Commit dbfe8195 authored by gwenn's avatar gwenn

Add type aliases to persist time in specific format.

parent da998cb4
......@@ -71,3 +71,61 @@ func TestScan(t *testing.T) {
t.Error("Unexpected zero julian day")
func TestBindTimeAsString(t *testing.T) {
db := open(t)
defer checkClose(db, t)
err := db.Exec("CREATE TABLE test (time TEXT)")
checkNoError(t, err, "exec error: %s")
is, err := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO test (time) VALUES (?)")
checkNoError(t, err, "prepare error: %s")
now := time.Now()
//id1, err := is.Insert(YearMonthDay(now))
//checkNoError(t, err, "error inserting YearMonthDay: %s")
id2, err := is.Insert(TimeStamp(now))
checkNoError(t, err, "error inserting TimeStamp: %s")
// The format used to persist has a max precision of 1ms.
now = now.Truncate(time.Millisecond)
var tim time.Time
//err = db.OneValue("SELECT /*date(*/time/*)*/ FROM test where ROWID = ?", &tim, id1)
//checkNoError(t, err, "error selecting YearMonthDay: %s")
//assertEquals(t, "Year MonthDay: %d vs %d", now.Year(), tim.Year())
//assertEquals(t, "YearMonth Day: %d vs %d", now.YearDay(), tim.YearDay())
err = db.OneValue("SELECT /*datetime(*/time/*)*/ FROM test where ROWID = ?", &tim, id2)
checkNoError(t, err, "error selecting TimeStamp: %s")
assertEquals(t, "TimeStamp: %s vs %s", now, tim)
func TestBindTimeAsNumeric(t *testing.T) {
db := open(t)
defer checkClose(db, t)
err := db.Exec("CREATE TABLE test (time NUMERIC)")
checkNoError(t, err, "exec error: %s")
is, err := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO test (time) VALUES (?)")
checkNoError(t, err, "prepare error: %s")
now := time.Now()
id1, err := is.Insert(UnixTime(now))
checkNoError(t, err, "error inserting UnixTime: %s")
id2, err := is.Insert(JulianTime(now))
checkNoError(t, err, "error inserting JulianTime: %s")
checkFinalize(is, t)
// And the format used to persist has a max precision of 1s.
now = now.Truncate(time.Second)
var tim time.Time
err = db.OneValue("SELECT /*datetime(*/ time/*, 'unixepoch')*/ FROM test where ROWID = ?", &tim, id1)
checkNoError(t, err, "error selecting UnixTime: %s")
assertEquals(t, "Year: %s vs %s", now, tim)
err = db.OneValue("SELECT /*julianday(*/time/*)*/ FROM test where ROWID = ?", &tim, id2)
checkNoError(t, err, "error selecting JulianTime: %s")
assertEquals(t, "Year: %s vs %s", now, tim)
......@@ -310,6 +310,21 @@ func (s *Stmt) Bind(args ...interface{}) error {
return nil
// UnixTime is an alias used to persist time as int64 (max precision is 1s and timezone is lost) (default)
type UnixTime time.Time
// JulianTime is an alias used to persist time as float64 (max precision is 1s and timezone is lost)
type JulianTime time.Time
// YearMonthDay is an alias used to persist time as 'YYYY-MM-DD' string
//type YearMonthDay time.Time
// TimeOfDay is an alias used to persist time as 'HH:MM:SS.SSS' string
//type TimeOfDay time.Time versus Duration
// TimeStamp is an alias used to persist time as '2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z07:00' string
type TimeStamp time.Time
// BindByIndex binds value to the specified host parameter of the prepared statement.
// The leftmost SQL parameter has an index of 1.
func (s *Stmt) BindByIndex(index int, value interface{}) error {
......@@ -339,10 +354,22 @@ func (s *Stmt) BindByIndex(index int, value interface{}) error {
p = &value[0]
rv = C.my_bind_blob(s.stmt, i, unsafe.Pointer(p),
case time.Time: // At least three representations are possible: string (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS), int64 (unix time), float64 (julian day)
// rv = C.my_bind_text(s.stmt, i, value.format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000"))
case JulianTime:
rv = C.sqlite3_bind_double(s.stmt, i, C.double(JulianDay(time.Time(value))))
/*case YearMonthDay:
cs, l := cstring((time.Time)(value).Format("2006-01-02"))
rv = C.my_bind_text(s.stmt, i, cs, l)
case TimeOfDay:
cs, l := cstring((time.Time)(value).Format("15:04:05.000"))
rv = C.my_bind_text(s.stmt, i, cs, l)
case TimeStamp:
cs, l := cstring((time.Time)(value).Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z07:00"))
rv = C.my_bind_text(s.stmt, i, cs, l)
case UnixTime:
rv = C.sqlite3_bind_int64(s.stmt, i, C.sqlite3_int64((time.Time)(value).Unix()))
case time.Time:
rv = C.sqlite3_bind_int64(s.stmt, i, C.sqlite3_int64(value.Unix()))
// rv = C.sqlite3_bind_double(s.stmt, i, JulianDay(value))
case ZeroBlobLength:
rv = C.sqlite3_bind_zeroblob(s.stmt, i,
......@@ -831,6 +858,8 @@ func (s *Stmt) ScanBlob(index int) (value []byte, isNull bool) {
// ScanTime scans result value from a query.
// If time is persisted as string without timezone, UTC is used.
// If time is persisted as numeric, local is used.
// The leftmost column/index is number 0.
// Returns true when column is null.
func (s *Stmt) ScanTime(index int) (value time.Time, isNull bool, err error) {
......@@ -862,20 +891,26 @@ func (s *Stmt) ScanTime(index int) (value time.Time, isNull bool, err error) {
} else {
layout = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
default: // YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS or parse error
if txt[10] == 'T' {
layout = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999"
} else {
layout = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999"
default: // YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZhh:mm or parse error
if len(txt) > 10 && txt[10] == 'T' {
layout = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000"
layout = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z07:00"
} else {
layout = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000"
layout = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999Z07:00"
value, err = time.Parse(layout, txt)
value, err = time.Parse(layout, txt) // UTC except when timezone is specified
case Integer:
unixepoch := int64(C.sqlite3_column_int64(s.stmt,
value = time.Unix(unixepoch, 0)
value = time.Unix(unixepoch, 0) // local time
case Float:
jd := float64(C.sqlite3_column_double(s.stmt,
value = JulianDayToUTC(jd)
value = JulianDayToLocalTime(jd) // local time
panic("The column type is not one of SQLITE_INTEGER, SQLITE_FLOAT, SQLITE_TEXT, or SQLITE_NULL")
......@@ -361,8 +361,8 @@ func TestInsertMisuse(t *testing.T) {
checkNoError(t, err, "exec error: %s")
is, err := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO test (data, bool) VALUES (?, ?)")
defer checkFinalize(is, t)
checkNoError(t, err, "prepare error: %s")
defer checkFinalize(is, t)
_, err = is.Insert()
assert(t, "missing bind parameters expected", err != nil)
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