Commit 844f0140 authored by Tamir Duberstein's avatar Tamir Duberstein Committed by Brad Fitzpatrick

README: correct flag value in example

Before this change, localperf would log:

localperf: 2017/05/09 14:10:47 failed to fetch recent uploads: Get localhost:8081/uploads?extra_label=by&extra_label=upload-time&limit=16: unsupported protocol scheme "localhost"

Change-Id: Ifeba048c9dd54cf2c02ed539c5bfa0e6074fd60a
Reviewed-on: default avatarBrad Fitzpatrick <>
parent f1c8e1c5
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ the complete stack on your machine with an in-memory datastore.
go get -u
go get -u
localperfdata -addr=:8081 -view_url_base=http://localhost:8080/search?q=upload: &
localperf -addr=:8080 -storage=localhost:8081
localperf -addr=:8080 -storage=http://localhost:8081
The storage system is designed to have a
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