Commit cf55754e authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

my: Use runtime.CallersFrames instead of runtime.FuncForPC

Because in general case runtime.CallersFrames is more accurate than
runtime.FuncForPC - e.g. the latter does not correctly work with inlined
parent 98249b24
......@@ -24,29 +24,29 @@ import (
func _myfuncname(nskip int) string {
func _myframe(nskip int) runtime.Frame {
pcv := [1]uintptr{}
runtime.Callers(nskip, pcv[:])
f := runtime.FuncForPC(pcv[0])
if f == nil {
return ""
n := runtime.Callers(nskip, pcv[:])
if n != 1 {
panic("error determining caller")
return f.Name()
frameit := runtime.CallersFrames(pcv[:])
f, _ := frameit.Next()
return f
// FuncName returns name of currently running function (caller of FuncName())
// name is fully qualified package/name.function(.x)
func FuncName() string {
return _myfuncname(3)
f := _myframe(3)
return f.Function
// PkgName returns name of currently running function's package
// package is fully qualified package/name
func PkgName() string {
myfunc := _myfuncname(3)
if myfunc == "" {
return ""
f := _myframe(3)
myfunc := f.Function
// NOTE dots in package name are after last slash are escaped by go as %2e
// this way the first '.' after last '/' is delimiter between package and function
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