so this interface takes a float64 value for the random variable.
// The probability mass function rounds down to the nearest defined
// point. Note that float64 values can exactly represent integer
// values between ±2**53, so this generally shouldn't be an issue for
// integer-valued distributions (likewise, for half-integer-valued
// distributions, float64 can exactly represent all values between
// ±2**52).
type DiscreteDist interface {
// PMF returns the value of the probability mass function
// Pr[X = x'], where x' is x rounded down to the nearest
// defined point on the distribution.
// Note for implementers: for integer-valued distributions,
// round x using int(math.Floor(x)). Do not use int(x), since
// that truncates toward zero (unless all x <= 0 are handled
// the same).
PMF(x float64) float64
// Step returns s, where the distribution is defined for sℕ.
Step() float64
// TODO: Add a Support method for finite support distributions? Or
// maybe just another return value from Bounds indicating that the
// bounds are exact?
// TODO: Plot method to return a pre-configured Plot object with
// reasonable bounds and an integral function? Have to distinguish
// PDF/CDF/InvCDF. Three methods? Argument?
// Doesn't have to be a method of Dist. Could be just a function that
// takes a Dist and uses Bounds.
// InvCDF returns the inverse CDF function of the given distribution
// (also known as the quantile function or the percent point
// function). This is a function f such that f(dist.CDF(x)) == x. If
// dist.CDF is only weakly monotonic (that it, there are intervals
// over which it is constant) and y > 0, f returns the smallest x that
// satisfies this condition. In general, the inverse CDF is not
// well-defined for y==0, but for convenience if y==0, f returns the
// largest x that satisfies this condition. For distributions with
// infinite support both the largest and smallest x are -Inf; however,
// for distributions with finite support, this is the lower bound of
// the support.
// If y < 0 or y > 1, f returns NaN.
// If dist implements InvCDF(float64) float64, this returns that
// method. Otherwise, it returns a function that uses a generic
// numerical method to construct the inverse CDF at y by finding x
// such that dist.CDF(x) == y. This may have poor precision around
// points of discontinuity, including f(0) and f(1).
func InvCDF(dist DistCommon) func(y float64) (x float64) {
type invCDF interface {
InvCDF(float64) float64
if dist, ok := dist.(invCDF); ok {
return dist.InvCDF
// Otherwise, use a numerical algorithm.
// TODO: For discrete distributions, use the step size to
// inform this computation.
return func(y float64) (x float64) {
const almostInf = 1e100
const xtol = 1e-16
if y < 0 || y > 1 {
return nan
} else if y == 0 {
l, _ := dist.Bounds()
if dist.CDF(l) == 0 {
// Finite support
return l
} else {
// Infinite support
return -inf
} else if y == 1 {
_, h := dist.Bounds()
if dist.CDF(h) == 1 {
// Finite support
return h
} else {
// Infinite support
return inf
// Find loX, hiX for which cdf(loX) < y <= cdf(hiX).
var loX, loY, hiX, hiY float64
x1, y1 := 0.0, dist.CDF(0)
xdelta := 1.0
if y1 < y {
hiX, hiY = x1, y1
for hiY < y && hiX != inf {
loX, loY, hiX = hiX, hiY, hiX+xdelta
hiY = dist.CDF(hiX)
xdelta *= 2
} else {
loX, loY = x1, y1
for y <= loY && loX != -inf {
hiX, hiY, loX = loX, loY, loX-xdelta
loY = dist.CDF(loX)
xdelta *= 2
if loX == -inf {
return loX
} else if hiX == inf {
return hiX
// Use bisection on the interval to find the smallest
// x at which cdf(x) <= y.
_, x = bisectBool(func(x float64) bool {
return dist.CDF(x) < y
}, loX, hiX, xtol)
// Rand returns a random number generator that draws from the given
// distribution. The returned generator takes an optional source of
// randomness; if this is nil, it uses the default global source.
// If dist implements Rand(*rand.Rand) float64, Rand returns that
// method. Otherwise, it returns a generic generator based on dist's
// inverse CDF (which may in turn use an efficient implementation or a
// generic numerical implementation; see InvCDF).
func Rand(dist DistCommon) func(*rand.Rand) float64 {
type distRand interface {
Rand(*rand.Rand) float64
if dist, ok := dist.(distRand); ok {
return dist.Rand
// Otherwise, use a generic algorithm.
inv := InvCDF(dist)
return func(r *rand.Rand) float64 {
var y float64
for y == 0 {
if r == nil {
y = rand.Float64()
} else {
y = r.Float64()
return inv(y)
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import "math"
// mathSign returns the sign of x: -1 if x < 0, 0 if x == 0, 1 if x > 0.
// If x is NaN, it returns NaN.
func mathSign(x float64) float64 {
if x == 0 {
return 0
} else if x < 0 {
return -1
} else if x > 0 {
return 1
return nan
const smallFactLimit = 20 // 20! => 62 bits
var smallFact [smallFactLimit + 1]int64
func init() {
smallFact[0] = 1
fact := int64(1)
for n := int64(1); n <= smallFactLimit; n++ {
fact *= n
smallFact[n] = fact
// mathChoose returns the binomial coefficient of n and k.
func mathChoose(n, k int) float64 {
if k == 0 || k == n {
return 1
if k < 0 || n < k {
return 0
if n <= smallFactLimit { // Implies k <= smallFactLimit
// It's faster to do several integer multiplications
// than it is to do an extra integer division.
// Remarkably, this is also faster than pre-computing
// Pascal's triangle (presumably because this is very
// cache efficient).
numer := int64(1)
for n1 := int64(n - (k - 1)); n1 <= int64(n); n1++ {
numer *= n1
denom := smallFact[k]
return float64(numer / denom)
return math.Exp(lchoose(n, k))
// mathLchoose returns math.Log(mathChoose(n, k)).
func mathLchoose(n, k int) float64 {
if k == 0 || k == n {
return 0
if k < 0 || n < k {
return math.NaN()
return lchoose(n, k)
func lchoose(n, k int) float64 {
a, _ := math.Lgamma(float64(n + 1))
b, _ := math.Lgamma(float64(k + 1))
c, _ := math.Lgamma(float64(n - k + 1))
return a - b - c
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import (
// NormalDist is a normal (Gaussian) distribution with mean Mu and
// standard deviation Sigma.
type NormalDist struct {
Mu, Sigma float64
// StdNormal is the standard normal distribution (Mu = 0, Sigma = 1)
var StdNormal = NormalDist{0, 1}
// 1/sqrt(2 * pi)
const invSqrt2Pi = 0.39894228040143267793994605993438186847585863116493465766592583
func (n NormalDist) PDF(x float64) float64 {
z := x - n.Mu
return math.Exp(-z*z/(2*n.Sigma*n.Sigma)) * invSqrt2Pi / n.Sigma
func (n NormalDist) pdfEach(xs []float64) []float64 {
res := make([]float64, len(xs))
if n.Mu == 0 && n.Sigma == 1 {
// Standard normal fast path
for i, x := range xs {
res[i] = math.Exp(-x*x/2) * invSqrt2Pi
} else {
a := -1 / (2 * n.Sigma * n.Sigma)
b := invSqrt2Pi / n.Sigma
for i, x := range xs {
z := x - n.Mu
res[i] = math.Exp(z*z*a) * b
return res
func (n NormalDist) CDF(x float64) float64 {
return math.Erfc(-(x-n.Mu)/(n.Sigma*math.Sqrt2)) / 2
func (n NormalDist) cdfEach(xs []float64) []float64 {
res := make([]float64, len(xs))
a := 1 / (n.Sigma * math.Sqrt2)
for i, x := range xs {
res[i] = math.Erfc(-(x-n.Mu)*a) / 2
return res
func (n NormalDist) InvCDF(p float64) (x float64) {
// This is based on Peter John Acklam's inverse normal CDF
// algorithm:
const (
a1 = -3.969683028665376e+01
a2 = 2.209460984245205e+02
a3 = -2.759285104469687e+02
a4 = 1.383577518672690e+02
a5 = -3.066479806614716e+01
a6 = 2.506628277459239e+00
b1 = -5.447609879822406e+01
b2 = 1.615858368580409e+02
b3 = -1.556989798598866e+02
b4 = 6.680131188771972e+01
b5 = -1.328068155288572e+01
c1 = -7.784894002430293e-03
c2 = -3.223964580411365e-01
c3 = -2.400758277161838e+00
c4 = -2.549732539343734e+00
c5 = 4.374664141464968e+00
c6 = 2.938163982698783e+00
d1 = 7.784695709041462e-03
d2 = 3.224671290700398e-01
d3 = 2.445134137142996e+00
d4 = 3.754408661907416e+00
plow = 0.02425
phigh = 1 - plow
if p < 0 || p > 1 {
return nan
} else if p == 0 {
return -inf
} else if p == 1 {
return inf
if p < plow {
// Rational approximation for lower region.
q := math.Sqrt(-2 * math.Log(p))
x = (((((c1*q+c2)*q+c3)*q+c4)*q+c5)*q + c6) /
((((d1*q+d2)*q+d3)*q+d4)*q + 1)
} else if phigh < p {
// Rational approximation for upper region.
q := math.Sqrt(-2 * math.Log(1-p))
x = -(((((c1*q+c2)*q+c3)*q+c4)*q+c5)*q + c6) /
((((d1*q+d2)*q+d3)*q+d4)*q + 1)
} else {
// Rational approximation for central region.
q := p - 0.5
r := q * q
x = (((((a1*r+a2)*r+a3)*r+a4)*r+a5)*r + a6) * q /
(((((b1*r+b2)*r+b3)*r+b4)*r+b5)*r + 1)
// Refine approximation.
e := 0.5*math.Erfc(-x/math.Sqrt2) - p
u := e * math.Sqrt(2*math.Pi) * math.Exp(x*x/2)
x = x - u/(1+x*u/2)
// Adjust from standard normal.
return x*n.Sigma + n.Mu
func (n NormalDist) Rand(r *rand.Rand) float64 {
var x float64
if r == nil {
x = rand.NormFloat64()
} else {
x = r.NormFloat64()
return x*n.Sigma + n.Mu
func (n NormalDist) Bounds() (float64, float64) {
const stddevs = 3
return n.Mu - stddevs*n.Sigma, n.Mu + stddevs*n.Sigma
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import (
func TestNormalDist(t *testing.T) {
d := StdNormal
testFunc(t, fmt.Sprintf("%+v.PDF", d), d.PDF, map[float64]float64{
-10000: 0, // approx
-1: 1 / math.Sqrt(2*math.Pi) * math.Exp(-0.5),
0: 1 / math.Sqrt(2*math.Pi),
1: 1 / math.Sqrt(2*math.Pi) * math.Exp(-0.5),
10000: 0, // approx
testFunc(t, fmt.Sprintf("%+v.CDF", d), d.CDF, map[float64]float64{
-10000: 0, // approx
0: 0.5,
10000: 1, // approx
d2 := NormalDist{Mu: 2, Sigma: 5}
testInvCDF(t, d, false)
testInvCDF(t, d2, false)
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package stats implements several statistical distributions,
// hypothesis tests, and functions for descriptive statistics.
// Currently stats is fairly small, but for what it does implement, it
// focuses on high quality, fast implementations with good, idiomatic
// Go APIs.
// This is a trimmed fork of
package stats
import (
var inf = math.Inf(1)
var nan = math.NaN()
// TODO: Put all errors in the same place and maybe unify them.
var (
ErrSamplesEqual = errors.New("all samples are equal")
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import (
// Sample is a collection of possibly weighted data points.
type Sample struct {
// Xs is the slice of sample values.
Xs []float64
// Weights[i] is the weight of sample Xs[i]. If Weights is
// nil, all Xs have weight 1. Weights must have the same
// length of Xs and all values must be non-negative.
Weights []float64
// Sorted indicates that Xs is sorted in ascending order.
Sorted bool
// Bounds returns the minimum and maximum values of xs.
func Bounds(xs []float64) (min float64, max float64) {
if len(xs) == 0 {
return math.NaN(), math.NaN()
min, max = xs[0], xs[0]
for _, x := range xs {
if x < min {
min = x
if x > max {
max = x
// Bounds returns the minimum and maximum values of the Sample.
// If the Sample is weighted, this ignores samples with zero weight.
// This is constant time if s.Sorted and there are no zero-weighted
// values.
func (s Sample) Bounds() (min float64, max float64) {
if len(s.Xs) == 0 || (!s.Sorted && s.Weights == nil) {
return Bounds(s.Xs)
if s.Sorted {
if s.Weights == nil {
return s.Xs[0], s.Xs[len(s.Xs)-1]
min, max = math.NaN(), math.NaN()
for i, w := range s.Weights {
if w != 0 {
min = s.Xs[i]
if math.IsNaN(min) {
for i := range s.Weights {
if s.Weights[len(s.Weights)-i-1] != 0 {
max = s.Xs[len(s.Weights)-i-1]
} else {
min, max = math.Inf(1), math.Inf(-1)
for i, x := range s.Xs {
w := s.Weights[i]
if x < min && w != 0 {
min = x
if x > max && w != 0 {
max = x
if math.IsInf(min, 0) {
min, max = math.NaN(), math.NaN()
// vecSum returns the sum of xs.
func vecSum(xs []float64) float64 {
sum := 0.0
for _, x := range xs {
sum += x
return sum
// Sum returns the (possibly weighted) sum of the Sample.
func (s Sample) Sum() float64 {
if s.Weights == nil {
return vecSum(s.Xs)
sum := 0.0
for i, x := range s.Xs {
sum += x * s.Weights[i]
return sum
// Weight returns the total weight of the Sasmple.
func (s Sample) Weight() float64 {
if s.Weights == nil {
return float64(len(s.Xs))
return vecSum(s.Weights)
// Mean returns the arithmetic mean of xs.
func Mean(xs []float64) float64 {
if len(xs) == 0 {
return math.NaN()
m := 0.0
for i, x := range xs {
m += (x - m) / float64(i+1)
return m
// Mean returns the arithmetic mean of the Sample.
func (s Sample) Mean() float64 {
if len(s.Xs) == 0 || s.Weights == nil {
return Mean(s.Xs)
m, wsum := 0.0, 0.0
for i, x := range s.Xs {
// Use weighted incremental mean:
// m_i = (1 - w_i/wsum_i) * m_(i-1) + (w_i/wsum_i) * x_i
// = m_(i-1) + (x_i - m_(i-1)) * (w_i/wsum_i)
w := s.Weights[i]
wsum += w
m += (x - m) * w / wsum
return m
// GeoMean returns the geometric mean of xs. xs must be positive.
func GeoMean(xs []float64) float64 {
if len(xs) == 0 {
return math.NaN()
m := 0.0
for i, x := range xs {
if x <= 0 {
return math.NaN()
lx := math.Log(x)
m += (lx - m) / float64(i+1)
return math.Exp(m)
// GeoMean returns the geometric mean of the Sample. All samples
// values must be positive.
func (s Sample) GeoMean() float64 {
if len(s.Xs) == 0 || s.Weights == nil {
return GeoMean(s.Xs)
m, wsum := 0.0, 0.0
for i, x := range s.Xs {
w := s.Weights[i]
wsum += w
lx := math.Log(x)
m += (lx - m) * w / wsum
return math.Exp(m)
// Variance returns the sample variance of xs.
func Variance(xs []float64) float64 {
if len(xs) == 0 {
return math.NaN()
} else if len(xs) <= 1 {
return 0
// Based on Wikipedia's presentation of Welford 1962
// (
// This is more numerically stable than the standard two-pass
// formula and not prone to massive cancellation.
mean, M2 := 0.0, 0.0
for n, x := range xs {
delta := x - mean
mean += delta / float64(n+1)
M2 += delta * (x - mean)
return M2 / float64(len(xs)-1)
func (s Sample) Variance() float64 {
if len(s.Xs) == 0 || s.Weights == nil {
return Variance(s.Xs)
// TODO(austin)
panic("Weighted Variance not implemented")
// StdDev returns the sample standard deviation of xs.
func StdDev(xs []float64) float64 {
return math.Sqrt(Variance(xs))
// StdDev returns the sample standard deviation of the Sample.
func (s Sample) StdDev() float64 {
if len(s.Xs) == 0 || s.Weights == nil {
return StdDev(s.Xs)
// TODO(austin)
panic("Weighted StdDev not implemented")
// Percentile returns the pctileth value from the Sample. This uses
// interpolation method R8 from Hyndman and Fan (1996).
// pctile will be capped to the range [0, 1]. If len(xs) == 0 or all
// weights are 0, returns NaN.
// Percentile(0.5) is the median. Percentile(0.25) and
// Percentile(0.75) are the first and third quartiles, respectively.
// This is constant time if s.Sorted and s.Weights == nil.
func (s Sample) Percentile(pctile float64) float64 {
if len(s.Xs) == 0 {
return math.NaN()
} else if pctile <= 0 {
min, _ := s.Bounds()
return min
} else if pctile >= 1 {
_, max := s.Bounds()
return max
if !s.Sorted {
// TODO(austin) Use select algorithm instead
s = *s.Copy().Sort()
if s.Weights == nil {
N := float64(len(s.Xs))
//n := pctile * (N + 1) // R6
n := 1/3.0 + pctile*(N+1/3.0) // R8
kf, frac := math.Modf(n)
k := int(kf)
if k <= 0 {
return s.Xs[0]
} else if k >= len(s.Xs) {
return s.Xs[len(s.Xs)-1]
return s.Xs[k-1] + frac*(s.Xs[k]-s.Xs[k-1])
} else {
// TODO(austin): Implement interpolation
target := s.Weight() * pctile
// TODO(austin) If we had cumulative weights, we could
// do this in log time.
for i, weight := range s.Weights {
target -= weight
if target < 0 {
return s.Xs[i]
return s.Xs[len(s.Xs)-1]
// IQR returns the interquartile range of the Sample.
// This is constant time if s.Sorted and s.Weights == nil.
func (s Sample) IQR() float64 {
if !s.Sorted {
s = *s.Copy().Sort()
return s.Percentile(0.75) - s.Percentile(0.25)
type sampleSorter struct {
xs []float64
weights []float64
func (p *sampleSorter) Len() int {
return len(p.xs)
func (p *sampleSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
return p.xs[i] < p.xs[j]
func (p *sampleSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
p.xs[i], p.xs[j] = p.xs[j], p.xs[i]
p.weights[i], p.weights[j] = p.weights[j], p.weights[i]
// Sort sorts the samples in place in s and returns s.
// A sorted sample improves the performance of some algorithms.
func (s *Sample) Sort() *Sample {
if s.Sorted || sort.Float64sAreSorted(s.Xs) {
// All set
} else if s.Weights == nil {
} else {
sort.Sort(&sampleSorter{s.Xs, s.Weights})
s.Sorted = true
return s
// Copy returns a copy of the Sample.
// The returned Sample shares no data with the original, so they can
// be modified (for example, sorted) independently.
func (s Sample) Copy() *Sample {
xs := make([]float64, len(s.Xs))
copy(xs, s.Xs)
weights := []float64(nil)
if s.Weights != nil {
weights = make([]float64, len(s.Weights))
copy(weights, s.Weights)
return &Sample{xs, weights, s.Sorted}
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import "testing"
func TestSamplePercentile(t *testing.T) {
s := Sample{Xs: []float64{15, 20, 35, 40, 50}}
testFunc(t, "Percentile", s.Percentile, map[float64]float64{
-1: 15,
0: 15,
.05: 15,
.30: 19.666666666666666,
.40: 27,
.95: 50,
1: 50,
2: 50,
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import "math"
// A TDist is a Student's t-distribution with V degrees of freedom.
type TDist struct {
V float64
func (t TDist) PDF(x float64) float64 {
return math.Exp(lgamma((t.V+1)/2)-lgamma(t.V/2)) /
math.Sqrt(t.V*math.Pi) * math.Pow(1+(x*x)/t.V, -(t.V+1)/2)
func (t TDist) CDF(x float64) float64 {
if x == 0 {
return 0.5
} else if x > 0 {
return 1 - 0.5*mathBetaInc(t.V/(t.V+x*x), t.V/2, 0.5)
} else if x < 0 {
return 1 - t.CDF(-x)
} else {
return math.NaN()
func (t TDist) Bounds() (float64, float64) {
return -4, 4
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import "testing"
func TestT(t *testing.T) {
testFunc(t, "PDF(%v|v=1)", TDist{1}.PDF, map[float64]float64{
-10: 0.0031515830315226806,
-9: 0.0038818278802901312,
-8: 0.0048970751720583188,
-7: 0.0063661977236758151,
-6: 0.0086029698968592104,
-5: 0.012242687930145799,
-4: 0.018724110951987692,
-3: 0.031830988618379075,
-2: 0.063661977236758149,
-1: 0.15915494309189537,
0: 0.31830988618379075,
1: 0.15915494309189537,
2: 0.063661977236758149,
3: 0.031830988618379075,
4: 0.018724110951987692,
5: 0.012242687930145799,
6: 0.0086029698968592104,
7: 0.0063661977236758151,
8: 0.0048970751720583188,
9: 0.0038818278802901312})
testFunc(t, "PDF(%v|v=5)", TDist{5}.PDF, map[float64]float64{
-10: 4.0989816415343313e-05,
-9: 7.4601664362590413e-05,
-8: 0.00014444303269563934,
-7: 0.00030134402928803911,
-6: 0.00068848154013743002,
-5: 0.0017574383788078445,
-4: 0.0051237270519179133,
-3: 0.017292578800222964,
-2: 0.065090310326216455,
-1: 0.21967979735098059,
0: 0.3796066898224944,
1: 0.21967979735098059,
2: 0.065090310326216455,
3: 0.017292578800222964,
4: 0.0051237270519179133,
5: 0.0017574383788078445,
6: 0.00068848154013743002,
7: 0.00030134402928803911,
8: 0.00014444303269563934,
9: 7.4601664362590413e-05})
testFunc(t, "CDF(%v|v=1)", TDist{1}.CDF, map[float64]float64{
-10: 0.03172551743055356,
-9: 0.035223287477277272,
-8: 0.039583424160565539,
-7: 0.045167235300866547,
-6: 0.052568456711253424,
-5: 0.06283295818900117,
-4: 0.077979130377369324,
-3: 0.10241638234956672,
-2: 0.14758361765043321,
-1: 0.24999999999999978,
0: 0.5,
1: 0.75000000000000022,
2: 0.85241638234956674,
3: 0.89758361765043326,
4: 0.92202086962263075,
5: 0.93716704181099886,
6: 0.94743154328874657,
7: 0.95483276469913347,
8: 0.96041657583943452,
9: 0.96477671252272279})
testFunc(t, "CDF(%v|v=5)", TDist{5}.CDF, map[float64]float64{
-10: 8.5473787871481787e-05,
-9: 0.00014133998712194845,
-8: 0.00024645333028622187,
-7: 0.00045837375719920225,
-6: 0.00092306914479700695,
-5: 0.0020523579900266612,
-4: 0.0051617077404157259,
-3: 0.015049623948731284,
-2: 0.05096973941492914,
-1: 0.18160873382456127,
0: 0.5,
1: 0.81839126617543867,
2: 0.9490302605850709,
3: 0.98495037605126878,
4: 0.99483829225958431,
5: 0.99794764200997332,
6: 0.99907693085520299,
7: 0.99954162624280074,
8: 0.99975354666971372,
9: 0.9998586600128780})
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import (
// A TTestResult is the result of a t-test.
type TTestResult struct {
// N1 and N2 are the sizes of the input samples. For a
// one-sample t-test, N2 is 0.
N1, N2 int
// T is the value of the t-statistic for this t-test.
T float64
// DoF is the degrees of freedom for this t-test.
DoF float64
// AltHypothesis specifies the alternative hypothesis tested
// by this test against the null hypothesis that there is no
// difference in the means of the samples.
AltHypothesis LocationHypothesis
// P is p-value for this t-test for the given null hypothesis.
P float64
func newTTestResult(n1, n2 int, t, dof float64, alt LocationHypothesis) *TTestResult {
dist := TDist{dof}
var p float64
switch alt {
case LocationDiffers:
p = 2 * (1 - dist.CDF(math.Abs(t)))
case LocationLess:
p = dist.CDF(t)
case LocationGreater:
p = 1 - dist.CDF(t)
return &TTestResult{N1: n1, N2: n2, T: t, DoF: dof, AltHypothesis: alt, P: p}
// A TTestSample is a sample that can be used for a one or two sample
// t-test.
type TTestSample interface {
Weight() float64
Mean() float64
Variance() float64
var (
ErrSampleSize = errors.New("sample is too small")
ErrZeroVariance = errors.New("sample has zero variance")
ErrMismatchedSamples = errors.New("samples have different lengths")
// TwoSampleTTest performs a two-sample (unpaired) Student's t-test on
// samples x1 and x2. This is a test of the null hypothesis that x1
// and x2 are drawn from populations with equal means. It assumes x1
// and x2 are independent samples, that the distributions have equal
// variance, and that the populations are normally distributed.
func TwoSampleTTest(x1, x2 TTestSample, alt LocationHypothesis) (*TTestResult, error) {
n1, n2 := x1.Weight(), x2.Weight()
if n1 == 0 || n2 == 0 {
return nil, ErrSampleSize
v1, v2 := x1.Variance(), x2.Variance()
if v1 == 0 && v2 == 0 {
return nil, ErrZeroVariance
dof := n1 + n2 - 2
v12 := ((n1-1)*v1 + (n2-1)*v2) / dof
t := (x1.Mean() - x2.Mean()) / math.Sqrt(v12*(1/n1+1/n2))
return newTTestResult(int(n1), int(n2), t, dof, alt), nil
// TwoSampleWelchTTest performs a two-sample (unpaired) Welch's t-test
// on samples x1 and x2. This is like TwoSampleTTest, but does not
// assume the distributions have equal variance.
func TwoSampleWelchTTest(x1, x2 TTestSample, alt LocationHypothesis) (*TTestResult, error) {
n1, n2 := x1.Weight(), x2.Weight()
if n1 <= 1 || n2 <= 1 {
// TODO: Can we still do this with n == 1?
return nil, ErrSampleSize
v1, v2 := x1.Variance(), x2.Variance()
if v1 == 0 && v2 == 0 {
return nil, ErrZeroVariance
dof := math.Pow(v1/n1+v2/n2, 2) /
(math.Pow(v1/n1, 2)/(n1-1) + math.Pow(v2/n2, 2)/(n2-1))
s := math.Sqrt(v1/n1 + v2/n2)
t := (x1.Mean() - x2.Mean()) / s
return newTTestResult(int(n1), int(n2), t, dof, alt), nil
// PairedTTest performs a two-sample paired t-test on samples x1 and
// x2. If μ0 is non-zero, this tests if the average of the difference
// is significantly different from μ0. If x1 and x2 are identical,
// this returns nil.
func PairedTTest(x1, x2 []float64, μ0 float64, alt LocationHypothesis) (*TTestResult, error) {
if len(x1) != len(x2) {
return nil, ErrMismatchedSamples
if len(x1) <= 1 {
// TODO: Can we still do this with n == 1?
return nil, ErrSampleSize
dof := float64(len(x1) - 1)
diff := make([]float64, len(x1))
for i := range x1 {
diff[i] = x1[i] - x2[i]
sd := StdDev(diff)
if sd == 0 {
// TODO: Can we still do the test?
return nil, ErrZeroVariance
t := (Mean(diff) - μ0) * math.Sqrt(float64(len(x1))) / sd
return newTTestResult(len(x1), len(x2), t, dof, alt), nil
// OneSampleTTest performs a one-sample t-test on sample x. This tests
// the null hypothesis that the population mean is equal to μ0. This
// assumes the distribution of the population of sample means is
// normal.
func OneSampleTTest(x TTestSample, μ0 float64, alt LocationHypothesis) (*TTestResult, error) {
n, v := x.Weight(), x.Variance()
if n == 0 {
return nil, ErrSampleSize
if v == 0 {
// TODO: Can we still do the test?
return nil, ErrZeroVariance
dof := n - 1
t := (x.Mean() - μ0) * math.Sqrt(n) / math.Sqrt(v)
return newTTestResult(int(n), 0, t, dof, alt), nil
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import "testing"
func TestTTest(t *testing.T) {
s1 := Sample{Xs: []float64{2, 1, 3, 4}}
s2 := Sample{Xs: []float64{6, 5, 7, 9}}
check := func(want, got *TTestResult) {
if want.N1 != got.N1 || want.N2 != got.N2 ||
!aeq(want.T, got.T) || !aeq(want.DoF, got.DoF) ||
want.AltHypothesis != got.AltHypothesis ||
!aeq(want.P, got.P) {
t.Errorf("want %+v, got %+v", want, got)
check3 := func(test func(alt LocationHypothesis) (*TTestResult, error), n1, n2 int, t, dof float64, pless, pdiff, pgreater float64) {
want := &TTestResult{N1: n1, N2: n2, T: t, DoF: dof}
want.AltHypothesis = LocationLess
want.P = pless
got, _ := test(want.AltHypothesis)
check(want, got)
want.AltHypothesis = LocationDiffers
want.P = pdiff
got, _ = test(want.AltHypothesis)
check(want, got)
want.AltHypothesis = LocationGreater
want.P = pgreater
got, _ = test(want.AltHypothesis)
check(want, got)
check3(func(alt LocationHypothesis) (*TTestResult, error) {
return TwoSampleTTest(s1, s1, alt)
}, 4, 4, 0, 6,
0.5, 1, 0.5)
check3(func(alt LocationHypothesis) (*TTestResult, error) {
return TwoSampleWelchTTest(s1, s1, alt)
}, 4, 4, 0, 6,
0.5, 1, 0.5)
check3(func(alt LocationHypothesis) (*TTestResult, error) {
return TwoSampleTTest(s1, s2, alt)
}, 4, 4, -3.9703446152237674, 6,
0.0036820296121056195, 0.0073640592242113214, 0.9963179703878944)
check3(func(alt LocationHypothesis) (*TTestResult, error) {
return TwoSampleWelchTTest(s1, s2, alt)
}, 4, 4, -3.9703446152237674, 5.584615384615385,
0.004256431565689112, 0.0085128631313781695, 0.9957435684343109)
check3(func(alt LocationHypothesis) (*TTestResult, error) {
return PairedTTest(s1.Xs, s2.Xs, 0, alt)
}, 4, 4, -17, 3,
0.0002216717691559955, 0.00044334353831207749, 0.999778328230844)
check3(func(alt LocationHypothesis) (*TTestResult, error) {
return OneSampleTTest(s1, 0, alt)
}, 4, 0, 3.872983346207417, 3,
0.9847668541689145, 0.030466291662170977, 0.015233145831085482)
check3(func(alt LocationHypothesis) (*TTestResult, error) {
return OneSampleTTest(s1, 2.5, alt)
}, 4, 0, 0, 3,
0.5, 1, 0.5)
This diff is collapsed.
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import (
func aeqTable(a, b [][]float64) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if len(a[i]) != len(b[i]) {
return false
for j := range a[i] {
// "%f" precision
if math.Abs(a[i][j]-b[i][j]) >= 0.000001 {
return false
return true
// U distribution for N=3 up to U=5.
var udist3 = [][]float64{
// m=1 2 3
{0.250000, 0.100000, 0.050000}, // U=0
{0.500000, 0.200000, 0.100000}, // U=1
{0.750000, 0.400000, 0.200000}, // U=2
{1.000000, 0.600000, 0.350000}, // U=3
{1.000000, 0.800000, 0.500000}, // U=4
{1.000000, 0.900000, 0.650000}, // U=5
// U distribution for N=5 up to U=5.
var udist5 = [][]float64{
// m=1 2 3 4 5
{0.166667, 0.047619, 0.017857, 0.007937, 0.003968}, // U=0
{0.333333, 0.095238, 0.035714, 0.015873, 0.007937}, // U=1
{0.500000, 0.190476, 0.071429, 0.031746, 0.015873}, // U=2
{0.666667, 0.285714, 0.125000, 0.055556, 0.027778}, // U=3
{0.833333, 0.428571, 0.196429, 0.095238, 0.047619}, // U=4
{1.000000, 0.571429, 0.285714, 0.142857, 0.075397}, // U=5
func TestUDist(t *testing.T) {
makeTable := func(n int) [][]float64 {
out := make([][]float64, 6)
for U := 0; U < 6; U++ {
out[U] = make([]float64, n)
for m := 1; m <= n; m++ {
out[U][m-1] = UDist{N1: m, N2: n}.CDF(float64(U))
return out
fmtTable := func(a [][]float64) string {
out := fmt.Sprintf("%8s", "m=")
for m := 1; m <= len(a[0]); m++ {
out += fmt.Sprintf("%9d", m)
out += "\n"
for U, row := range a {
out += fmt.Sprintf("U=%-6d", U)
for m := 1; m <= len(a[0]); m++ {
out += fmt.Sprintf(" %f", row[m-1])
out += "\n"
return out
// Compare against tables given in Mann, Whitney (1947).
got3 := makeTable(3)
if !aeqTable(got3, udist3) {
t.Errorf("For n=3, want:\n%sgot:\n%s", fmtTable(udist3), fmtTable(got3))
got5 := makeTable(5)
if !aeqTable(got5, udist5) {
t.Errorf("For n=5, want:\n%sgot:\n%s", fmtTable(udist5), fmtTable(got5))
func BenchmarkUDist(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
// R uses the exact distribution up to N=50.
// N*M/2=1250 is the hardest point to get the CDF for.
UDist{N1: 50, N2: 50}.CDF(1250)
func TestUDistTies(t *testing.T) {
makeTable := func(m, N int, t []int, minx, maxx float64) [][]float64 {
out := [][]float64{}
dist := UDist{N1: m, N2: N - m, T: t}
for x := minx; x <= maxx; x += 0.5 {
// Convert x from uQt' to uQv'.
U := x - float64(m*m)/2
P := dist.CDF(U)
if len(out) == 0 || !aeq(out[len(out)-1][1], P) {
out = append(out, []float64{x, P})
return out
fmtTable := func(table [][]float64) string {
out := ""
for _, row := range table {
out += fmt.Sprintf("%5.1f %f\n", row[0], row[1])
return out
// Compare against Table 1 from Klotz (1966).
got := makeTable(5, 10, []int{1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1}, 12.5, 19.5)
want := [][]float64{
{12.5, 0.003968}, {13.5, 0.007937},
{15.0, 0.023810}, {16.5, 0.047619},
{17.5, 0.071429}, {18.0, 0.087302},
{19.0, 0.134921}, {19.5, 0.138889},
if !aeqTable(got, want) {
t.Errorf("Want:\n%sgot:\n%s", fmtTable(want), fmtTable(got))
got = makeTable(10, 21, []int{6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}, 52, 87)
want = [][]float64{
{52.0, 0.000014}, {56.5, 0.000128},
{57.5, 0.000145}, {60.0, 0.000230},
{61.0, 0.000400}, {62.0, 0.000740},
{62.5, 0.000797}, {64.0, 0.000825},
{64.5, 0.001165}, {65.5, 0.001477},
{66.5, 0.002498}, {67.0, 0.002725},
{67.5, 0.002895}, {68.0, 0.003150},
{68.5, 0.003263}, {69.0, 0.003518},
{69.5, 0.003603}, {70.0, 0.005648},
{70.5, 0.005818}, {71.0, 0.006626},
{71.5, 0.006796}, {72.0, 0.008157},
{72.5, 0.009688}, {73.0, 0.009801},
{73.5, 0.010430}, {74.0, 0.011111},
{74.5, 0.014230}, {75.0, 0.014612},
{75.5, 0.017249}, {76.0, 0.018307},
{76.5, 0.020178}, {77.0, 0.022270},
{77.5, 0.023189}, {78.0, 0.026931},
{78.5, 0.028207}, {79.0, 0.029979},
{79.5, 0.030931}, {80.0, 0.038969},
{80.5, 0.043063}, {81.0, 0.044262},
{81.5, 0.046389}, {82.0, 0.049581},
{82.5, 0.056300}, {83.0, 0.058027},
{83.5, 0.063669}, {84.0, 0.067454},
{84.5, 0.074122}, {85.0, 0.077425},
{85.5, 0.083498}, {86.0, 0.094079},
{86.5, 0.096693}, {87.0, 0.101132},
if !aeqTable(got, want) {
t.Errorf("Want:\n%sgot:\n%s", fmtTable(want), fmtTable(got))
got = makeTable(8, 16, []int{2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}, 32, 54)
want = [][]float64{
{32.0, 0.000078}, {34.0, 0.000389},
{36.0, 0.001088}, {38.0, 0.002642},
{40.0, 0.005905}, {42.0, 0.011500},
{44.0, 0.021057}, {46.0, 0.035664},
{48.0, 0.057187}, {50.0, 0.086713},
{52.0, 0.126263}, {54.0, 0.175369},
if !aeqTable(got, want) {
t.Errorf("Want:\n%sgot:\n%s", fmtTable(want), fmtTable(got))
// Check remaining tables from Klotz against the reference
// implementation.
checkRef := func(n1 int, tie []int) {
wantPMF1, wantCDF1 := udistRef(n1, tie)
dist := UDist{N1: n1, N2: sumint(tie) - n1, T: tie}
gotPMF, wantPMF := [][]float64{}, [][]float64{}
gotCDF, wantCDF := [][]float64{}, [][]float64{}
N := sumint(tie)
for U := 0.0; U <= float64(n1*(N-n1)); U += 0.5 {
gotPMF = append(gotPMF, []float64{U, dist.PMF(U)})
gotCDF = append(gotCDF, []float64{U, dist.CDF(U)})
wantPMF = append(wantPMF, []float64{U, wantPMF1[int(U*2)]})
wantCDF = append(wantCDF, []float64{U, wantCDF1[int(U*2)]})
if !aeqTable(wantPMF, gotPMF) {
t.Errorf("For PMF of n1=%v, t=%v, want:\n%sgot:\n%s", n1, tie, fmtTable(wantPMF), fmtTable(gotPMF))
if !aeqTable(wantCDF, gotCDF) {
t.Errorf("For CDF of n1=%v, t=%v, want:\n%sgot:\n%s", n1, tie, fmtTable(wantCDF), fmtTable(gotCDF))
checkRef(5, []int{1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1})
checkRef(5, []int{1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1})
checkRef(5, []int{1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1})
checkRef(8, []int{1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2})
checkRef(12, []int{3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5})
checkRef(10, []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6})
func BenchmarkUDistTies(b *testing.B) {
// Worst case: just one tie.
n := 20
t := make([]int, 2*n-1)
for i := range t {
t[i] = 1
t[0] = 2
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
UDist{N1: n, N2: n, T: t}.CDF(float64(n*n) / 2)
func XTestPrintUmemo(t *testing.T) {
// Reproduce table from Cheung, Klotz.
ties := []int{4, 5, 3, 4, 6}
printUmemo(makeUmemo(80, 10, ties), ties)
// udistRef computes the PMF and CDF of the U distribution for two
// samples of sizes n1 and sum(t)-n1 with tie vector t. The returned
// pmf and cdf are indexed by 2*U.
// This uses the "graphical method" of Klotz (1966). It is very slow
// (Θ(∏ (t[i]+1)) = Ω(2^|t|)), but very correct, and hence useful as a
// reference for testing faster implementations.
func udistRef(n1 int, t []int) (pmf, cdf []float64) {
// Enumerate all u vectors for which 0 <= u_i <= t_i. Count
// the number of permutations of two samples of sizes n1 and
// sum(t)-n1 with tie vector t and accumulate these counts by
// their U statistics in count[2*U].
counts := make([]int, 1+2*n1*(sumint(t)-n1))
u := make([]int, len(t))
u[0] = -1 // Get enumeration started.
for {
// Compute the next u vector.
for i := 0; i < len(u) && u[i] > t[i]; i++ {
if i == len(u)-1 {
// All u vectors have been enumerated.
break enumu
// Carry.
u[i] = 0
// Is this a legal u vector?
if sumint(u) != n1 {
// Klotz (1966) has a method for directly
// enumerating legal u vectors, but the point
// of this is to be correct, not fast.
// Compute 2*U statistic for this u vector.
twoU, vsum := 0, 0
for i, u_i := range u {
v_i := t[i] - u_i
// U = U + vsum*u_i + u_i*v_i/2
twoU += 2*vsum*u_i + u_i*v_i
vsum += v_i
// Compute Π choose(t_i, u_i). This is the number of
// ways of permuting the input sample under u.
prod := 1
for i, u_i := range u {
prod *= int(mathChoose(t[i], u_i) + 0.5)
// Accumulate the permutations on this u path.
counts[twoU] += prod
if false {
// Print a table in the form of Klotz's
// "direct enumeration" example.
// Convert 2U = 2UQV' to UQt' used in Klotz
// examples.
UQt := float64(twoU)/2 + float64(n1*n1)/2
fmt.Printf("%+v %f %-2d\n", u, UQt, prod)
// Convert counts into probabilities for PMF and CDF.
pmf = make([]float64, len(counts))
cdf = make([]float64, len(counts))
total := int(mathChoose(sumint(t), n1) + 0.5)
for i, count := range counts {
pmf[i] = float64(count) / float64(total)
if i > 0 {
cdf[i] = cdf[i-1]
cdf[i] += pmf[i]
// printUmemo prints the output of makeUmemo for debugging.
func printUmemo(A []map[ukey]float64, t []int) {
for K := len(A) - 1; K >= 0; K-- {
for i, pr := range A[K] {
_, ref := udistRef(i.n1, t[:K])
fmt.Printf("%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\t%v\n", K, i.n1, i.twoU, pr, ref[i.twoU])
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import (
// A LocationHypothesis specifies the alternative hypothesis of a
// location test such as a t-test or a Mann-Whitney U-test. The
// default (zero) value is to test against the alternative hypothesis
// that they differ.
type LocationHypothesis int
//go:generate stringer -type LocationHypothesis
const (
// LocationLess specifies the alternative hypothesis that the
// location of the first sample is less than the second. This
// is a one-tailed test.
LocationLess LocationHypothesis = -1
// LocationDiffers specifies the alternative hypothesis that
// the locations of the two samples are not equal. This is a
// two-tailed test.
LocationDiffers LocationHypothesis = 0
// LocationGreater specifies the alternative hypothesis that
// the location of the first sample is greater than the
// second. This is a one-tailed test.
LocationGreater LocationHypothesis = 1
// A MannWhitneyUTestResult is the result of a Mann-Whitney U-test.
type MannWhitneyUTestResult struct {
// N1 and N2 are the sizes of the input samples.
N1, N2 int
// U is the value of the Mann-Whitney U statistic for this
// test, generalized by counting ties as 0.5.
// Given the Cartesian product of the two samples, this is the
// number of pairs in which the value from the first sample is
// greater than the value of the second, plus 0.5 times the
// number of pairs where the values from the two samples are
// equal. Hence, U is always an integer multiple of 0.5 (it is
// a whole integer if there are no ties) in the range [0, N1*N2].
// U statistics always come in pairs, depending on which
// sample is "first". The mirror U for the other sample can be
// calculated as N1*N2 - U.
// There are many equivalent statistics with slightly
// different definitions. The Wilcoxon (1945) W statistic
// (generalized for ties) is U + (N1(N1+1))/2. It is also
// common to use 2U to eliminate the half steps and Smid
// (1956) uses N1*N2 - 2U to additionally center the
// distribution.
U float64
// AltHypothesis specifies the alternative hypothesis tested
// by this test against the null hypothesis that there is no
// difference in the locations of the samples.
AltHypothesis LocationHypothesis
// P is the p-value of the Mann-Whitney test for the given
// null hypothesis.
P float64
// MannWhitneyExactLimit gives the largest sample size for which the
// exact U distribution will be used for the Mann-Whitney U-test.
// Using the exact distribution is necessary for small sample sizes
// because the distribution is highly irregular. However, computing
// the distribution for large sample sizes is both computationally
// expensive and unnecessary because it quickly approaches a normal
// approximation. Computing the distribution for two 50 value samples
// takes a few milliseconds on a 2014 laptop.
var MannWhitneyExactLimit = 50
// MannWhitneyTiesExactLimit gives the largest sample size for which
// the exact U distribution will be used for the Mann-Whitney U-test
// in the presence of ties.
// Computing this distribution is more expensive than computing the
// distribution without ties, so this is set lower. Computing this
// distribution for two 25 value samples takes about ten milliseconds
// on a 2014 laptop.
var MannWhitneyTiesExactLimit = 25
// MannWhitneyUTest performs a Mann-Whitney U-test [1,2] of the null
// hypothesis that two samples come from the same population against
// the alternative hypothesis that one sample tends to have larger or
// smaller values than the other.
// This is similar to a t-test, but unlike the t-test, the
// Mann-Whitney U-test is non-parametric (it does not assume a normal
// distribution). It has very slightly lower efficiency than the
// t-test on normal distributions.
// Computing the exact U distribution is expensive for large sample
// sizes, so this uses a normal approximation for sample sizes larger
// than MannWhitneyExactLimit if there are no ties or
// MannWhitneyTiesExactLimit if there are ties. This normal
// approximation uses both the tie correction and the continuity
// correction.
// This can fail with ErrSampleSize if either sample is empty or
// ErrSamplesEqual if all sample values are equal.
// This is also known as a Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test and is
// equivalent to the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, though the Wilcoxon
// rank-sum test differs in nomenclature.
// [1] Mann, Henry B.; Whitney, Donald R. (1947). "On a Test of
// Whether one of Two Random Variables is Stochastically Larger than
// the Other". Annals of Mathematical Statistics 18 (1): 50–60.
// [2] Klotz, J. H. (1966). "The Wilcoxon, Ties, and the Computer".
// Journal of the American Statistical Association 61 (315): 772-787.
func MannWhitneyUTest(x1, x2 []float64, alt LocationHypothesis) (*MannWhitneyUTestResult, error) {
n1, n2 := len(x1), len(x2)
if n1 == 0 || n2 == 0 {
return nil, ErrSampleSize
// Compute the U statistic and tie vector T.
x1 = append([]float64(nil), x1...)
x2 = append([]float64(nil), x2...)
merged, labels := labeledMerge(x1, x2)
R1 := 0.0
T, hasTies := []int{}, false
for i := 0; i < len(merged); {
rank1, nx1, v1 := i+1, 0, merged[i]
// Consume samples that tie this sample (including itself).
for ; i < len(merged) && merged[i] == v1; i++ {
if labels[i] == 1 {
// Assign all tied samples the average rank of the
// samples, where merged[0] has rank 1.
if nx1 != 0 {
rank := float64(i+rank1) / 2
R1 += rank * float64(nx1)
T = append(T, i-rank1+1)
if i > rank1 {
hasTies = true
U1 := R1 - float64(n1*(n1+1))/2
// Compute the smaller of U1 and U2
U2 := float64(n1*n2) - U1
Usmall := math.Min(U1, U2)
var p float64
if !hasTies && n1 <= MannWhitneyExactLimit && n2 <= MannWhitneyExactLimit ||
hasTies && n1 <= MannWhitneyTiesExactLimit && n2 <= MannWhitneyTiesExactLimit {
// Use exact U distribution. U1 will be an integer.
if len(T) == 1 {
// All values are equal. Test is meaningless.
return nil, ErrSamplesEqual
dist := UDist{N1: n1, N2: n2, T: T}
switch alt {
case LocationDiffers:
if U1 == U2 {
// The distribution is symmetric about
// Usmall. Since the distribution is
// discrete, the CDF is discontinuous
// and if simply double CDF(Usmall),
// we'll double count the
// (non-infinitesimal) probability
// mass at Usmall. What we want is
// just the integral of the whole CDF,
// which is 1.
p = 1
} else {
p = dist.CDF(Usmall) * 2
case LocationLess:
p = dist.CDF(U1)
case LocationGreater:
p = 1 - dist.CDF(U1-1)
} else {
// Use normal approximation (with tie and continuity
// correction).
t := tieCorrection(T)
N := float64(n1 + n2)
μ_U := float64(n1*n2) / 2
σ_U := math.Sqrt(float64(n1*n2) * ((N + 1) - t/(N*(N-1))) / 12)
if σ_U == 0 {
return nil, ErrSamplesEqual
numer := U1 - μ_U
// Perform continuity correction.
switch alt {
case LocationDiffers:
numer -= mathSign(numer) * 0.5
case LocationLess:
numer += 0.5
case LocationGreater:
numer -= 0.5
z := numer / σ_U
switch alt {
case LocationDiffers:
p = 2 * math.Min(StdNormal.CDF(z), 1-StdNormal.CDF(z))
case LocationLess:
p = StdNormal.CDF(z)
case LocationGreater:
p = 1 - StdNormal.CDF(z)
return &MannWhitneyUTestResult{N1: n1, N2: n2, U: U1,
AltHypothesis: alt, P: p}, nil
// labeledMerge merges sorted lists x1 and x2 into sorted list merged.
// labels[i] is 1 or 2 depending on whether merged[i] is a value from
// x1 or x2, respectively.
func labeledMerge(x1, x2 []float64) (merged []float64, labels []byte) {
merged = make([]float64, len(x1)+len(x2))
labels = make([]byte, len(x1)+len(x2))
i, j, o := 0, 0, 0
for i < len(x1) && j < len(x2) {
if x1[i] < x2[j] {
merged[o] = x1[i]
labels[o] = 1
} else {
merged[o] = x2[j]
labels[o] = 2
for ; i < len(x1); i++ {
merged[o] = x1[i]
labels[o] = 1
for ; j < len(x2); j++ {
merged[o] = x2[j]
labels[o] = 2
// tieCorrection computes the tie correction factor Σ_j (t_j³ - t_j)
// where t_j is the number of ties in the j'th rank.
func tieCorrection(ties []int) float64 {
t := 0
for _, tie := range ties {
t += tie*tie*tie - tie
return float64(t)
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import "testing"
func TestMannWhitneyUTest(t *testing.T) {
check := func(want, got *MannWhitneyUTestResult) {
if want.N1 != got.N1 || want.N2 != got.N2 ||
!aeq(want.U, got.U) ||
want.AltHypothesis != got.AltHypothesis ||
!aeq(want.P, got.P) {
t.Errorf("want %+v, got %+v", want, got)
check3 := func(x1, x2 []float64, U float64, pless, pdiff, pgreater float64) {
want := &MannWhitneyUTestResult{N1: len(x1), N2: len(x2), U: U}
want.AltHypothesis = LocationLess
want.P = pless
got, _ := MannWhitneyUTest(x1, x2, want.AltHypothesis)
check(want, got)
want.AltHypothesis = LocationDiffers
want.P = pdiff
got, _ = MannWhitneyUTest(x1, x2, want.AltHypothesis)
check(want, got)
want.AltHypothesis = LocationGreater
want.P = pgreater
got, _ = MannWhitneyUTest(x1, x2, want.AltHypothesis)
check(want, got)
s1 := []float64{2, 1, 3, 5}
s2 := []float64{12, 11, 13, 15}
s3 := []float64{0, 4, 6, 7} // Interleaved with s1, but no ties
s4 := []float64{2, 2, 2, 2}
s5 := []float64{1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
// Small sample, no ties
check3(s1, s2, 0, 0.014285714285714289, 0.028571428571428577, 1)
check3(s2, s1, 16, 1, 0.028571428571428577, 0.014285714285714289)
check3(s1, s3, 5, 0.24285714285714288, 0.485714285714285770, 0.8285714285714285)
// Small sample, ties
// TODO: Check these against some other implementation.
check3(s1, s1, 8, 0.6285714285714286, 1, 0.6285714285714286)
check3(s1, s4, 10, 0.8571428571428571, 0.7142857142857143, 0.3571428571428571)
check3(s1, s5, 17.5, 1, 0, 0.04761904761904767)
r, err := MannWhitneyUTest(s4, s4, LocationDiffers)
if err != ErrSamplesEqual {
t.Errorf("want ErrSamplesEqual, got %+v, %+v", r, err)
// Large samples.
l1 := make([]float64, 500)
for i := range l1 {
l1[i] = float64(i * 2)
l2 := make([]float64, 600)
for i := range l2 {
l2[i] = float64(i*2 - 41)
l3 := append([]float64{}, l2...)
for i := 0; i < 30; i++ {
l3[i] = l1[i]
// For comparing with R's wilcox.test:
// l1 <- seq(0, 499)*2
// l2 <- seq(0,599)*2-41
// l3 <- l2; for (i in 1:30) { l3[i] = l1[i] }
check3(l1, l2, 135250, 0.0024667680407086112, 0.0049335360814172224, 0.9975346930458906)
check3(l1, l1, 125000, 0.5000436801680628, 1, 0.5000436801680628)
check3(l1, l3, 134845, 0.0019351907119808942, 0.0038703814239617884, 0.9980659818257166)
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package stats
import (
func testDiscreteCDF(t *testing.T, name string, dist DiscreteDist) {
// Build the expected CDF out of the PMF.
l, h := dist.Bounds()
s := dist.Step()
want := map[float64]float64{l - 0.1: 0, h: 1}
sum := 0.0
for x := l; x < h; x += s {
sum += dist.PMF(x)
want[x] = sum
want[x+s/2] = sum
testFunc(t, name, dist.CDF, want)
func testInvCDF(t *testing.T, dist Dist, bounded bool) {
inv := InvCDF(dist)
name := fmt.Sprintf("InvCDF(%+v)", dist)
cdfName := fmt.Sprintf("CDF(%+v)", dist)
// Test bounds.
vals := map[float64]float64{-0.01: nan, 1.01: nan}
if !bounded {
vals[0] = -inf
vals[1] = inf
testFunc(t, name, inv, vals)
if bounded {
lo, hi := inv(0), inv(1)
vals := map[float64]float64{
lo - 0.01: 0, lo: 0,
hi: 1, hi + 0.01: 1,
testFunc(t, cdfName, dist.CDF, vals)
if got := dist.CDF(lo + 0.01); !(got > 0) {
t.Errorf("%s(0)=%v, but %s(%v)=0", name, lo, cdfName, lo+0.01)
if got := dist.CDF(hi - 0.01); !(got < 1) {
t.Errorf("%s(1)=%v, but %s(%v)=1", name, hi, cdfName, hi-0.01)
// Test points between.
vals = map[float64]float64{}
for _, p := range vecLinspace(0, 1, 11) {
if p == 0 || p == 1 {
x := inv(p)
vals[x] = x
testFunc(t, fmt.Sprintf("InvCDF(CDF(%+v))", dist),
func(x float64) float64 {
return inv(dist.CDF(x))
// aeq returns true if expect and got are equal to 8 significant
// figures (1 part in 100 million).
func aeq(expect, got float64) bool {
if expect < 0 && got < 0 {
expect, got = -expect, -got
return expect*0.99999999 <= got && got*0.99999999 <= expect
func testFunc(t *testing.T, name string, f func(float64) float64, vals map[float64]float64) {
xs := make([]float64, 0, len(vals))
for x := range vals {
xs = append(xs, x)
for _, x := range xs {
want, got := vals[x], f(x)
if math.IsNaN(want) && math.IsNaN(got) || aeq(want, got) {
var label string
if strings.Contains(name, "%v") {
label = fmt.Sprintf(name, x)
} else {
label = fmt.Sprintf("%s(%v)", name, x)
t.Errorf("want %s=%v, got %v", label, want, got)
// vecLinspace returns num values spaced evenly between lo and hi,
// inclusive. If num is 1, this returns an array consisting of lo.
func vecLinspace(lo, hi float64, num int) []float64 {
res := make([]float64, num)
if num == 1 {
res[0] = lo
return res
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
res[i] = lo + float64(i)*(hi-lo)/float64(num-1)
return res
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